4th place: went 3-1, lost only to the 1st place winner.
Went 2-0 each of the first three rounds, against an Izzet, a Simic and then Azorius... They could not do a damn thing against this deck.
The last round went 1-2 against the guy who came in 1st place: …
10 years ago
Best turnout at my local FNM for weeks, and I came in 3rd with this build.
Only loss was 1-2 to a netdeck mono-red goblin aggro. Was very close but he won game three because I was stuck at 2 lands while he had his god-hand. Whee.
10 years ago
10 years ago
Took 5th place at FNM! I just love facing people using Pack Rat and Lotleth Troll... they voluntarily give me things for free!
Got beat by Aggro (selesnya build... didn't have enough removal). Dismantled everything else I faced. Booyah!
10 years ago
Came in 6th tonight, only ever lost because of mana flooding. Got a promo and some store-cred, and lots of kudo's on the deck.
Couple last minute changes - moved the Lifebane Zombie to sideboard and added Desecration Demon in their place, dropped a Black Cat for another Hero's Downfall. …
10 years ago
A satisfying FNM, walked out with some store cred and a promo. Can't complain about the matches I lost, they were each very close and could have gone either way.
Rnd 1: 2-0. What was it... Oh yeah, a mono-black with too many Pain Seers and too few Demons.
Rnd …
10 years ago
4-1 tonight - ended 4th of 24.
Round 1: 2-1 against Red Aggro, close games. Opp got mana screwed game 3, lucky me.
Round 2; 2-0 against Rakdos Aggro!
Round 3: 2-0 against esper control.
Round 4: 1-2 against mono-black devotion. So close. So very very close. Desecration Demon out, …
10 years ago
3-1, finishing 2nd of 15 this week.
Round 1: 2-1 against a budget mono-white
Round 2: 2-0 against mono-blue devotion with a splash of white
Round 3: 2-1 against mono-black devotion
Round 4: 0-2 against mono-black devotion
1st place got $41 in store credit, while 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th …
10 years ago
3-1, finished 3rd of 16.
Round 1: 2-0 against azorius/blue devotion, he couldn't find his counterspells nor Masters in time and Chandra's Phoenix & Mutavault kept the damage coming.
Round 2: 1-2 against Gruul mid-range, monsters (multiple domri, xenagos, and stormbreaths are hard to deal with).
Round 3: 2-1 against …
10 years ago
The deck lost game 1 vs selesnya. Game 1 I was stuck at 2 lands meanwhile they cast an advent and then subsequently bestowed a boon satyr onto it and it was over. Game 2 it was 3 lands and they pretty much did the same thing, could not cast …
11 years ago
I beat all but one round against mono black devotion. It was a heartbreaking series where I needed just one more land to finish him off with a lightning strike but I could not and lost. Over all the deck was a beast.
11 years ago
I have now won back to back 1st places with this deck and its V 1 predecessor.
The sideboard of Act of Treason goes in against decks that use big creatures such as Desecration Demon or polukranos, worldeater. It turns a board stall into a mega punch.
11 years ago
The speed of the deck was overwhelming for most other decks. There was times when it seemed I was on the defensive but then straight up burn carried the day. Also the Skullcrack's main board really made those grey merchants underwhelming.
11 years ago
The deck beat esper control twice. Then beat mono-black devotion twice. Then lost to mono-black devotion after back to back mana shortages.
11 years ago