Ogre's Games

Bmxcaleb says... #1

A FNM of 30 or so people, which is pretty dang good for our shop. The night started out against my friend and his Mono Black Control

Match 1, Mono Black Control:

  1. I remember him taking game one off of a tutored Grave Titan, and that game was fairly fast.

  2. After Sideboarding, i open the game with wall of omens and start blocking his Viscera Seer and a Blade Splicer to follow it. I pulled ripped a Venser, only to have it Vampire Hexmage d I topdecked another, and that spelled the end for him.

  3. Not sure what happened earily game, but time was called in the round with me with about 10 mana open and a White Sun's Zenith in hand, and a resolved grave titan. I went "Caturday" all over his zombie tokens and Grave titan, and neither of us played any other game winning spells,


Match 2: White Wheenie/ Knights

  1. ended with a hawk with a sword in its mouth, and i was toast.

  2. Oblivion Ring ended the knights shinanigans and i followed it with day of judgement. Dread Statuary and Blade Splicer got there that game, although it did take awhile through various blockers.

  3. Late game as time was called, my opponent at 30 life, i had just resolved white sun, and had a few blade splicer tokens, and a venser. I go down with venser, and start beating her face.

Timely Reinforcements saved the game, and we tied.

Match 3, Vampires

Wall of omens and Blade Splicers just walked all over this match up, It was fairly short.


Match 4, illusions

Failed to Day of judgement, lost the match. Thats pretty good summation of both games.


Match 5: Mono Black Vampires (Event Deck Mod)

I think these games really were not that exciting, Game one was his because of a resolved Bloodlord of Vasagoth

Post board i had 4 Oblivion Rings in the deck, got off White Sun multiple times, and went for the red zone.

game 3 was a case of me getting a god hand, turn 1 preordain, find a white source, turn two, play the white source, play wall of omens, turn 3, play blade splicer, turn 4 play dread statuary, play solemn simulacrum, turn 5 top deck a venser the sojourner...

Pardon the wall, but the game was in the bag after that.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

logic2718 says... #2

Won second place. Went 4-1

Match 1: vs. Kuldotha Red. 2-0. This was mtgenius's KULDOTHA RED (UNDEFEATED AT FNM) PLEASE COMMENT. Notably, this deck is not undefeated at FNM, and as evidenced by this match, not undefeated outside of FNM either. Game 1 I won by holding on with kill spells to get rid of his beaters, and then stalling till I got out Wurmcoil. Game 2 my Liches did enough work to get through the damage to win.

Match 2: vs. Monogreen Infect. 2-1. Game 1 I played Spellskite, which nullified all of his pump spells. I was eventually able to get damage in with the Lich. Game 2 I lost on the second or third turn to a fast start (gladecover scout with a ton of pump stuck onto it). Game 3 I mulliganed down to 5, but eventually stabilized. I used a ton of removal to get rid of all the creatures he laid down, leaving him with a hand full of pump. Then I took the game with Lich swings.

Match 3: vs. Monowhite aggro. 2-1. Game 1 we both had relatively slow starts, but he got the Hero of the Bladehold down turn 4, and I seemed unable to drawn removal. The hero and its soldiers ate through my life total. Game 2, through what seemed like an act of the divine justice that underlies the symmetry of the universe, I killed his hero and put it on my mimic vat. The Hero and its minions then proceeded to eat through his life total. Game 3 I did exactly the same thing.

Match 4: vs. Monored Burn. 2-1. Game 1 I simply bled too much life too early. A massive shrine of burning rage didn't help that dwindling life total. He was just waiting to topdeck the last bit of burn, and he did. Game 2 I managed to get Spellskite out, which hosed his shrine. The Liches were then able to reach through for damage. Game 3 things were looking somewhat grim when I cast Tezz and then found a Spellskite with his +1. The next turn I ultimated to gain back all the life I had lost over the course of the game. Victory followed soon thereafter.

Match 5: vs. Monowhite Knights. 1-2. Game 1 I won largely off the fact that he was stuck at two lands. The deck operates on 3, and can do fairly well on 2, but not well enough to outrace the Liches. Game 2 he got in significant damage too early for me to catch up. The main problem in this matchup is that he has so much pro-black in mainboard (white knights, Mirran Crusaders, Brave the Elements). Game 3 I was forced into a corner due to my tiny life total, but I thought I had the game when I used Tezz to make a 5/5 Nexus and swing in. I reasoned that he would attack Tezz to kill it, but I had another hand to repeat the process. Instead, he swung at my life, meaning that one more swing spelled my doom. Thus, it seemed fairly evident that had removal. Still, there wasn't much I could do about it, so I just hoped he was bluffing. Dismembered. Guess he wasn't.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

logic2718 says... #3

Won fourth place. Went 3-1.

Match 1: vs. Elves. 1-2. His deck was the standard elf aggro build. Game 1 I was able to stabilize with liches and removal, thereby pushing him into the defensive. Eventually I overpower him with 3 Liches (1 was a metamorph). The next 2 games I was never able to stabilize well enough, and Nissa made my removal fall flat. Also Doubling Chant sent me out of contention once.

Match 2: vs. Monoblack Aggro. 2-0. This deck used Lashwrithes to deal absurd amounts of damage when paired with cards like nighthawk and obliterator. Game 1 I sat behind tumble magnets to prevent him from ever getting through with the Lashwrithes. It was a stalemate for quite some time; the game lasted at least 15 turns I would say. Eventually my metamorphed nighthawks were able to trade with his creatures and get stuck onto mimic vat. After that I realized the potency of mimic vated metamorph copying tumble magnet. Won soon thereafter. Game 2 was shorter since I nullified the Lashwrithe threat by making it a 5/5 with Tezz early on.

Match 3: vs. Illusions. 2-0. A deck that utilized most of the typical illusion cards as well as grand architect to ramp into wurmcoils. Tumble magnet did quite a bit of work for me Game 1, as one might expect. Game 2 he sided into a blue control build. Still won.

Match 4: vs. Venser Blink Control. 2-1. Long control matchup comparable to my last reported match against Venser. However, this time I had Torpor Orbs in sideboard, which nullified much of his deck.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

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