Top Deck Games

55 Haddon Avenue Westmont, NJ 08108


Monday 12:00pm - 10:00pm

Tuesday 12:00pm - 10:00pm

Wednesday 12:00pm - 10:00pm

Thursday 12:00pm - 10:00pm

Friday 12:00pm - 11:00pm

Saturday 11:00am - 9:00pm

Sunday 11:00am - 9:00pm

Weekly Events


Frontier*, 6:30pm, $10

Legacy*, 6:30pm, $10

Vintage*, 6:30pm, $10

*On request based on attendance.


Standard, 6:30pm, $10


Modern, 6:30pm, $10

Draft, 6:30pm, $15


EDH, 6:30pm, Buy a Pack


Standard, 6:30pm, Free

Modern, 6:30pm, $5

Draft, 7pm, $15

Past Events


standard tournament 10$ 6;30 pm. first place get half a booster box then prizes bracket down. this place is amazing their card collection and store over all are a good enough reason to just stop by but their standard normally has 16-30 people and the more people the bigger the …

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Orzhov Bois

Commander / EDH 5thD


Went to a casual EDH tournament.

Game 1: Against a Teysa, a Golos deck, and an Atraxa deck.

Teysa was the first to lose after being picked away at by the rest of the board. Several board wipes/bounces lead to them having no defenses.

The game then continued for nearly …

5 years ago

So, You Wanna Play Jund Yea? (Budget)

Modern Chasmolinker

SCORE: 637 | 69 COMMENTS | 28269 VIEWS | IN 65 FOLDERS

Never thought this deck would get so much love from the community. Thanks to everyone who came by to check out the deck. I never expected anywhere near this level of support on a deck I brewed up on my own. Yes it’s Modern Jund, but the mechanics of this …

5 years ago

Legacy Dark Depths

Legacy Chasmolinker


I got a chance to play in the Philly Legacy Series EW 2019 Qualifier (Unfortunately, I had to leave after 3 rounds) but I was able to post a 2-1** record in my first ever Legacy experience. It was a blast! I went up against Burn Round 1 which was …

5 years ago

[Primer] - Jund Midrange

Modern Chasmolinker

SCORE: 351 | 296 COMMENTS | 45356 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

I went 0-3 this past week. Losing Round one to BW Tokens, Round two to Hollow One, and Three to Mono White Taxes after a grueling game three. I noticed a weakness in my list and it was 2 Lingering Soulsfoil. I had no good answers to Hollow One

6 years ago

[Primer] - Jund Midrange

Modern Chasmolinker

SCORE: 351 | 296 COMMENTS | 45356 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

I went 3-1 the other night at my LGS. Deck ran pretty good. Lingering Soulsfoil was excellent against every matchup. Manlands are here to stay as Treetop Villagefoil helped to close out more than one game. I have since cut Godless Shrinefoil for card:Mountain (7ED) …

6 years ago

[Primer] - Jund Midrange

Modern Chasmolinker

SCORE: 351 | 296 COMMENTS | 45356 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

Round 1: Won 2-1 against a BW Warriors Deck
Round 2: Lost 0-2 against BW Tokens (Got stomped out by 3/3 fliers with Lifelink)
Round 3: Lost 1-2 against Warrior Tribal Deck (Got land screwed Game 3 and over-boarded)
Round 4: BYE.

I have made some edits in response to …

6 years ago

[Primer] - Jund Midrange

Modern Chasmolinker

SCORE: 351 | 296 COMMENTS | 45356 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

I was all fired up to go play my Modern Jund deck for the first time since the Unbanning of Bloodbraid Elf. I had my Engineered Explosives SB and everything was ready. I got to my LGS after not having been there for a little more than a …

6 years ago

[Primer] - Jund Midrange

Modern Chasmolinker

SCORE: 351 | 296 COMMENTS | 45356 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

So I had high hopes for this event.
I faced Jeskai Through the Breach round one and literally had no chance. I didn't find my discard spells and turns 1-5 I couldn't stick anything on the board. He Through the Breached Emrakul and that was …

7 years ago

[Primer] - Jund Midrange

Modern Chasmolinker

SCORE: 351 | 296 COMMENTS | 45356 VIEWS | IN 85 FOLDERS

I finally got a chance to see what this deck can do and it was a really fun night.

First match was against Esper Mill.
I won game 1 with relative ease. He got stuck on 2 land and couldn't do much. Abrupt Decay was clutch in removing Mesmeric Orb …

7 years ago

BW Tokens

Modern DHamlin

SCORE: 110 | 77 COMMENTS | 28363 VIEWS | IN 51 FOLDERS

R1 2-0 vs Grixis Shadow

R2 0-2 vs Eldrazi Tron

R3 2-1 vs BW Tokens

R4 2-0 vs GW Emeria

R5 2-0 vs Affinity

R6 Intentional Draw

T8 2-0 vs GW Emeria

T4 1-2 vs Affinity

7 years ago

Mono Black Devotion

Modern Chasmolinker


Really rough start first time play testing this deck at my LGS. Got land screwed a couple times but really just too much creature removal. It was taking too long for the deck to come online especially against some pretty quick decks. I have since added a decent discard package …

8 years ago

Rakdos' Rambunctious Raiders

Standard* kampfy_wampfy


The deck performed just okay... Placing 9th. Just short of top 8 :(

Here's a recap of the events of the day:

Game one: Bant... stuff 2-0
Game one was against a younger kid who had thrown together a handful of good cards in a bant-themed deck. It was pretty …

8 years ago

G/U Infect

Modern YxALIVExY

SCORE: 2 | 303 VIEWS

Went 3-0 tonight at a local modern event.

Round one was against a budget burn deck. Went 2-0. I probed game one and saw: bolt, boros charm, and some other burn spell in hand so I knew it was going to be fast games.

Round two was against a more …

8 years ago