The Badlands MTG Game Store

1621 West Colorado Ave. Colorado Springs CO 80904

Weekly Events


Friday Night Magic (FNM) 1621 West Colorado Avenue, Suite 110 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80904 7:00 p.m.

The Badlands Magic The Gathering Game Store is your Friday night destination. Join us every Friday for an exciting tournament. Play in one of our tournaments and get the best deals on your MTG …

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Circle of Life and Death(render)

Modern* OutOfBasics


I learned ALOT during these games!

--Round One: 2-0 vs Grixus Delver/control. Pretty straightforeward match, I just managed to draw what I needed to quickly throw out Woodland Bellowers both games, which caused him some problems.

--Round Two: 0-2 vs Grixus Delver/control. This gave me a good laugh, talk about …

8 years ago

Fear the storm (Standard U/R Prowess)

Standard* Glyax

SCORE: 57 | 191 COMMENTS | 10475 VIEWS | IN 29 FOLDERS

Went to a local win a box, wasn't too sure what to expect. So, found that the deck did well against mirror matches, it could usually out pace other aggro. Surprisingly, didn't run into control, so didn't get to playtest against it. Abzan, as well as a B/W warrior deck, …

9 years ago