KrazyCaley's Top 10 Planeswalkers



23 August 2009


10- Tezzeret the Seeker

Sorry, Tezzeret, but you’re definitely a niche player. Artifact-based abilities are well and good, but it’s really rough to make TOO much beneficial use of your +1, and your –X is far too costly to you to use reliably. Your -5 can be devastating in, for instance, a Time Sieve deck, but even then you’re just a mere means to an end, Tezzy, baby. And at a CMC of 5, you are really nothing but a pretty cool role-player; no one drafts you and thinks “sweet, now I’ll win!”

9- Sarkhan Vol

It is a testament to how powerful planeswalkers really are that the aptonymically named Mr. Vol here comes in at #9. He’s highly versatile, has a solid +1, a decent (although hardly flabbergasting) -2, and a sufficiently impressive ultimate. It’s the -2 that really disappoints. Threaten? Really? I mean, sure, devastating perhaps in the right circumstances, but for a -2, it seems a bit underpowered. But despite being at #9, Vol is certainly not to be messed with; he comes in at a solid 4 loyalty and only takes 3 turns to give you 5 4/4 fliers.

8- Jace Beleren

Jace, like Tezzeret, is also a bit of a role player because of his milling ultimate, but he’s also got an extremely useful +2 and -1 abilities that any blue deck can make good use of. Jace is an extremely annoying presence for your opponent; he’s a renewable card-advantage engine, where you can draw 5 cards to your opponent’s 1 and still keep Jace alive. And with a +2, he’s easy to keep alive even with the starting loyalty of 3, especially since you can get him out fairly early at 1UU. Certainly not a super-impressive ‘walker, but not a joke, either.

7- Ajani Goldmane

He of the B/W token menace comes in at a relatively low #7. Let’s face it, though, the only reason he’s even this high is because of that -1. Gaining 2 life for +1 is nice, but not great. Creating a giant avatar could be good, depending on your opponent, or it could just suck a terminate/doom blade/basically any non-damage removal spell and die. But PERMANENTLY giving +1/+1 to ALL your creatures and making them vigilant until end of turn, now hot damn, THAT’S an ability. Even a non-token white deck is loving that ability. And in token/weenie aggro decks, it’s an AMAZING ability. But because the other abilities are meh at best, Goldmane stays, over your agonized protests, at #7.

6- Chandra Nalaar

Chandra wins the award for “most consistently underrated planeswalker.” Yes, she costs 5. Yes, her +1 is a piddling 1 damage to an opponent. But look at her –X and her -8. Her –X turns her into a possibly-renewable source of removal; or at least a kill spell for your opponent’s baddest dude. However, if you can back her up and keep her safe for three turns (impressive starting loyalty of 6), she will unleash one of the meanest ultimates there is- 10 to your opponent and all of their creatures, non-targeted. If you have any kind of board presence relative to your opponent (and you should be able to, with doubtless at least a few burn spells in your Chandra deck), that’s a threat that MUST be dealt with, and not easily. Thus I will stand by Chandra as the #6, despite the fact that many of you would like to put her at 9 or worse, doubtless.

5- Liliana Vess

The top 5 planeswalkers are distinguished from the bottom 5 planeswalkers by this fact- the top 5 all have three abilities which are all excellent in any situation. The bottom 5 either have situational abilities, or underpowered abilities. Not true of these top 5, and we start with Liliana, who keeps cards out of your opponent’s hands for +1, tutors for -2, and possibly four turns after she’s cast, gets EVERY SINGLE CREATURE OUT OF EVERY SINGLE GRAVEYARD for -8. In duels, scoop time in the late game for most decks. In 2 headed giant, scoop time and a half. Liliana will have a giant target on her as soon as she comes out; she is a royal pain and a looming threat for any opponent.

4- Ajani Vengeantfoil

Here’s some Ajani numbers for you. Ajani starts at 3. His +1 ability is a handy little trick that can keep your opponent’s best tappin’ permanent neutralized, or at least keep a land tapped to slow them down. At -2, he’ll cast Lightning Helix for you. At -7, you win the game. All right, sorry, actually you destroy all your opponent’s lands, but if your deck has had a halfway-decent run, that reads “you win the game.” Vengeant can protect himself with his no-untap ability and Helix ability, and with backup from you in the form of meat shields, white or red creature control spells, etc., he will wipe your opponent’s lands clean. Impressive.

