up up and away comics

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Standard CrimsonKing

SCORE: 29 | 30 COMMENTS | 10152 VIEWS | IN 8 FOLDERS Top 8: 05/17

Went 4-0 against U/W Pike Delver, Mono Black Zombies, B/U Mill, and Esper Exalted.

11 years ago

Praise the sun!

Standard CrimsonKing

SCORE: 5 | 9 COMMENTS | 1482 VIEWS Top 8: 04/12

Went 2nd place out of 8 tonight splitting the last game with my friend. Went 4-0-1

Played against and quickly defeated: Boros(2-0) R/G aggro(2-1) G/W aggro(2-0) and B/W midrange(2-1). In the top 2 we ended up drawing so we could play some EDH!

11 years ago