Had a lot of fun playing the deck, and definitely got a feel for which cards performed well and which under-performed. Will make some tweaks soon, but for now let's move onto the results:
MATCH 1: 2-0-0 vs. ?
Opponent dropped out before the match started. Free win, but pretty …
8 years ago
Tonight was a smaller show of people, but most of the regulars that I have played against before were there. The deck performed very well and almost wen 4-0.
FIRST MATCH: 2-0 against Dark Jeskai. I happened to to keep the board more controlled than he could, and ended up …
8 years ago
Today was a good day, I got a little lucky here and there but I had no major complaints.
MATCH 1: Lost 0-2 against Red-Abzan. First game was a very close call, got him down to 1 life and could not get 1 more point of damage in. Ended up …
9 years ago
WOOOOOOT! Finally got to test the deck at FNM, and while it didn't go 4-0 it sure did pretty well for me. Unfortunately I wasn't able to get all the cards I needed to make the changes, so the only change I was able to make was swap 1 card:Sarkhan, …
9 years ago
Alrighty, I feel like my deck is performing better and better as I make little changes here and there.
FIRST MATCH: Won 2-1 against the mirror. FINALLY! I was able to beat the other Green Esper player at the shop. Felt really good, and the matches are always very fun. …
9 years ago
So I keep getting my ass handed to in mirror matches lol, and went up against 2 this time around, bad luck but oh well! Here are the results:
MATCH 1: I lost 0-2 against Red Esper, I always have 1 game at every FNM where my draws are absolutely …
9 years ago
Man, tonight was a feel bad night. I didn't come last but I don't like free wins and I hate losing because of my own mistakes. Anyhow here are the results:
FIRST MATCH: 2-0 by default. I don't know if my opponent didn't show up or if there was an …
9 years ago
I want to start off by saying that Dragonlord Dromoka was an absolute champion. I unfortunately forgot who was the person that suggested I should splash green, but thanks to you this deck feels more solid; one of the top Esper players at the shop even said he might try …
9 years ago
Unfortunately I could not get a hold of 2 Dragonlord Dromoka so I was unable to test out the deck as it's been updated on the site, and ran the version prior to it. As far as the planeswalker, someone mentioned I run too many of them and he is …
9 years ago
Ok so I didn't quite place second like last time. I couldn't tell if the changes overall helped or not. I still feel like my sideboard is an utter mess, and I have too much overlapping removal and need to prepare harder for mirror match.
FIRST MATCH: Against Abzan Aristocrats …
9 years ago
So I iterally made a few changes to deck as I was walking out of the door, and I am glad they did as they ended up working really well. God I love Anticipate.
Here are the changes:
-2 Narset Transcendent : Could not for the lif eof …
9 years ago