TappedOut Community Set (Voting for Irindu's Red/Green Rares)

Community Set


27 August 2010


You know what? You guys are awesome! We had a lot of innovative ideas submitted during this last card challenge. Some of them really kept me on my toes when converting the rules text to proper MTG-speak. Unfortunately, we had to narrow it down to some finalists so you guys could vote. As usual, I've placed the thoughts that the Design Team had about each card under each entry. Don't let the criticism fool you though, we love each of these finalists.



This card may be too powerful in its current state. The converted mana cost may need to increase by at least one and/or the card you play for free may need to decrease to two converted mana or less. It was also suggested that the card you cast for free MUST be a creature.


The main concern here was that the card should increase in cost by one. Also, should it only be able to target your own creature?

Irindu Shaman

When this card was originally submitted, the two green abilities were combined, and the two blue abilities were combined. However, I couldn't find any reference on an existing card that allowed you to make a choice when targeting up to a certain number of creatures. So, to convert the card to proper MTG-speak, the abilities were split up. However, now the card may be too cluttered.


The main concerns here were about the tokens this card creates. Should the tokens be 3/1? Should they get sacrificed at end of turn? The converted mana cost also may need to increase depending on how powerful flow is during playtesting.

Uneven Flow

Like the previous card, it's hard to tell how powerful this card will be until we get to playtesting. Some possible changes include making the creature a 1/1, changing the amount of damage to 1, and/or only allowing the ability to target creatures.


Irindu's Splendor

The Design Team didn't have any issues with this card in its originally submitted form.

Kara, Flow Shifter

Ideas included making the ability only cost U and allowing you to only draw one card. This would also make it more difficult to completely lock-down an opponent's ability to use flow, which was another concern.

Master of Irindu

There were some concerns that this may be too powerful. If this proves true, the amount of damage may need to be limited to only red permanents OR mountains. Some of the abilities may need to be reworded. Also, should this be an enchantment instead of a creature?

Meadow Dancer

There were some concerns that this may be underpowered. To help this, it was suggested that it should either gain shroud or that shroud should replace the “can not be countered” ability.

River of Sustenance

The Design Team didn't have any issues with this card in its originally submitted form.



The +1/+0 ability may get changed to a +1/-1 ability. Also, the converted mana cost of this card may be able to be decreased by one.

Primal Drive

The Design Team didn't have any issues with this card in its originally submitted form.

Rabid Woggler Swarm

The only concern here was that this card doesn't feel red at all. A suggested solution was to change shroud and reach to troll shroud and haste. First strike is also an option.

Symbiotic Meltdown

Should the creatures get exiled instead of destroyed during each upkeep? Should the creatures all come back to the battlefield when this card is sacrificed? Also, the type of creature token that this card creates may change.

Wild Flow

The cost may need to increase. The effect may need to only last until end of turn. Finally, it was suggested that first strike should replace haste.


Here's what we're looking for:

1) Each person should vote for one card from each category (one red card, one green card, and one red/green card).

2) Each person should critique the cards for which they have voted. Agree or disagree with the Design Team's suggestions and include any other ideas you have to improve the card. Any critiques made on cards for which you did not vote will NOT be put into consideration from the Head Team.

The deadline for voting is Tuesday, August 31 at 11:59 p.m.


You may or may not have noticed that past card creation winner, squire1 , did not submit any entries for this challenge. This is because we had two empty slots to fill on the Design Team. So, I had squire1 move from the Creative Team over to the Design Team. This leaves us with one vacancy on the Design Team, which I plan to fill as soon as possible, and a vacancy on the Creative Team, which I will fill at a later time.

I know that many of you have expressed interest in joining the Design Team. I'm looking for someone that has a good eye for card design and that has spare time that they can devote to this project. Whoever joins the team will be unable to submit entries to card creation challenges (which is why squire1 was unable to submit any this time). However, you'll be able to help judge these challenges and get to see the “behind the scenes” of the project. If you're interested in joining and helping us out, send me an email at [email protected]. Please include your TappedOut username in the email.

