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B/R... Humans?

Standard* thyhax

SCORE: 25 | 36 COMMENTS | 6328 VIEWS | IN 10 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/20

This was a nice, unexpected suprise.

Round 1 - Naya Slivers
Honestly, I don't know what my opponent was doing this round.
Game 1 - Opp. mulls to 6, keeps a 1-lander, and proceeds to not draw any more lands. He scoops after Madcap Skills on Spike Jester.
Game 2 …

11 years ago

B/R... Humans?

Standard* thyhax

SCORE: 25 | 36 COMMENTS | 6328 VIEWS | IN 10 FOLDERS Top 8: 12/20

Took 2nd, oddly enough. Although, I believe a good 1/3 of the players were playing RDW.

Round 1 - Bye
Shucks, a first-round bye. That only spelled "bad tiebreakers" in my eyes.


Round 2 - Dega Midrange
This was originally a very streamlined Reanimator deck. It runs aurelia, the …

11 years ago

Burn. Bleed. Enjoy.

Standard thyhax

SCORE: 17 | 30 COMMENTS | 8345 VIEWS | IN 12 FOLDERS Top 8: 08/30

Well, a 3-1 record ain't bad.

Round 1 - Jund Midrange

What salty garbage. Jund Midrange. Anyway, apparently this deck dies to a T3 Bonfire of the Damned for 1, followed closely by a T4 Farseek assisted Thragtusk. And another Thragtusk. Salty. Although, I got him to 1 the second …

11 years ago

Burn. Bleed. Enjoy.

Standard thyhax

SCORE: 17 | 30 COMMENTS | 8345 VIEWS | IN 12 FOLDERS Top 8: 08/30

Thanks for all your help guys! I couldn't have pulled off a second place finish without you guys.

10 people, 4 rounds.

Round 1: Jund Midrange

This one really wasn't supposed to be a win, Game 1 he got screwed over on a mull to 5 with one land, didn't …

11 years ago