Metal Galaxy

200 Haddon Road SW - Bay E Calgary, Alberta T2V 2Y6

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Another free modern FNM event, and free Pizza!!

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$2 Modern FNM at Metal Galaxy. Winners get 2 packs of their choice from a pool and the promo.

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Hail Hydras!

Commander / EDH loclif


Played a Commander game at the FLGS and through an interaction that can borderlined on ludicrous, the deck demonstrated just how massive a creature can get in short order.

Long story short, the new record for largest creature produced by this deck in a single turn is a 49,192/49,192 Corpsejack …

6 years ago

Creature Recycle [[Top 8 13/06/14]]

Modern* Lyxolf


/almost/ topped FnM. 2-0(win) 2-0(win) 2-1(loss)

Tried out shoving infect in the deck for the loss match. I regret it, I would have placed first if I had not done that, oh well, lesson learned. Taking out all traces of infect, except crusader, still a good anti-white card defender. Revised …

10 years ago

Modern Zombie Aggro

Modern EPrototype

SCORE: 24 | 20 COMMENTS | 16375 VIEWS | IN 16 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/27

Match 1 I was forced to Bye because the 10th hadn't shown up yet Match 2 I faced up against a rogue infect deck. Game 1 went by so easy that I got too cocky G2, and I lost after darawying 5 turns of mana. I blame bad shuffling and …

11 years ago

Modern Zombie Aggro

Modern EPrototype

SCORE: 24 | 20 COMMENTS | 16375 VIEWS | IN 16 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/27

Match 1 was was against Rakdos Aggro. Stomped game one, and then G2 came close (he didn't shock himself as often) but still rolled 2-0 victory Match 2 was against... If I remember right, A token based deck. I can't recall it well because my deck played very well both …

11 years ago