This article is a follow-up to TappedOut Community Set (Irindu's Red and Green Rares) The next article in this series is TappedOut Community Set (Irindu's Gold Rares)

Xander574 says... #1

Just to add to the recruitment, There will also be the following Questionare to check your ability to help serve the greater community of tappedout.net in its set creation. Please DO NOT post your answers on the voting thread but include it to the email to our fearless leader Mister Green.

1) What is your perfect date?(romantic, not like on a calendar)

2) How many hot dogs can you eat in under 3 minutes (anything under 37 is unacceptable)

3) If a train left from New York city heading to Paris, France going 432 KPH, and a train left from Paris, France to New York city going 300 MPH when would they collide. (that one is a trick question)

4) Do you like my new hat? (also a trick question)

5) What is your favorite magic card of all time? (lamest question on the questionare)

6) Star Wars, or Star Trek and why? (easiest question)

7) what is the average swimming speed of the north american bottle nosed dolphin?(If you google it we will know)

8) If you had to choose, what would you say your favorite Condiment is? (ex:ranch, ketchup, sourcream)

9) Whats the most important factor to balancing a card in the creation process? (second lamest question)

10) If face with thirteen point five ninjas in a dark alley way what would be your weapon of choice? (easily the most important)

Now all of the questions are very important and serious to the Design process. The amount of times I have had to out swim a dolphin to get a challenge up you would not believe. Please answer them honestly, if you lie we will know, if you google it we will know, in fact WE KNOW THAT YOU ARE READING THIS NOW. So watch out buster....Water tribe.

(Okay serious face) Oh and please vote on your favorite rare its very very important like actually important. And critiques are always helpfull honestly. Also thank you for submitting your ideas and please keep em coming. If yours hasnt been picked yet keep trying. Sometimes your ideas are great but are meant for a different shard, or are slightly under powered and could be being auto included into uncommon slots. SO KEEP TRYING, NEVER SURRENDER, VICTORY OR DEATH.

August 27, 2010 1:48 p.m.

exarkun809 says... #2

First, have to say kudos to the entrants. I like pretty much all these cards. Most of which I remember seeing in the submission thread and thinking, 'that's cool.'

For Red, I think we have to go with either Dragonsoul or Quakespawn. Not because they're better (like i said, I like most of these cards), but b/c I think they're the most "Irindu." I think we need an enchantment that interacts with flow (if I didn't like the green creatures so much, River of Sustenance would be great).

So I vote Quakespawn for red, and suggest they be 3/1 hasties that get sacrificed at the end of the turn.

I love the green creatures. Meadow Dancer is really cool (maybe she should get one other pump when flow is paid, like flying), and Kara's concept is cool. But, I have to vote for Master of Irindu for green. I would love to build a deck around it.

For R/G, I wanted an instant. But, I like Wild Flow's idea of really manipulating the battlefield. I would say it should be increased to CMC 4, make it an instant, and make it until the end of turn. Or CMC 3 and give +2 and -2.

August 27, 2010 2:26 p.m.

Zylo says... #3

Red: Quakespawn. I think that they should be 3/1 haste trample that get sac'd at end of turn.

Green: Meadow Dancer. Okay, I think it should gain smart shroud (aka troll shroud) and take away the "can't be countered," I agree with exarkun809 that part of the pump from pay flow should be something more like maybe whither or reach or some other green ability.

Red/Green: I really like Symboitic Meltdown. Though I think it should exile the creatures and when it get's sacrificed all the creatures exiled should return to the battle field tapped or something.

August 27, 2010 3:42 p.m.

Vols8907 says... #4

Red: Uneven Flow. I really like this card. I, personally, think that the rules text needs to be changed to allow for the 2 damage to target a creature also. I like keeping it as a 2/2 and doing 2 damage because it is a rare, and, by weakening the creature's p/t or damage, I feel like it makes the card too much like an uncommon Prodigal Pyromancer . I could see possibly changing the mana cost to 1RR or 3R though to make it more difficult to cast. Also, the flow cost would have to be increased if the 2nd option was chosen.

