The record was pretty bad: 0-1-3. Yes, tied THREE times!
R1: tied against BU control. Did not draw well in game 3, enough to overcome the opp's tricks.
R2: L (0-2). G2 was much more competitive. They were throwing hasty creatures at me; lightning is still faster. They got the …
6 years ago
The deck performed a little better: 1-2-1. I went up against some rather aggressive brews, but they were creative:
R1 (1-2): RU unblockable. Was a tight match, but was blown out with well-timed Admiral's Orders counterspelling
R2 (1-1-1): RU pirates. Similar in evasion, and another tight match with timely counterspelling …
6 years ago
Went 3-1 at the venue's standard showdown. Only loss was to UR Emerge
R1: went up against mono-blue Aetherflux Reservoir
Inspiring Statuary
. G1 was a disaster. The proverbial transmission fell out. One land the whole game. I scooped as soon as I saw the reservoir. Took the other 2 …
7 years ago
I went 1-2, but the deck was a blast to play!
Round 1: went up against some midrange Abzan deck. Won G1 handily. Second game, my opponent managed to get his value engine going, and hid behind Ishkanah, Grafwidow, and Bruna, and gained about 20 life. Game 3, I had …
7 years ago
I went 0-3 this time around. Things I've learned:
Go all in with Dynavolt Tower. It is good in the later stages of the game.
Increase access to lands. Had to mulligan more often than not.
I like Traverse the Ulvenwald. However, turning on with delirium proved to be quite …
7 years ago
- Arbor Elf - this deck actually doesn't run that many forests and I didn't have a Savannah when I made this cut. Considering putting back in now that I have the Savannah though.
- Gaddock Teeg - good silver bullet against Teferi and some spell-based lists, but was …
7 years ago
So tonight I realized a couple things - first off, I'm really not getting Death's Shadow as much as I want to, and I need to play more of a control oriented matchup into the combo to win games.
When I was at FNM tonight, I tried out my proxy …
7 years ago
I removed white. There were only a few cards and they weren't very important so I removed them leaving one Godless Shrine
and the four Forbidden Orchard to give me the white needed to sideboard in stony silence still. I am continuing to look for a replacement.
7 years ago
Added a sideboard before I took this deck to my lgs. Also, I added some basic so I don't die against Blood Moon anymore. On 2017-03-11 I updated the sideboard with some suggestions from user:LeaPlath
7 years ago
R1 W L L 0-1 WRUG zoo / stuff (Geist, Bolt/Helix, Knight Reliquary)
G1 Remands w/ Sphinx and 2 Visions with draw 3s got the game. G2 couldn't Remand Geist despite having Surgical for it. G3 Mine and Kruphix got hit with fuzed Wear/Tear
R2 L L 0-2 Mardu warriors …
8 years ago
A good night despite the record. I feel like I played well but got some pretty bad draws. All of the games tonight were REALLY close though.
1-2 vs. Mono-Green Stompy
1-2 vs. Abzan
2-0 vs. Naya Burn
2-0 vs. Jund
8 years ago
Not a great night. Lot of bad matchups and some poor draws. I need to work on sideboarding and mulligans.
2-0 vs. Jund
1-2 vs. Melira Company
0-2 vs. U/B Faeries
2-0 vs. Zoo
1-2 vs. Burn
8 years ago
0-2 vs. Merfolk
2-1 vs. Collected Company Slivers
1-2 vs. Kiki Chord
2-1 vs. UW Eldrazi
Also played casually vs. Affinity and won
8 years ago