Got the deck today, already got bunches of cards to put in, so here they are:
In > Out:
Skybridge Towers > Thriving Isle,
Razortide Bridge > Choked Estuary,
Dismal Backwater > Sunken Hollow,
2 years ago
switched out the nonbasic lands for alternate ones which don't enter tapped, as well as cutting out many unnecessary cards and doubling the count of most of the remaining creature cards. Overall reduced the size of the deck from 73-->63, which overall increased the percentage of land making up …
2 years ago
Crab rave time! In all seriousness, it's a true shame that Zirda can't be my companion, but it's possible to fetch her and biomancer's familiar with tutors. She's now just in the deck, because it's SUPER POWERFUL. Still same game plan, just a lot slower now
4 years ago
- Chancellor of the Dross
- Molten Psyche
Felt it would do more for the deck than just a big flyer
6 years ago
Cards out :
High tide - Call to mind - Catalog - Void winnower
Cards in - Whir of Invention - Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir - Pact of nagation - Mystic Confluence
6 years ago
Session 2, Game 1, 5 player: First dead
Session 2, Game 1, 4 player (no atraxa): Winner!
So here are how the games went:
Game 1:
As usual Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder
hit the ground ahead of all my opponents decks (turn 3) because the base deck has nice rocks and …
8 years ago
Game 1 - 5 players
Result: Tied for 3rd to die
So the 5 player game was an epic 2-3 hour struggle with a lot of board wipes, gummed boards, zombie stampedes, and it all ended with a keening stone. Game went well vanilla Yidris has a good mana base …
8 years ago
So if you look at my maybe board you'll get how I am achieving my goal. Mega loots, Teferi's Puzzle Box, discard/draw synergies == chaos by making everyone ditch and draw and win through damage or board state gained through synergies. Yidris entering the redzone scores cascade which is effectively …
8 years ago
I had forgot how disgusting Fleshbag was with reanimator so I had to include him in the fun. Been having a lot of fun, only seem to run into trouble with the new Brisela, voice of nightmares where I'm entirely shut down. Anyone have any sideboard suggestions for this issue?
8 years ago
Finally got to test Horde of Notions with 4 players at the table. Hoping to try it out with 5 soon. True to form, I'm getting focused-down by the group more often than not. I take it as a compliment. I'm hoping to find some tips for early-game survival.
Although, …
8 years ago
8 years ago