Green: Irindu's Splendor. This card seems like it would be very fun to play. It allows you to use twice as much mana as normal. This would allow for a nice ramp card. Also, it allows you to get your bombs out faster than normal. Sure, you don't get to untap the land next turn, but that doesn't stop you from being able to do quite a bit on your next turn regardless. I think this card definitely should not be changed.

R/G: Symbiotic Meltdown. This seems like a really cool card. I do agree that it should be changed to exile the creatures and bring them back to the battlefield tapped as was suggested by Zylo. Also, for whatever reason, I think the tokens should be 0/2 or even 1/2. I really have no reasoning behind this though other than I think that the creatures should at least be somewhat more useful than an 0/1 haha.

August 27, 2010 6:01 p.m.

beaver11 says... #5

Uneven flow - I think damage should be able to be directed at creatures

Meadow Dancer - I like this card for its synergy with flow, and I think that it should get another pump when a flow cost is played maybe trample, as exarkun said.

Symbiotic Meltdown - I like Zylo's suggestion, where if this enchantment is destroyed creatures come back tapped

August 27, 2010 8:59 p.m.

red- dragonoid: I don't think the CMC of the creatures needs to be decreased if the CMC of the dragonoid is increased

green- one of my cards is in there, so I wont vote

Gold- Symbiotic meltdown: i agree with the exile idea. and returned to play afterwords

August 27, 2010 9:49 p.m.

$ªmHεiπ says... #7

My Favorites :

Red :

Dragonsoul - Excellent example of a simple effect with great utility.

Green :

Meadow Dancer would be my pick, if it was given shroud, or even troll shroud.

Gold :

Primal Drive - good fit with the colors.

Other Thoughts :

Dragonoid - just doesn't seem like a dragon to me.

Irindu Shaman - lose the +1/+1 and flying abilites.

Master of Irindu - make it a 1GG enchantment and lose the complications - tap all your lands or sac it, and you get to untap during each opponents untap - remember you still get to untap everything else during your turn as well.

Wild Flow - assume you have a creature or 2, and your opponent does as well - if you both have small creatures, they kill each other, and you get no damage through, if yours are bigger (>4) you cant attack because now you have smaller creatures. if you both have big creatures, again, mutual destruction. Would only be good in a situation where they have bigger creatures than you, or you have unblocked attackers. Haste makes no sense here - anything already on the board wouldn't need it and anything you cast that turn would either be a big creature with -3/-3 and haste or +3/+3 trample and summoning sickness. replace haste with 0:regenerate this creature and make it an instant. some possibilities there.

August 27, 2010 11:50 p.m.

$ªmHεiπ says... #8

Or did I just miss the point to wild flow completely?

August 27, 2010 11:59 p.m.

SocialistElite says... #9


FOR RED! Dragonoid on the condition that the name is changed, the creature type is changed (sorry, it just doesnt seem right, flavor wise. I don't understand why a dragon would be doing that.) and that it can only be a Creature. Also, if its a creature, and you have to sac it at end of turn you could possilby even raise what the CMC could be.

FOR GREEN! Meadow Dancer, Fo sho. Its good if your playing flow, its good when your playing AGAINST flow! Also, elk is a cool creature type. haha. As for making it better... Shroud or troll shroud seems good. Other than that, I cant really think of too much.

FOR GOLD! Rabid Woggler Swarm has the best name, the coolest ability, and I can see myslef making about a billion different decks with it. I would suggest make it cost GR (or maybe 1GR if it gets too good.), drop the reach, give it haste, and make it a 1/1. Spawnwrithe was awesomely fun, Sprouting Phytohydra was fun, and I'm sure that this guy woll lead to many-a-epic game stories!

