The Game Academy (Tampa)

Tampa, FL

strat says... #1

6 rounds of swiss to determine top 8. I went 4-0-0 with no game losses. My last two opponents opted to draw out. In the single elimination top 8 I won out to the top 2, and kept a single land mulligan to six on the 3rd game, which ultimately costed me the match.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

strat says... #2

6 rounds of swiss to determine top 8. I went 4-0-0 with no game losses. My last two opponents opted to draw out, making my final score 4-0-2.

In Top 8, I lost the first match to an almost identical mirror match.On the third game, I mulligan to 5 and had almost identical hands, but he had 3 more burn spells, due to the excessive mulligans.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

strat says... #3

This FNM uses six rounds of swiss to determine the top 8. I went 4-1-1 and barely squeezed in.

First round I knocked out my opponent, and in the next match I faced the guy I lost to in swiss, and lost yet again to tezzeret with Spellskite s stopping my Shrine of Burning Rage . For the next event I am definitely sideboarding Flame Slash to deal with that card.

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

strat says... #4

Did surprisingly well.

Lost the games I mulliganned because, well, it's kinda hard to win when you start out the came a 3 card disadvantage. =/

Need help fixing mana!

August 28, 2011 5:05 a.m.

jimaejackel says... #5

Was a standard on a Wednesday night. Before the top 4 was cut, at the end of the fourth round. Two players played a game one with 3 points and the other with 6 points. The player with 3 points won. After they put their decks away and were about to sign the results slip they made a choice,...seeing as they were friends he gave the game to his bud so he could have 9 points and make the top 4, and then split the packs he would win in the top 4. The store owner said "yeah sure, that's fine" and even printed off standings with the false match results to show that it would work to make his friend into the top 4. Basically this screwed the other 2-2's from even having a chance. Breaking DCI rules all over the place, section 4.3, 4.4. Go somewhere else if you want to actually play a tournament that follows DCI rules.

October 10, 2013 12:53 a.m.

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Hell Gate: Vizkopa

Standard* mrbloo1848

SCORE: 156 | 130 COMMENTS | 32955 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS Top 8: 02/28

Went 3-1-1 out of 5 rounds with intentional draw in 5th round to finish in top 8. Split packs.

11 years ago

Hell Gate: Vizkopa

Standard* mrbloo1848

SCORE: 156 | 130 COMMENTS | 32955 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS Top 8: 02/28

Went 3-0-2 out of 5 rounds with 2 intentional draws. Played out first two rounds of top 8 and split the prize with the other person in last round.

11 years ago

Hell Gate: Vizkopa

Standard* mrbloo1848

SCORE: 156 | 130 COMMENTS | 32955 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS Top 8: 02/28

Went 4-0 and drew the last 2 rounds for a total of 6 rounds to end 4th before top 8. Played out first round of top 8 and won. Split in the semifinals.

11 years ago

Hell Gate: Vizkopa

Standard* mrbloo1848

SCORE: 156 | 130 COMMENTS | 32955 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS Top 8: 02/28

Went 4-1 out of 5 rounds to end in top 8. A couple players elected to play it out. Won round 1 and top 4 split.

11 years ago

Esper Theros (favorite)

Standard* whaletaint666

SCORE: 7 | 11 COMMENTS | 5360 VIEWS | IN 3 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/01

lost to mono black double gary. beat naya, rakdos control, and junk lifegain.

11 years ago

Esper Theros (favorite)

Standard* whaletaint666

SCORE: 7 | 11 COMMENTS | 5360 VIEWS | IN 3 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/01

beat mono red, naya and golgari and boros. lost to rakdos aggro and BUG superfriends control

11 years ago

Hell Gate: Vizkopa

Standard* mrbloo1848

SCORE: 156 | 130 COMMENTS | 32955 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS Top 8: 02/28

Deck was piloted by Jimhawk to finish 3-2 out of 5 rounds and made the cut to Top 8. Played out and split packs in the finals.

11 years ago

Ghost Dad's Big Game Hunt

Standard mrbloo1848

SCORE: 39 | 30 COMMENTS | 11788 VIEWS | IN 20 FOLDERS Top 8: 10/25

Went 4-1-1 out of 6 rounds with intentional draw in the 6th round. Split packs.

11 years ago

Ghost Dad's Big Game Hunt

Standard mrbloo1848

SCORE: 39 | 30 COMMENTS | 11788 VIEWS | IN 20 FOLDERS Top 8: 10/25

Went 4-2 out of 6 rounds and ended in 7th. Split packs

11 years ago

Hell Gate: Vizkopa

Standard* mrbloo1848

SCORE: 156 | 130 COMMENTS | 32955 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS Top 8: 02/28

Went 4-0-2 out of 6 rounds with 2 intentional draws in rounds 5 and 6.

11 years ago

Hell Gate: Vizkopa

Standard* mrbloo1848

SCORE: 156 | 130 COMMENTS | 32955 VIEWS | IN 59 FOLDERS Top 8: 02/28

6 rounds Swiss with cut to top 8. Went 4-1-1 with intentional draw in Round 6. 3rd place.

11 years ago

Aurelia's Black Berets

Standard* mrbloo1848

SCORE: 98 | 115 COMMENTS | 20085 VIEWS | IN 39 FOLDERS Top 8: 09/20

Went 3-0-1 our of 4 rounds with intentional draw in the 4th round to end in 1st place of Top 8. Automatic split due to prerelease night.

11 years ago

Aurelia's Black Berets

Standard* mrbloo1848

SCORE: 98 | 115 COMMENTS | 20085 VIEWS | IN 39 FOLDERS Top 8: 09/20

Went 4-1 then drew in 6th round to end in 4th place and in top 8. Split packs.

11 years ago

Al Jundy

Standard whaletaint666

SCORE: 7 | 9 COMMENTS | 2739 VIEWS | IN 1 FOLDER Top 8: 08/16


seemed overall really good. scavenging ooze was the MVP. mircle bonfire saved my life so many times. r1: jund v. mono red, 2-0 W r2: jund v. mono white humans, 2-1 W (brave the elements champion deck.) r3: jund v. RUG good stuff, 1-2 L i got overrun by …

11 years ago