Time Capsule

chester, va

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Jace-less Esper Dragons

Standard PharaohAnkh


Went 3-0 tonight. This was my first time taking the deck out for a spin.

1st match G/R werewolves(2-0):

Had just dominated this guy in commander and practiced our decks against each other. We got paired up and I took it with ease. I had an answer to everything he …

8 years ago

2nd Update: Changed it to witch-maw lucky charms. This has been working at FNMs alot better. Currently at work and forgot a few cards. Will update when I get home.

3rd Update:

Traded for a few cards at the shop. I'm completely in love with the new build. It's consistent …

8 years ago

Bant Tempo Beats

Standard* Mirrid


Match one was a quick one against Dega aggro. The guy couldn't hit his land drops and my tempo plays kept him beaten down. Both games ended in about 5 turns to a Brimaz, a Smiter, and an Unflinching Couragefoil. Finished up 2-0.

Match two was against a kid who …

10 years ago