After a week of casual testing here and there, I noticed a pretty big hole in the list prior to changes.... The deck was pretty solidly weak to combo and somewhat to control. By extension i also view this as a weakness to big mana strategies. I decided to revamp …
5 years ago
Testing done on XMage against 1400+ rated opponents.
===panel:1.Rat Tribal (2-0)
G1p- Game was long and grindy, a lot of touch and go moments, but eventually Oko + JTMS was too much value for him to overcome.
G2d- Turn 2 Oko followed up by removal and pressure was too …
5 years ago
Testing done on XMage against 1400+ rated opponents.
===panel:1.Amulet (2-1)
G1p- Kept a slow hand, but was able to buy a lot of time blowing up Field of the Dead, and Slayer's Stronghold. I was able to land two tomebound lich to fight Primeval titans, but he fetches Sunhome …
5 years ago
Testing done on XMage against 1400+ rated opponents.
===panel:1.RG Jank (2-0)
no notes
===panel:2.Mono-R Cerebral Eruption (2-0)
No notes
===panel:3.Bant Eldrazi (2-1)
G1d- Opp. curves Noble into Reshaper + Noble into TKS + Path on my Goyf into Smasher.
G2p- Suspend AV turn 1, kill his hierarch …
5 years ago
Updated the deck after more than a year.
- So mostly removed life doublers and most lifegain.
- Added tons of targeted removals (its a meta choice)
- Light on token making so added more to fix that.
5 years ago
I still like the Blue Ruin, but I wanted to try something new. On a whim, I splashed Eldrazi into my sideboard and fussed about with making them fit in my U-Tron shell. I've tested it about a baker's dozen number of times on XMage, and results are promising. Most …
6 years ago
2-1 overall in a six-player online tourney. Four-way tie for first, but won out overall based on tiebreakers and game win %.
Round 1: 0-2 vs G/B a.k.a. "The Rock"
Round 2: 2-0 vs The Rock
Round 3: 2-0 vs Mardu Aristocrats
Overall, deck performed pretty decently, but I might've …
6 years ago
Here's the highlights:
So, a few turns in, I cast Solemnity. The next turn, my opponent casts Ixalan's Binding on it. During my next turn, I Cast Out their Ixalan's Binding to get back my Solemnity. Then on their next turn, they Cast Out my Cast Out, getting back their …
7 years ago
Playing versus some Jund/BandEldrazi/Affinity bots I got a little goldfishing in to see if the deck remotely functioned; I was surprised that it seemed okay and probably worth further tuning.
Discard was a 3:2 split of Inquisition of Kozilek:Thoughtseize which felt pretty good without hitting too many bad topdecks.
card:Fatal …
7 years ago
GB Energy 2-0
Ramunap Red 1-2
GR Ramp 2-1
7 years ago
Sultai midrange 2-0
GB Energy 2-1
7 years ago
vs. Mono White Enchantments
This was a bit different of a brew running the new Solemnity+Phyrexian Unlife Combo.
Game 1: Started off the game with a Runed Halo naming Thought-Knot Seer, which was annoying, but easily played around. Once I was able to bounce Porphyry Nodes with Flickerwisp, then process …
7 years ago
vs. 4 Color Saheeli Combo
Game One: Win
-He Spreading Seas my first land, then Kolaghan's Commanded my Aether Vial, which put me in a rough spot from the start, but I was able to create enough of a board state and aggro him out.
Sideboard: -2 Flickerwisp, -1 Aether …
7 years ago
There was too many changes for me to include one by one, and thank you to the people who suggested all those cards, it helped out a lot.
So its a general lowering of the mana curve, removed hex-proof cards and switched into a more card draw related strategy.
Updated …
7 years ago
0 - 1 Grixis Shadow
- Feels favored but lost due to draws.
0 - 1 GB Tron
- Too much dead draws g1, topped tron g2 feels bad.
0 - 2 Eldrazi Tron
- 1st game lost to chalice at 1, second flooded and he topped …
7 years ago