Good on turn 3, good on turn 10.
30 August 2009
Duress is a nice card. If your opponent knows what they're doing, the hand they start with is one that they feel will give them a good start - otherwise, they would've taken a mulligan. Duress is especially nice if you're going first - drop a Swamp, throw out Duress, and get a sneak peek at what the next few turns are going to look like. Aw, were they counting on that Rampant Growth to grab their off-colour land? Was that Lightning Bolt going to zap your Deathbringer Thoctar before it ever had a chance at life? Was their Mindlock Orb going to shut down your later Diabolic Tutors and Liliana Vess? Forget about it. And if Duress is a nice card, Thoughtseize is a fantastic one - albeit about fifteen times more expensive, for obvious reasons.
Forget about Duress and Thoughtseize - what about Raven's Crime?
A dozen cards from the Eventide set feature the 'Retrace' option (recommended reading: Steve Sadin's 'Lessons from Retrace'). I really like the idea, even if I can't help feeling a little disappointment that these 12 don't allow for a slightly wider range of effects. But given the choice between playing a first-turn Duress, and a first-turn Raven's Crime, which would you pick? They're evenly matched for both cost and speed. There are three key differences. First, that Duress lets you look at your opponent's hand. Second, that although Duress lets you choose the card to discard, it only allows a narrow set of options - if your opponent is holding a dual-land and a Master Transmuter, then you're out of luck - while Raven's Crime always knocks off at least one card, even if it's the least-useful to your opponent. Thirdly, and most importantly: on turn ten, when you've hit a land-pocket and you're hoping that your opponent isn't holding the Cancel that will ruin your eventual top-decked tie-breaker, you can take comfort in the face that you can keep retracing Raven's Crime to ensure that the other's player's hand remains empty.
Sound like a bit of a stretch? Imagine a similar situation, except that your Knight of the Reliquary are just barely holding it down late in the game - wouldn't you love to retrace Spitting Image, copy whichever creature is making life hard for your Knights, and pump them up another +1/+1 at the same time? Retrace is tough to deal with for the other player - a Counterbore is normally devastating when countering the first instance of a key card, but if that card has retrace, you could almost argue that it helps you - remove the now-redundant copies from your library as the retraceable card falls safely into your discard pile. I mean, who plays graveyard removal?
It's a usefulness that's situational, to be sure, but not something to dismiss. Reusable cards are always something to pay attention to.
30 August 2009
Speaking of reuseability, Unearth is obviously kind of Grixis' poster child. Viscera Dragger is one of my favorite Alara commons - it's so versatile! Normally, 4 for 3/3 wouldn't be the best of deals. But Cycling and Unearth provide some interesting opportunities. One is the choice to cycle it and then immediately unearth it and attack - you only get to keep it for one turn, but sometimes an extra 3 points of damage in an early attack can really change the tone of the game, or finally put you ahead of the curve in a long-lasting attrition duel. Some creatures are cheaper to unearth, while others are more expensive - the cheaper ones let you attack en mass for a second time later in the game, while the more expensive ones typically let you reuse enters/leaves play effects. Kathari Bomber is great with Jund devour decks - drop an early flier, hit your opponent for two, get what's essentially a free Dragon Fodder, later unearth, rinse, and repeat - and then bring out your Voracious Dragon and feel pleased with yourself. Add a Hissing Iguanar for more hilarity. Unearth basically makes a creature at least 1.5 times as useful, if not more.
edit - thanks, DevouringFlame, for pointing our the correct ruling on Counterbore, which is able to counter and exile spells like Raven's Crime just as easily as it would any other.
KrazyCaley says... #2
Loved it, Matt. What do you think is a better first play for blue/black: Duress or something like it, or Telepathy ? I used to be pretty mild on Telepathy because it didn't really DO anything, but several recent experiences have taught me that it's actually a very powerful effect for turn 1, especially in the kind of deck likely to run it.
August 31, 2009 3:19 a.m.
mattlohkamp says... #3
You know, I feel the same way about Telepathy - I thought it was a novelty card, until I played against someone who was running one, and it totally changed that game. Now, I'm pretty convinced that it could be instrumental for control decks, especially in two-headed giant games - being able to get a better idea of who is the more worthwhile target for discard, and if you're better off saving or spending your Cancel . I personally hardly ever play blue, no particular reason, really, but if I did, I'm sure I'd find a way to work telepathy in there.
August 31, 2009 4:26 p.m.
DevouringFlame says... #5
just me being rules picky, but Counterbore will remove the countered copy from the game. Here's the ruling:
"5/1/2008: In most cases, Counterbore will remove the targeted spell from the game. Its first sentence counters the spell, which puts it into its owner's graveyard. Its second sentence then removes it from the graveyard."
September 2, 2009 10:55 a.m.
mattlohkamp says... #6
Right, right, because countering it puts it in the graveyard, and it's already sitting there for the RFG part. That makes sense. Nice catch, thanks for pointing it out! I'll edit that part.
fortune says... #1
Awesome article on how to manage the late-game. As a player who likes early-game rushes and control, something like this gives me stuff to think about in my next deck. Very well done, and with pics to boot!
August 30, 2009 3:25 a.m.