removed green
i was not seeing creatures so i added 2 Firebrand Archer
removed 2 shock
7 years ago
I finally had a chance to play this deck and it was fun to play. There is a lot to keep track of with all the clue things going on. In the first match I lost the first game after getting mana flooded. The next 2 played well to get …
8 years ago
Went 2-1 in mnm last light against 8 other players.
Round 1
Against what can be best described as "budget Jeskai control" . Most of his damage came from Vaporkin and Bile Blight took care of that problem. In the second game I sustained myself with Whip of Erebos even …
10 years ago
Went 4-1 in Fnm last night, there were 4 undefeated players on round 4. Got 2nd Place! pretty exiting, I lost the battle for 1st against a very non-meta Abzan deck that ran a lot of mana ramp, See the Unwritten and Ashen Rider The last game got ridiculous when …
10 years ago
Went 3-2 in Fnm, decided to change my deck a little bit because of 1 reason. Abzan Midrange. My 2 losses were 0-2 against pretty much the same deck. Crippling Blight is an idea to help get around seige rhino and wingmate rock. We'll see how the changes fair on …
10 years ago
Got 3rd in FNM last night.
I was able to clutch some wins with Mogis's Maruader against Jeskai Tempo round 1. Went 2-1
Played 4 Color Mid-range Super Friends in round 2. 2-0, Didn't get enough removal and Mana consistency against me.
Played Abzan Mid-range in Round 3, he was …
10 years ago
1st of 14 last MNM, Went 4-0. Many clutch victories.
Match 1 was against 5 color control. The first game I dominated. He didn't have land consistency, and just kept taking hits. Game 2 he got several Anger of the Gods against me and got his win conditions. Last game …
10 years ago
Got 3rd Place in FNM!!! First FNM with Khans released and Return to Ravnica out.
I went 4-1, there was 5 rounds because of tie breakers.
Matches went well, two of which were 2-0, the other two wins were 2-1. My loss was 0-2. My only lost was playing against …
10 years ago
Azban control idea. Sub swamps for dual lands, of course.
10 years ago
Play tested the Deck in MNM. Went surprisingly well. I sideboarded some Ravinca block removal for this test (Devour Flesh mainly).
-Match 1-
2-0 against a B/G "I un-tap everything" deck. Game 1: Turn 1, Thoughtseize . Turn 2, Waste Not. Turn 3, Master of the Feast.
He had 5 …
10 years ago