Record 3-3 (7-9) finished 24/62
Round 1
Orzhov Reanimator W (2-1)
Game 1
against reanimator was kind of rough, I mull to 5 and keep a reasonable hand. We trade resources, I get my opponent down to effectively nothing, and am beating down with goyf but he just topdecks Persist …
3 years ago
84 Person Event
Record for the day 1-4 (3-9)
M1: Yawgmoth Combo (0-2)
Game 1: Opponent had turn 4 combo as my deck drew one piece of interactive magic.
Game 2: I dropped an early Murktide, but my opponent was able to chord for Grist shortly after wiping killing my …
3 years ago
went 2 - 2 at game day. Found out that Kolaghan's Command isnt' a good mainboard. Bloodmad Vampire is a win more card so i am swapping it out for a 3rd drana and I am going to main board 3x Macabre Waltz instead of the Commands.
8 years ago
Just getting the new debate started here about this version of abzan ill try it this weekend at FNM
9 years ago