Changed the commander from Child of Alara to Karona, False God. This fits better with the theme of my deck regarding arming the other players with things so they can beat each other up.
7 years ago
7 years ago
So I changed up the deck, mainly the manabase. More Eldrazi added and a few switcheroos in artifacts as well. I wish I could have listed all the cards in and out, but alas I can't. So the deck that is currently posted is the most updated version. Any thoughts …
7 years ago
Significant changes to improve resilience and aggressiveness; these are cumulative over the last year.
- Akroan Conscriptor: In practice, too expensive. Never get to cast them.
- Chromatic Lantern: Has not been helping hugely on its own, and I have another deck that could use it better.
- Intangible …
7 years ago
ModGob went 3-2 in swiss, losing against the decks that would come in 1 and 2. I beat a mardu deck that was not quite ready for primetime, a monowhite deck that I did not let get its footing, and one of the RW burns I faced. RW burn and …
9 years ago
This build has been going quite nicely. 2-0 versus Grixis (games went too fast for me to be able to tell quite what he was playing), 2-1 versus another Goblin build, and 2-1 vs. Infect. I even took a Lantern control deck in later testing 2-0. I am having a …
9 years ago
Abzan Aggro did very well and I mulliganned to extinction in game 3, (Stuck on 2 mountains after going to five.) 1-2
Guy trying to run monowhite heroic died to the stormbreath nation. 2-0
GB megaramp killed me handily 0-2
a poor showing for me today. I decided to drop …
10 years ago
A smaller turnout last night with only six competitors still yielded some interesting games.
My first opponent was attempting to field an Abzan deck, but he was having some trouble getting to this white mana sources. His Warden of the First Trees and Rakshasa Deathdealers made me dance a bit …
10 years ago
Small but competitive 10-player tournament. I completely reworked my sideboard with heroic builds in mind. I went 2-0-1.
Match 1 was my draw, going up against a WU heroic deck that blew me out game 1 (t2 Hero of Iroas, t3 W and U ordeals.) Game 2 saw him manascrewed, …
10 years ago
This Sunday, we went 4-rounds, top-4 prizes, and I managed to squeak in at 4th place. My first opponent was running an Abzan build, and I was worried there for a bit but I managed the win (2-0). My second game was against a mono-black build; it was swingy there …
10 years ago
This update attempts to address some issues with my slow mana holding me back. My experiment with Anax and Cymede, Hero EDH and its lack of lands that come into play tapped have helped its speed considerably, so I'm trying some things out here.
- Boros Garrison: it's too slow
- Khalni Garden: …
10 years ago
This deck is finally getting an update published! It'd been nearly a year, wow. It actually has had some changes over that year, a few, and this is just reflecting that.
-Belbe's Portal: I need more tools that can work with my non-insect creatures (particularly the spiders)
-Gleeful Sabotage: …
10 years ago
These updates happened ages ago but I've been too busy with work to note them. I need the list updated though so I can choose Commander 2014 cards wisely.
- Dawn Charm: Found a more flexible alternative.
- Mountain: Need more white.
- Phantom General: The deck has problems …
10 years ago
I went undefeated in 4 rounds of swiss!!! (and then died in the first elimination of a final 4 playoff to esper control)
I like this deck tons. All I need is 1 more Brimaz, methinks. Sideboard to shift with meta.
10 years ago
10 years ago