First off, a number of the blue spells mentioned in the last update have been great for the deck in testing.
Consider - The best true cantrip for the deck; 4x.
Otherworldly Gaze - The card is even more versatile than I'd imagined. Early on it sets up land drops, …
1 year ago
Round 1: Walls Combo 0-2
Very boring games; I hate it when people drag on turns with loops.
Round 2: Rakdos Burn 2-1
Very good back and forth games.
Round 3: Jeskai Ephemerate 0-2
Another "waiting around" series of games. Finally quit in boredom.
Round 4: Red Deck Wins 2-1 …
2 years ago
Round 1: Rakdos Madness 2-1
Fun filled match with lots of back and forth.
Round 2: RDW 1-2
Close games. Game 2 I couldn't draw a burn spell to save my life when my opponent was within 3 points of lethal.
Round 3: Elves 2-1
Waited until my opponent played …
2 years ago
Round 1: Grixis Affinity
The hardest thing I struggle against is the improvise counterspell and Reckoner's Bargain
Round 2: Eldrazi Tron
Fangren Marauder and Weather the Storm are major problems for me to deal with.
I won by a technicality (my opponent ran out of time).
Round 3: …
2 years ago
Round 1: 0-2 Walls Combo
My deck struggles against combo. Oh well. Onto round 2.
Round 2: 1-2 Red Deck Wins
Lost when I didn't draw the one mana I needed to close the game.
Round 3: 0-2 Green Sac Deck (?)
I couldn't get around creatures that could come …
2 years ago
Round 1: Dimir Control 0-2
Not a fun round. Counterspells. Counterspells, everywhere.
Round 2: Azorius Toughness (?) 0-2
Not a fun round as well. Un-blockable damage is never great to be on the receiving end.
Round 3: Caw-Gates 2-0
Whoa boy. Dark Ritual came through in a big way. I …
2 years ago
2 years ago
I have ran 5 tests in MTGO today.
I did not get to test it in Games 2 and 3 since the opponents conceded after Game 1 (which resulted in a victory in all 4 runs). This is pretty standard behaviour for Manaless Dredge: it is a difficult deck for …
2 years ago
I just took this up against a fairly strong deck and the opponent didn't understand why I kept milling myself in the lategame until I perma-locked the game with Nexus of Fate *list* :)
The late game of this deck is too strong
2 years ago
Updated list: -1 slobad -1 grapeshot +2 grinding station. Was previously relying too heavily on engineer and fiddlebender, but they are now redundancy rather than plan Az
2-0 vs esper stone forge. They FONed an Aether spellbomb to protect their Kaldra, but that just opened me up to combo. …
2 years ago
I ran the first test of this version (with Slobad, Saheeli, and Grapeshot) vs GW Hammertime. 2-0. "Fair" grapeshot was great at cleaning up their X/1s, and combo killed just as easily as thoracle would have. Never drew slobad, but opp didn't have much interaction anyway which is likely why …
3 years ago
3 years ago
2-0: U Tron
2-0: Murktide
2-1: UR Control Wish
2-1: Mill
1-2: Elemental Horseshit
Evoke needs to go away. It, in itself, is too powerful, the OP cards, notwithstanding. I was getting REALLY good draws tonight.
3 years ago
Tournament practice room again, so take these with a grain of salt. Finished out 5 games including that first match vs humans. Final results:
2-0 vs humans -- see previous update.
1-2 vs Scute Swarm lands -- got pretty flooded, but variance happens and I'll take the L
2-1 vs …
3 years ago