2-0 Eldrazi and Taxes Game 1, I mulled to 5 on the draw, no lands, kept it, my opponent kept 7 with one land, We were stuck on one land for 4 turns and eventually hit my 2nd land drop and was able to gain the advantage to win.
2-0 …
8 years ago
After playing the deck with a settled main board for a while I went to my LGS's Legacy IQ and won the whole thing! In the Top 8 matches I took down Grixis Delver, Death and Taxes and then Grixis Delver AGAIN to win the event. It's my first IQ …
8 years ago
So far my win rate is fifty/fifty I have more wins than loses but two of the decks were monoblack casual so I can't count those towards my records. If you like to see my exact records that I have so far comment and I will send you them.
I …
8 years ago
Quick update with card selection. Changed the direction to theBedlam Reveler+Traverse the Ulvenwald value deck. The deck plays incredibly fun, while it can has some sluggish starts with only 13-15 creatures depending on the night and matchups I see in the room, it's very interactive and can take over a …
8 years ago
So I did a little bit of tinkering with my lineup. The thing that I always found myself doing regardless of matchup was taking out Elvish Mystic and replacing it usually with counters or something else so I took them out altogether to see how the deck would run. The …
10 years ago