Well 2019 has been a great year for me and my artifact decks.
A big part of this deck is having incredible flexibility to deal with degenerate opponents. Karn, the Great Creator has been a HUGE boost for up by giving a way to fight against exile effects as nearly …
5 years ago
While this deck has been nothing short of terrifying my lgs, optimizations need to be made. While the cards I'm cutting are not bad, their immediate impact is lesser than some other options. Last Thoughts has actually been really good as the extra drakes from the cipher is quite valuable. …
6 years ago
Many of these changes are for cards that have been in this deck from the beginning. While it may pain me to see them go... Seeing as I bought foil/masterpiece versions of all of them. These changes should help the deck function even better than before and who knows some …
6 years ago
In the quest to make this deck even more fluid three cards have changed.
- Bloodtallow Candle - More of a test to see how well this did than a serious inclusion. Candle did perform well in most cases however its lack of flexibility at a high mana investment …
6 years ago
Many of the changes listed are still in the testing process and will likely change frequently. Dominaria has given me new toys that have shaken things up and I still am unsure the most optimal way forward. Please leave comments if you have any ideas for improvements. Thanks!
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6 years ago
With Ixalan we have gotten some new toys that can further our deck without cutting critical bits. I'm referring to Mastermind's Acquisition a Diabolic Tutor that can search outside of the game (aka the sideboard). There are many cards that are fantastic in this deck but are situational match-ups. This …
6 years ago