3- Elspeth, Knight-Errant

Our top three planeswalkers are flat. out. nasty. Elspeth is a never-ending source of chop-blockers in a worst-case scenario. Swing with your giant Naya death beast all you want; Ms. Tirel commands a loyal, limitless army of selfless 1/1 soldier tokens, which gives her +1 to create, mind you. And if you ever fail to keep up the pressure, she can (ALSO for +1) turn one of those 1/1s into a flying 4/4 until end of turn, which is great for weenie aggro. And your opponent is in for a world of frustration if she ever resolves her ultimate- your artifacts, your lands, and above all your creatures are INDESTRUCTIBLE for the rest of the game. That 1/1 soldier token can now chop block FOREVER without dying. Kill spells are rendered useless unless they are sacrifice-based. Even Wrath of God or its apparent soon-to-be-successor, Day of Judgment, won’t deal with all those indestructible creatures. So good luck with that, Elspeth’s opponent.

2- Garruk Wildspeaker

Hey, it’s Friday Night Magic! You open a fresh pack of M10, and oh look, there’s Garruk Wildspeaker! Guess what? A- Your draft just got a LOT easier to manage, and B- You probably just won. Garruk Wildspeaker is an incredibly versatile and powerful walker. His ultimate is not the most devastating, his +1 not the most annoying, and so forth, but he’s an all around nasty gentleman. His +1 is incredible ramping; it basically allows you to play as though you have two extra reflecting pools in play each turn. His -1 creates big, thick, 3/3 meat shields, which you don’t usually need in a deck that runs Garruk, but hey, just in case. And of course, his ultimate ability, which I remind you can be cast THE TURN AFTER HE COMES INTO PLAY, is to cast friggin’ Overrun. And FRIGGIN’ Overrun is a lot better than regular Overrun because Garruk has already ramped you into something more horrible than you would have been able to cast the turn before because of his +1 ability. All this and more for only 2GG. That, my friends, is some scary planeswalker action.

1- Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker

But not as scary as Nicol Bolas. “Waaaah, Garruk Wildspeaker is WAY better than Bolas; he costs less,” Bolas can hear you whining. But Bolas blows you up. And Bolas blows Garruk Wildspeaker up. And he does it for PLUS THREE. Quite honestly, I can’t even hear your protests in my head because the words “plus three” are echoing in it over and over. That is totally worth eight hard-to-get mana (and honestly, if you’re up to eight mana in a Grixis deck, surely you’ll have UBBR by then, no?). That ALONE is horrifying, and makes Bolas almost impossible to kill except with things like Maelstrom Pulse, etc. Deal with anything that isn’t a creature for +3 (and he starts at five). And deal with anything that IS a creature for -2 by stealing it forever. STEALING it, not blowing it up. Now you too can be the proud owner of Baneslayer Angel, Hellkite Overlord, Thraximundar, and all the other friggin’ huge nasty beaters out there. Nicol Bolas, ladies and gents, is a bad, bad man. And of course, lest we forget, there is the game-ending -9 ability. Sac 7 permanents. Discard 7 cards. Lose 7 life. It’s like pulling the lever on a Vegas slot machine and seeing three different beautiful 7’s come up. Only instead of money, the casino pays you in pwn. Quite frankly I don’t care if Garruk, et. al. are more competitive cards because of the mana costs. With other planeswalkers, it’s often scoop time if you let them activate their ultimate. With Bolas, it’s essentially scoop time once he hits the board. And blows up whoever YOUR favorite planeswalker is. For plus three.

KrazyCaley says... #1

Next week! The top 10 blocks from Magic history!

August 23, 2009 5:32 a.m.

DevouringFlame says... #2

WHAT is your criteria for this?!

I honestly don't know what to say at you placing Tezzeret at 10. Guess how many Legacy/Vintage decks use ANY OTHER planeswalker? None... Tezz has been top 8ing (multiple firsts) all over Vintage since he was printed. Tezzeret Slave, Tezzeret vault, Tezzeret control.. All I really have to say to you in this matter is Time Vault . In extended The Tezzerator has also been top 8ing all over the world (he also pops up in Tron occasionally), and to a lesser extent in Legacy (with Tezzerator). And finally, he's been a major presence in the standard metagame ever since the introduction of Time Sieve combo. So basically, Tezzeret is all over the map in more formats than any other planeswalker, and he's winning.

