Victory Comics

586 S. Washington St. Falls Church, VA 22046

Weekly Events


FNM! Friday Night Magic - Draft or Sealed Depending on the week. Schedule on web site.


Standard 6:30-10pm


Legacy 6:30-10PM

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Modern Titilanious

SCORE: 2 | 119 VIEWS

G1 vs Mardu Pyromancer 2-0 Won pretty simply, he punted first game then drew too much incorrect sideboard cards game 2.

G2 vs Bloom Titian 2-1 Got pretty hammered game one game 2 an 3 the side as well as discard helped me pull out

G3 vs Hogaak 0-2 pretty …

5 years ago

8 Rack

Modern Titilanious


R1 Vs GTron 1-1 D Well these were some of the worst games of magic i have ever played lol, both of us drew like trash all 3 games i almost lost game 2 after he mulled to 3 . rough times. Went to a draw.

R2 Vs UB Ninjas …

5 years ago

G1 vs UW control 2-0 ; StormBreath and moon make this a pretty easy match up

G2 vs Humans 2-1 ; Tough Match up but ended up edging them out with moon and side sweepers

G3 vs Humans 2-1 ; Same as before, ended up the same as last

G4 …

5 years ago

2-1. Won against UR drake and BG energy. Lost round 3 to UR Stormchaser Mage spells because my removal decided to take a vacation.

7 years ago

2-1. Lost round 3 to GW goodstuff that killed me using sylvan advocate+stitcher's graft. Won against Mardu Vehicles and some other deck.

7 years ago