It was a small 8 person Gameday. It's not really worth it to go into the matches as they weren't exactly the most competitive. But, along with fnm last night, I was able to get some more time in with the deck and it gave me a better feel for …
7 years ago
Round 1: Won 2-0 against Grixis Pia's Revolution. Opponent's deck wasn't able to get off defense, and eventually succumbed. Dealing with Foundry Inspector is easiest way to keep the deck off its feet.
Round 2: Went to time, tied 1-1 against Esper Control. Fell victim to Immolating Glare (of all …
7 years ago
8 years ago
Had an awesome night at FNM, I was undefeated with this deck, going 3-0. First match up was against jeskai Midrange which couldn't race my kills spells/ counters. Second, was against Naya Dragons which met the same fate. Last was Temur Dragons which was a tough opponent, but even with …
9 years ago
Went to the game day event for dragons of tarkir today and went 4-2. We had four rounds then single elimination. I beat two RDW in a row, then a abzhan midrange. Lost against Sultai Reanimate. Then for single elimination beat another RDW and lost to the same Sultai Reanimate …
9 years ago
Took this to FNM and went 2-1. First match I lost in two against red deck wins. Due to lack of early game kill spells the deck just was too fast for me. Then won against R/W Heroic, after taking it to three games. Went pretty smoothly when the deck …
9 years ago
Went 4-0 at FNM tonight, really liking this build
10 years ago
So I did quite mediocre at FNM. Drown in Sorrow was a dead card 100% of the time, I was surprised to see absolutely no aggro decks. Despise did really well for me and I removed several plane walkers with it. There was only 1 time that I did not …
10 years ago
Took this to FNM tonight and went 2/2. I think it was a lot of rookie mistakes on my part and getting to know the new cards and new meta. Not sure if I will change anything yet. The losses were against a mono green enchantment that was too fast …
10 years ago