The PWN Shop

S.Saginaw Grand Blanc MI

Weekly Events


FNM: Great envirement, lots of tables and room enough to hold 125 person tournements. Great prizing everyone gets a partisipation pack. 1 extra pack for top 8 4th-8th and a nice prize size for 1rst-3rd the more players the better it is + FNM promo's to 1rst and 2nd and …

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Old Dog New Tricks R/W Devo

Standard ColdHeartedSith

SCORE: 15 | 44 COMMENTS | 4122 VIEWS | IN 2 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/24

rd 1 beat MBD rd2 loss to Azorous control with Elspeth and Architect and Aetherling and Azorous charm and D. Sphere and verdict Siding against this slows me down too much and buys too much time for that deck and AZ Charm is back breaking draw stopping tempo buster. R3 …

10 years ago

Old Dog New Tricks R/W Devo

Standard ColdHeartedSith

SCORE: 15 | 44 COMMENTS | 4122 VIEWS | IN 2 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/24

Went 4-1 in 34 person FNM. Played against Mono white dev, mono black dev , Izzit counter land destruct mid range creature deck, got beat by B/W midrange mostly do to no mana only screws of the night lost 2-1 rd4. Rd5 I beat esper 2-1 and finished 4-1. 1 …

10 years ago

Old Dog New Tricks R/W Devo

Standard ColdHeartedSith

SCORE: 15 | 44 COMMENTS | 4122 VIEWS | IN 2 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/24

I have a basic play description in my comments

10 years ago

Old Dog New Tricks R/W Devo

Standard ColdHeartedSith

SCORE: 15 | 44 COMMENTS | 4122 VIEWS | IN 2 FOLDERS Top 8: 01/24

lost rd 1 to Mono Black Devotion just got out drawn lost 2-1, won rd 2 vs the Rock came out fast and crushed a 2-0 ,won rd 3 vs RDW 2-0 Where I just burned whatever the person put mad cap on and they emptied their hand and were …

11 years ago