KrazyCaley says... #1

Not a stellar pack. Merfolk Wayfinder , Magma Rift , and Demolish present themselves to me as options.

Demolish is probably not as good as the other two, though I might consider taking it since we have no removal for non-creature pieces thus far. Very handy sideboard card, but we can probably pick it up later anyway.

Magma Rift is decent removal, and since we're not looking too expensive, mana-curve-wise, it's a solid option.

Merfolk Wayfinder would add another dude and help us find the extra blue we need for Tsunami in a multicolor deck.

I'm not really sure whether Magma Rift or Merfolk Wayfinder is the right choice. I tend to prefer removal over dudes, though; removal is rare, dudes are not. I'll go with Magma Rift .


April 3, 2010 5:25 a.m.

SirNips says... #2

i suppose we go for the Merfolk Wayfinder , not a huge fan of this but it could be useful.

Really dont like Magma Rift its just too expensive you cant really afford to go sacking land in this format.

i guess our other option is we hate a Greenweaver Druid

April 3, 2010 5:26 a.m.

SirNips says... #3

i go with the wayfinder

April 3, 2010 5:26 a.m.

Eleleth says... #4

I vote Demolish . It's not a very good card, but neither are any of the other picks. Demolish however could save our skin if someone gets some nasty man-lands or a basilisk collar from the wwk pack.

April 3, 2010 6:53 a.m.

TAMA says... #5

Hate draft the greenweaver.

April 3, 2010 7:16 a.m.

squire1 says... #6

April 3, 2010 8:55 a.m.

Xander574 says... #7


April 3, 2010 12:22 p.m.

jjmacgrinch66 says... #8

hate drafting is the worse thing you could do in draft if there is an option for your deck in a pack. [merfolk wayfinder] is not playable, [magma rift] is. its a 3 mana 5 damage spell to a creature and we happen to be in red. you dont use it 3rd turn on a 2/2 or 3/3 you use it late game to swing for the win or u use it on a fatty like [hellkite charger] or [sphinx of lost truths]. [demolish] is a good sideboard card and you should always draft for your sideboard as well as your deck but i cant see picking it up over a damage spell. my vote is for [magma rift].

April 3, 2010 1:20 p.m.

luckyfirefox16 says... #9

I am inclined to agree with jjmacgrinch66- the Magma Rift seems to be the smartest decision here if we can use it correctly. Yes, losing a land here is bad, but when we're going in for the win, or we need to deal with a big beasty that just dropped it's a stellar option. Think of it this way: get beat in the face by a 5/5 for two turns while you scramble for answers and lose your Living Tsunami , or sac a land and call it a day. My vote goes to Magma Rift

April 3, 2010 1:48 p.m.

Leardawg says... #10

Magma Rift gets my vote.

April 3, 2010 2:01 p.m.

I_Call_BS says... #11

wayfinder brings in more blue for the tsunamis, works with the geopede as well

April 3, 2010 2:18 p.m.

Darkness1835 says... #12

since we have landfall already in our deck, chances are we're going to be adding more land that we necessarily need; so Magma Rift s effect doesnt really seem to me as that big of a disadvantage.

on the otherhand, the wayfinder totally helps deck if we decided to go blue-er.

for me its torn between Magma Rift and Merfolk Wayfinder .

I pick the Rift.

April 3, 2010 2:58 p.m.

tapanmeister says... #13

Lol... wayfinder is a last pick.

Its either Cliff Threader (probably the most underrated card in the set) or the oft mentioned Magma Rift . I don't want to play against the Mountainwalker. But beating the 4 toughness spread is important, and the rift does that.

April 3, 2010 3:07 p.m.

tapanmeister says... #14

Oh, and when the packs get down to the dregs, can we speed this up and do like 2 a day? I don't want to wait a day for a debate between Carnage Altar , card:Trapfinder's Trick and Beast Hunt .

April 3, 2010 3:10 p.m.

mattlohkamp says... #15

Magma Rift is on-colour removal - we could take out any of the creatures we've seen passed around so far with it. That's pretty valuable.

On the other hand, Demolish ... Basilisk Collar , Kitesail or even a card:Explorer's Scope would be nice to be able to have an answer to. And in the shakey uncertainty of a draft deck, it is always incredibly satisfying to hold land destruction until your opponent finally draws the colour they need - and then blow it up.

Kind of a tough choice. I'm going to guess that on average, Magma Rift will be useful more often... so let's go with the Baneslayer Angel -slayer.

April 3, 2010 4:24 p.m.

TAMA says... #16

Have you guys seen the green we've been passing the last thing I want to see is a turn four baloth. Admittedly the rift is playable but I'm actually worried about the green we've been passing and I never lose to green in Zendi drafts.

April 3, 2010 7:14 p.m.

mattlohkamp says... #17

I mean, that's a fair point - the hypothetical green player to our left could have picked up Oran-Rief Survivalist or Vines of Vastwood , Timbermaw Larva , Primal Bellow ... those could all be pretty sneaky.

But we do already have some really decent threats and removal, depending on which colour we end up going with, and the option to work that landfall mechanic.

If we're faced with either grabbing a card that'll be solid for us, or one that's solid for an opponent - I'd pick us. As long as we're imagining what the other drafters are doing, maybe the next person over is playing white, and will hate draft the Greenweaver Druid even if we won't... so taking something that we know will help us like Magma Rift as opposed to something that might help another player makes the most sense to me.

April 3, 2010 8:04 p.m.

merubhanot says... #18

No question that you want the Magma Rift it's a great limited card, and nothing else in the pack, except maybe Merfolk Wayfinder and Demolish , are even options. You end up with so many lands in limited that the drawback isn't even that bad, and killing fatties is crucial.

April 3, 2010 9:47 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #19

Magma Rift winning so far. Will leave it open until midnight or so my time.


April 3, 2010 10:01 p.m.

I agree that it is a tossup between magma rift and demolish. Red will have other burn that shows up, but land / artifact removal is not so common in the color and this may be our only chance to get it so my pick is Demolish

April 4, 2010 12:55 a.m.

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