That's my big beef anyway. You say that tezz is for niche, but how many decks can support Nicol Bolas?

I guess if you're saying 'in a situation where everyone else is starting the board with a planeswalker' then nicol bolas wins

August 23, 2009 12:50 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #3

There are no real criteria, it's mostly my own personal feeling.

In a way, EVERY Planeswalker is a bit of a niche player, but Tezzeret is more so.

There are no really bad planeswalkers; I know Tezzerator decks are beating the hell out of Legacy and Vintage while the other planeswalkers have yet to make too much of an appearence in those formats.

And of course, Bolas is hardly the most competitive Planeswalker. In a sane world where I'd use some semblance of a "power-to-cost" ratio criteria, Bolas would probably fall to #6 or #7, but I'll admit to being quite Timmy in putting him at #1.


August 23, 2009 7:46 p.m.

yeaGO says... #4

Heh... regardless of where Tezz comes in, I enjoy the analysis.

August 24, 2009 4:32 p.m.

fortune says... #5

When it comes to planeswalkers, it is very hard to actually say one is definitively better than the other. In my mind, what would make a planeswalker "great" would be its versatility/flexibility, and its ease to use in a given deck. For example, Tezzeret the Seeker , while he is no doubt amazing in an Esper-type, or Time Sieve deck (hell, he's in my [url=]main deck[/url]), that's pretty much the only place he can be effective. His abilities cater to those type of decks. Whereas someone like Elspeth, Knight-Errant can be used in far more decks (WW, WR beatdown, etc) because her abilities are much more flexible. Even Nicol Bolas is limited to a Grixis-type deck. Let's face it, you're not running B/U/R in a deck [i]just[/i] to use his handy +3 (which, no one doubts, is quite sexy). Anyways, I love the article, if only to see the discussions and comments that pop up afterwards. Great list, keep it up, what's next?

August 25, 2009 1:06 a.m.

DevouringFlame says... #6

Tezz is the only planeswalker that allows you to win with a soft lock the turn he resolves though =P. And it's like I was saying Fortune, yea you're obviously going to be using Tezz in artifact decks, but to say that puts him in a niche and thus lower on a list of niche planeswalkers didn't seem fair. I will have to edit one of my comments about the 'only planeswalker out of standard', Garruk has been seeing some play as well. It's hard to really wrap your mind around how GG it is in Vintage when a Tezz combo player resolves him though.

August 25, 2009 7:41 a.m.

skrizo says... #7

Fun read. If I had a criteria for placing planeswalkers it would be 'planeswalkers that can be celestial purged and planeswalkers that can't'

All of my favorites can be purged :(

August 28, 2009 4:42 p.m.

speakeasy says... #8

Seconding DevouringFlame. You have two of the most played Planeswalkers at 10 and 8.

Although, in all fairness to Legacy, Elspeth, Knight-Errant is pretty much a staple of Landstill these days.

August 29, 2009 5:04 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #9

@skrizo: I hear that. Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker sucking a Celestial Purge makes me cry.

@speakeasy: Yeah, it's rough to pick 'em. Almost every Planeswalker does something really well. If I was going by popularity, Chandra would probably be last followed by Jace. But again, I was going with some sort of internal coolness factor.

August 31, 2009 3:08 a.m.

calexbomb says... #10

as far as consistent destruction, elspeth to me should probably be numero uno, garruk only sucks when you havent seen him in a while and you forgot that sometimes he untaps lands but other times hes a free overrun when you are staring down an army of chumps. and tezz i would put in the top 3 as well

now honestly, Ive seen Mister Bolas resolve once, and he promptlly reamed his opponent, but his opponent was stuck on one land most of the game so im not sure id ever see him resolve otherwise

November 9, 2009 7:19 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #11


Nissa Revane takes over the "dead last" slot from Tezzeret.

Chandra Ablaze goes between Sarkhan Vol and Jace Beleren.

Sorin Markov goes between Chandra Nalaar and Liliana Vess.

November 21, 2009 4 a.m.

Carn13 says... #12

And Jace 2.0 takes first.

January 12, 2011 11:22 a.m.

Dismay says... #13

This was a great read!

March 31, 2012 3:37 p.m.

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