Additional notes:

Wild Flow needs to be reworded with an 'and' between the abilities so people don't think they're creatures get +3/+3 and THEN get -3/-3.

Quakespawn should make 3/1.

I don't understand why everyone is worried about shutting down flow. The set is going to need some cards that prevent some weird Flow Combo deck from happening. The best way to do that is to either raise the Flow Cost, which may make flow unplayable, or you can make abilities that make flow more difficult. i.e. "flow cost 3 more", or "players can only draw one additional card each turn", or even "players cannot cast cards from anywhere other than their hand" providing that it has suffiecent enough of a drawback. Besides, even if you turn off flow, it doesnt mean that the other person is out of the game.

August 28, 2010 1:31 p.m.

Jarrod_0067 says... #10

I'm not voting. I would be biased cos I'm an entrant... Instead I'm just adding a suggestion to my own card (Rabid Woggler Swarm). I actually designed it to counter hefty fliers (Goliath Sphinx ) and dodge Lightning Bolt s, thus, reach and shroud. Although that said, shroud doesn't suit. I really wanted it to be U/G not R/G, but anyway...

My suggested changes to my own card:

1: Reduce the mana cost by 1

2: Give it a regenerate option ("G: regenerate", or "RG: regenerate") and ditch shroud

So with the changes:

Rabid Woggler Swarm 1GR

Creature - Beast Mutant


G/RG: Regenerate

During each player's end step, if 3 or more cards were drawn this turn, put a token that's a copy of Rabid Woggler Swarm onto the battlefield.


as for suggestions to giving it haste, I think Haste just doesn't suit, as the tokens it produces come into play at the end of turn anyway.

August 29, 2010 3:50 a.m.

Jarrod_0067 says... #11

oh, and I want the card art to be an EVIL FLYING RABBIT!!!

August 29, 2010 3:59 a.m.

Even if your card is one of the finalists, you should still vote. If you think your card is the best in its category, then vote for your own. If not, vote for someone else's. No one is going to hold it against you if you vote for your. I doubt Obama voted for McCain...

August 29, 2010 2:57 p.m.

Zylo says... #13

Lol well said mistergreen527

August 29, 2010 5:09 p.m.

Xander574 says... #14

I'm pretty sure Sarah Palin voted for obama

August 29, 2010 9:28 p.m.

leon_raymond says... #15

Well I'm glad to see that Sarah Palin isn't completely insane.

Red: i love all these cards but i feel that Quakespawn and Uneven Flow are the most "Irindu". There needs to be "counter-flow" cards. I think that Quakespawn should create 3/1 with haste and sacrificed at end of turn. And Uneven Flow should be an enchantment. I vote for Uneven Flow

Green: I really like how Irindu's Splendor represents the volatility of the land. Although I think Meadow Dancer is a winner. Like most other people, i think it should have shroud and maybe gaining flying when a card is "flowed". I vote for Meadow Dancer

Red/Green: I reckon Symbiotic Meltdown is the true winner here. It represents just how crazy Irindu can get at times. Just i feel that the creatures should be exiled rather than destroyed. I vote for Symbiotic Meltdown

Also I'm really surprised to see that two of my cards got in the finals! Dragonsoul was intended to only be used on your own creatures, otherwise you have a mono-red kill spell. And I agree that Fluctuant should cost one less mana and have a +1/-1 ability instead of +1/+0

August 30, 2010 7:50 a.m.

I completely disagree with leon_raymond: yes, she is.

Red: I'm biased, but I vote Quakespawn. Paying for flow is not cheap. Therefore, I see players gaining two tokens every three rounds, at best. That understood, I agree the tokens could be 3/1s or sacrificed at EoT. Not a fan of having both restrictions. It is a rare after all.

Really like Uneven Flow and Dragonsoul, but I think they need more tweaking.

Green: I vote Meadow Dancer. Love the ability. Love the name, though I can't really see an elk mutant being labeled a "dancer". Can't be countered is consistent with the other popular elk: great-sable-stag. Perhaps give it protection from black?

