Quantum Games

Kelowna, BC

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FNM Rotating Draft-Standard-Draft... Draft is 15$ Standard is 5$

Past Events


9th place

2-0 vs Kudoltha Rebirth

2-1 vs Mono Green Infect

0-2 vs B/R Vampires

This deck's weakness is definitely aggro. Will have to sideboard a full 4 Black Sun's Zenith.

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Ifnir Black

Standard Lunatic88


Match 1

GW-Dinosaurs -- 2-0 Beefy toughness creatures were a bit of a hassle to overcome, with enough removal i managed to sneak damage through unimpeded with ease

RG-Dinosaurs -- 2-0 Some wierd mix of value from both the dinosaurs and RamunapRed, Jank vallue deck, when it his stuff landed …

7 years ago

The Western Way of War

Modern MetaphysicalxProdigy

SCORE: 239 | 404 COMMENTS | 62804 VIEWS | IN 160 FOLDERS

I created an account on MTGO and I am running this deck with the current build seen here. I am gonna try and run things slightly different in the sideboard, swapping Leyline of Sanctity for Kor Firewalker and Oblivion Ring for Journey to Nowhere. Time will tell if this work. …

10 years ago

The Western Way of War

Modern MetaphysicalxProdigy

SCORE: 239 | 404 COMMENTS | 62804 VIEWS | IN 160 FOLDERS

Too many comments: well overdue to clear them. It takes too damn long to scroll to the bottom of this page already anyways. Also updated the deck description.

10 years ago