Removed: Vicious Rumors, Plunge into Darkness, Undercity's Embrace, Unnerve.
Added: Thoughtseize, Dark Confidant, Exsanguinate, Torment of Hailfire.
4 years ago
-1 Plains -1 Windstep Heath -1 Field of Ruin +1 Mountains +2 Horizon Canopy
I have been facing UW Control a lot, originally I put the Field in there to face Celestial Colonade and their kind, but I never activated after a lot testing, and what I needed was another …
6 years ago
2-1 vs RG Eldrazi (I think it was the 2018 Lyon GP list)
7 years ago
7 years ago
Played 6 games on with the deck and went 5-1 with my only loss being a 1-2 vs. Jeskai Control that played 4 game saving cryptic commands in a row and snapcastering a 5th.
I found the deck to have the ability to be extremely bursty on turn 2-3 …
7 years ago
Won 1-0 against Abzan Tokens. Having unblockable merfolk renders tokens useless for chump blocking. Merfolk with more toughness such as Vineshaper Mystic make for good defense against attacks.
Won 2-1 against a GW Cats deck (similar to this : on Herald of Secret Streams
Vineshaper Mystic
is …
7 years ago
As list stood before 08/31 it does decently
However, we have removed Boneyard
Moved Jace's Defeat to side board
Dropped Tezzert from 2 to 1 (the schemer)
And Added Red into to make it a bit more... killing focused
7 years ago
Stood up great against late game Temur energy and did will against RW vehicles aggro. The deck is strong mid and late game with recasts. Displacer and Panharmonicon are real powerhouses with the Angel.
Adjustments: minor tweaks for more recast triggers. Those triggers allow you to chump block and then …
8 years ago
Turn 4 and 5 wins with Lone Rider and two Neglected Heirlooms. Mid to late game still strong with no Riders but plenty life gain from Emissary, Kambal, and Authority. The deck can comfortably float for turns with attacking triggers. Most games ended with well over 30 or 40 life. …
8 years ago
Well, the trial runs have begun, and they look promising!
Test round one: 2-1 vs. U/W Gifts Tron.
-- Game 1: I managed to (somehow) fight for a while against an on-board Iona, Shield of Emeria (naming green) and an Elesh Norn
Flip. I actually had the opponent to four life …
8 years ago
Round 1 (playtesting): 4-0 vs. dredge.
I was playing against an experienced player, who had bad draws in the first two games, but games 3 and 4 were quite interesting. I will never underestimate the ability of Loaming Shaman in this matchup, and while I only managed to get my …
8 years ago
8 years ago
8 years ago