Red/Green: I vote Fluctuant. Love the name and flavor. It's got versatility, but I agree the cost needs to come down. If you're paying 6 for an enchantment, it should be a finisher.

August 30, 2010 1:59 p.m.

leon_raymond says... #17

@SupremeAlliesCommander Thanks for voting for Fluctuant, but you mentioned that if you pay 6 for an enchantment, it should be a finisher. Fluctuant is a creature. just a typo?

August 31, 2010 2:02 a.m.

Sorry! Yes, that was a brain spasm on my part.

August 31, 2010 10:01 a.m.

BrownDog5117 says... #19

Red: I really like Quakespawn, but I think that the tokens should be 5/1s with haste and be sacrificed at the end of turn!

Green: Meadow Dancer!! Very cool ability with the +x/+x. Like others said, it should be a bit harder to kill. So maybe add shroud or regenerate or something else!

Gold: Being the submitter of Symbiotic Meltdown, I have to vote for it. The original entry had the creatures turning into 0/1s with no abilities, rather than destroying, but in the end, I like this exile idea. Exile the highest power, then when their are no creatures on the battlefield, return them all to play tapped. Nice idea!!!

August 31, 2010 11:25 a.m.

Zylo says... #20

@BrownDog5117 I think 5/1's are pretty ridiculous. I think they should be more that just 3/1's though and that why I said in my first post that I think they should be 3/1's with haste AND trample.

August 31, 2010 12:51 p.m.

BrownDog5117 says... #21

well.. idk.. i think they should be sacked at the end of turn because they're elementals.. so maybe make them 5/1s but increase the casting cost of the card? anyways, sick card!!!

August 31, 2010 5:39 p.m.

That's almost Ball Lightning from a can. At 3/1, it's a Hellspark Elemental with the ability to be triggered by flow numerous times, instead of having unearth.

Let's keep in mind... Quakespawn won't trigger on your opponent's turn. It won't trigger if you cast an instant, sorcery, or enchantment. It only triggers when you cast a creature AND you pay that creature's flow cost. Which is to say: not very often.

Is there any one place on the site where we can view all the Irindu concept cards at once?

August 31, 2010 5:46 p.m.

Xander574 says... #23

Not yet. and flow happens at instant speed. So say with a lvled Enclave Cryptologist you can draw and cast flow cards at instant speed.

August 31, 2010 6:04 p.m.

Thanks for the answer.

Flow may happen at instant speed, but Quakespawn reads "Whenever you pay the flow cost on a CREATURE card..." I think that's a significant limitation and if folks haven't noted it, they may be overrating the card.

August 31, 2010 8:49 p.m.

Doh! Nevermind. I completely misconstrued the flow mechanic. I just reread it and see my mistake. Thanks for correcting me.

August 31, 2010 8:52 p.m.

Jarrod_0067 says... #26

Fine! I'm voting

Red: Irindu Shaman. Great concept. I like cards that support others. This card seems like the best contender. The only flaws I see are the ratio of mana cost to PT. 1RR for a 1/1? It doesn't even have haste! Make the ability non-tap activated. Its riddiculous to think the player will have the mana required to play its ability on turn 4... I think it has the most potential if there were the following changes:

Irindu Shaman 2RR 2/2

Creature - Shapeshifter Shaman

G: Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature. U: Target creature gains flying until end of turn. R: Target creaure gains haste until end of turn.

Green: Medow Dancer. I like the concept. Maybe make it a 2/2 and give it super shroud instead. So:

Medow Dancer 1GG 2/2

Creature - Elk Mutant

Medow Dancer can't be the target of spells and abilities your opponents control.

Whenever a flow cost is paid, Medow Dancer gets +X/+X until end of turn where X is the amount of mana spent to pay that flow cost.

RG: I like my own

September 1, 2010 8:52 a.m.

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