Power 9 Games

4210 N Lamb Blvd Suite 130 Las Vegas, NV 89115

This is an amazing LGS in North Las Vegas!

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CEDH Tergrid Stax

Commander / EDH Nick_V


After a few "high powered" tournaments at local LGS I have found I run out of gas to fast so I need to get more cards. I am even going to try Ad Nauseam to draw more. Just more testing and playing. I have decided to run card: mana …

2 years ago

[[Primer v3.7]] - OM_RATH!!! (2024 Update!!!)

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 1244 | 1353 COMMENTS | 198368 VIEWS | IN 434 FOLDERS

Lets first start with the changes that are coming with the Release of Oath of Gatewatch!!!

OATH OF GATEWATCH CHANGES!!! (More details under "Change Log" in Primer)

9 years ago

Mardu Walkers

Standard MLObenza


Top 4 finish woo!

9 years ago

[[Primer v3.7]] - OM_RATH!!! (2024 Update!!!)

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 1244 | 1353 COMMENTS | 198368 VIEWS | IN 434 FOLDERS

This is my first attempt at a Primer! I know that there are a ton of errors in it, but to completely honest, I'm kind of winging it!:).

Please leave me as much feedback as you can! I want to continue to improve this Primer to be the best it …

9 years ago

[[Primer v3.7]] - OM_RATH!!! (2024 Update!!!)

Commander / EDH VexenX

SCORE: 1244 | 1353 COMMENTS | 198368 VIEWS | IN 434 FOLDERS

After play-testing this past week, there are a few changes that I wanted to make. Please give me your opinion of these changes!

I am lowing my land base a little. I am drawing way to much land. I find myself discarding …

9 years ago