First, some updates I made last night:
OUT: -2 Ogre Slumlord, -3 Abyssal Nocturnus
IN: +2 Night's Whisper, +3 Swamp
After doing some last minute testing last night, I discovered a few things. First, I discovered that I wasn't reliably getting to 5 or 6 mana very often. To cut …
8 years ago
Podless/ Collected Chord: 1-2
Game-1, I drew a near 'god hand' and ran him over quickly. Game-2, I forgot to board-in Rest in Peace, which cost me. The game was slower than the first one, he came out faster, and was able to combo off. Game-3 I got mana flooded.. …
9 years ago
Vs Mono-Green Aggro brew: 2-1
The first two games I was more or less mana flooded. The first games it resulted in me falling behind & losing. The second game was kind of drawn out due to multiple combat shinnanagans on my part, and I was eventually able to …
9 years ago
Vs Jeskai Tokens: 1-2
The first game(s) of the night had me seeing bad draws with slow starts (not good for Aggro).. Game-1 he would resolve a Soulfire Grand Master & start burning my dudes, and every time I would deal with one, another one would appear.. He just …
9 years ago
Couldn't find Aleshas in time and just kept with Read the Bones. Saved me a lot of times when I think Alesha wouldn't have. Going back to using Read the Bones.
R1: Sultai Control
Game one went to 7 minutes left in the round because he didn't know what I …
9 years ago
Vs Abzan Reanimator: 0-2
Both matches I would start making headway, but then he would eventually stabilize, and then proceed to beat me down.. Main headaches were Courser of Kruphix, Siege Rhino, and Whip of Erebos..
Vs Abzan Midrange: 0-2
I started off the first match strong, but Nyx Weavers …
10 years ago
This is the first live testing of this deck.. Therefore, I decided to enter the Casual tournament rather than the more competitive Modern tournament, so I could hopefully get a better feel for how I should develop the deck from here..
Vs R/B/G EDH deck: 2-0
Yes, this guy …
10 years ago
After some playtesting, I found that Living Totem is extremely slow. So I bumped it down to 2. Nylea's Disciple works amazingly in this deck, gaining as much as 6 every turn from 5 forward. Nykthos works way too well with the devotion for me not to include in this …
10 years ago
Vs Living End Cascade: 2-1
This one was kind of amusing.. The first match he mulligan to 4, but he still managed to get his combo off about 4 or 5 turns in and totally squish me.. After that however, I boarded in my graveyard & combo hate, and …
10 years ago
Vs Naya Zoo: 2-0
Fresh off the un-ban, here comes a 'Net-deck' caliber Zoo deck.. However unfortunetly for him, both matches went almost the same. For the first several turns he would play a creature & I would kill it or force the sacrifice (even a pumped up Tarmogoyf …
11 years ago
Vs U/W Control: 2-1
I won the high-roll and he had to mulligan once; so I was able to open the first match with an Inquisition of Kozilek. He really didn't keep that great of a hand, but I made him discard his Spell Snare and from there I …
11 years ago
Vs Grixis Cruel Control: Tie
Go figure I face my Grixis nemesis in the first round of the night.. This match was interesting because of the guy switching up his deck by trading in Blightning & Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver into the mix, but overall I think it actually worked …
11 years ago
Vs Mono-White 'Death & Taxes': 2-0
This guy couldn't do very much to me. I won the high-roll, and so I I started off the first round with an Inquisition of Kozilek, making him get rid of his Path to Exile. He managed to resolve a second turn Leonin …
11 years ago
Only three rounds tonight..
Vs. U/B Ninjas: 0-2
This guy really caught me off guard.. He used Ornithopter to deliver #&@% Ninjas! The first match he used Ninja of the Deep Hours to peck at me & draw cards. He was able to hold off my Phyrexian Crusader (w/ Intimidate*) …
11 years ago
Vs Mono-White Soul Sisters: 2-1
This guy had a pretty descent Aggro deck that seemed to be based around triggering Serra Ascendant to finish.. But of course lifegain doesn't mean a thing against Infect! Mwahh-ha-ha-ha-hahh!.. >:D I lost the first match due to being mana flooded.. However, the next …
11 years ago