SOM Daily Draft Debate - Wrapup!

Daily Draft Debate


29 December 2010


Final Results!

Well, it went right down to the wire, and ultimately Tappedout did nothing more than play the spoiler to the actual contenders, but it played a very successful spoiler, determining the champion in the final round. Your standings!

1st Place - Grim (6-1)

Grim's SOM DDD Deck

Just a nasty piece of work. Did Grim draw Myr Reservoir? Or Tempered Steel? Or did she get out Geth, Lord of the Vault? If so, congratulations, you lose. (Unless, like Sectoid, you could counter the relevant spells). The Tappedout deck put up a respectable showing against this deck, but ultimately couldn't stop its Myr onslaught. Thirteen Myr in this deck! I was very impressed by Grim's innovative draft strategy; she seemed to have a never-ending font of Myr, plus nasty surprises like Geth, Golem Foundry, and Turn to Slag. We'll hear more from the champion later on in the article on what she thought of this draft.

2nd Place - Sectoid (5-2)

Sectoid's SOM DDD Deck

Sectoid actually beat Grim's deck, but faltered against the speed of Fisher's infect deck, and was buried under a mountain of mid-range beef against the Tappedouters. This nasty mono-blue deck primarily relied on Grand Architect and Neurok Invisimancer to win the game, plus four copies of Bonds of Quicksilver and a few counterspells to mess with the enemy. A very dangerous deck that came close to winning it all; this was Sectoid's best draft result ever.

3rd Place - Tappedout (4-3) (wins tiebreaker vs. Fisher)


The Hive Mind did not have its best DDD ever, dropping a record-high three matches and struggling to take home a winning record. Blame has been cast from lack of a late game to a confused multicolor draft strategy, but it was still a pretty decent showing. Bounce back and get 'em next time, drafters! After the standings, I'll weigh in, along with the other drafters, with my thoughts on this event.

4th Place - Fisher (4-3) (loses tiebreaker vs. Tappedout)

Fisher's SOM DDD Deck

Fisher was That Infect Guy this time around, but no one else committed to infect, so he built a very nasty, and fast aggro infect deck. He had a hard time hanging around against decks that could survive his initial onslaught, though, and that would prove to be his downfall in the matches he lost, especially against Bernard, who scored his only match win against Fisher.

5th Place - Raynor (3-4) (wins tiebreaker vs. Shetland)

Raynor's SOM DDD Deck

This was a very high-quality draft, and Raynor's deck would, I suspect, be sufficient to beat the crap out of most SOM draft decks that have been put together. His combination of green-black filthiness (including the most card-draw, as it turned out) got him a long ways, but not far enough for a winning record.

6th Place - Shetland (3-4) (loses tiebreaker vs. Raynor)

Shetland's SOM DDD Deck

The hard-luck case of the draft. Shetland at least won a game in every match he played, except his match against Raynor, and had more than his fair share of mana screw/flood. He also seemed to have a hard time drawing his best card, Prototype Portal. His blue-red deck certainly seems better than a 6th-Place deck.

7th Place - Reaper (2-5)

Reaper's SOM DDD Deck.

Reaper had a bunch of scary artifacts and spells in this mono-red deck, but not, it seemed, enough high-quality creatures. Reaper stretched the color red a little too thin in this deck and paid for it by having only 11 creatures, and those weren't exactly all the best red dudes out there. Unlike Sectoid, Reaper was unable to make his mono-colored deck cover all his bases, and he paid for it with a painful 2-5 finish.

8th Place - Bernard (1-6)

Bernard's SOM DDD Deck

Bernard had some rough luck too, but he also had an insanely heavy mana curve (SIX copies of Alpha Tyrranax ) and only 16 mana, which was probably pushing things a little. This was the cause of most of his problems, as he had plenty of good cards, but rarely any mana to cast them. Probably a much better deck if it had added one or two more lands. On the bright side for Bernard, he does walk away from the draft with a shiny new Elspeth Tirel.

Drafter Comments

Now we'll have an interview with our drafters. Caley will answer for the Tappedout community. We'll be asking each drafter these questions:

1- What was your draft strategy, and how did it evolve over the course of the draft?

2- What colors did you evaluate as being open or closed during the course of the draft?

3- What pick or picks made you feel lucky, or shocked that someone had passed it?

4- Who had the best deck in the draft?

5- What were you least-expecting from an opponent that you encountered during play?


1- What was your draft strategy, and how did it evolve over the course of the draft?

"I didn't come in bent on anything, really, I just kinda winged it. I started by grabbing Chimeric Mass because he's good anywhere, and then pick 2 I got passed a Myr Reservoir. ( Caley's note- By Shetland. THANKS, DUDE. ) After I took that I just decided to see if I could make a Myr deck work."

2- What colors did you evaluate as being open or closed during the course of the draft?

"I didn't really pay too much attention. Actually, I did notice that I wasn't getting Leaden Myr, which I needed, so I figured people had to be drafting lots of black." ( Caley's note- Three drafters drafted heavy black, and Grim drafted light black, so there were four black drafters! Only Fisher and Raynor ended up using lots of black in their decks; Tappedout decided against using black cards, and Grim only splashed it for Geth, etc. )

3- What pick or picks made you feel lucky, or shocked that someone had passed it?

"Honestly, Myr Reservoir being passed to me was pretty amazing. I guess it's pretty weird to go for a Myr deck, but if you commit to it, it looks like it works pretty well with the right cards. I also got passed a lot of Palladium Myr pretty late. Oh, and packing a Geth didn't hurt."

4- Who had the best deck in the draft?

"Now that I can see them, I feel like (Shetland) actually had a really good deck. He had lots of control, a good mix of creatures, and one card that just basically wins when he draws it."

5- What were you least-expecting from an opponent that you encountered during play?

"I did not expect to get Elspeth dropped on my head every game during the next-to-last round. Fortunately Tempered Steel pulled me out of the fire."


1- What was your draft strategy, and how did it evolve over the course of the draft?

"I started with this really terrible pack where I was pretty sure the best card was Neurok Invisimancer. After that I sorta just kept getting good blue cards, so I kept going blue. I was waiting to split off to another color but I never found anything that interested me enough, and I kept getting good blue cards." (Caley's note- Only Shetland and Fisher also drafted blue; Fisher only splashed it for proliferate cards. )

2- What colors did you evaluate as being open or closed during the course of the draft?

"Well blue seemed pretty open to me. I did notice that there weren't very many good green cards." (Caley's note- Accurate. Three players, Bernard, Fisher, and Raynor, all had heavy green elements in their decks )

3- What pick or picks made you feel lucky, or shocked that someone had passed it?

"Oh man. I got two Grand Architects in a row during the last pack. I lucked out big time there, my deck would have sucked pretty bad without those, I think."

4- Who had the best deck in the draft?

"(Grim). She won for good reason."

5- What were you least-expecting from an opponent that you encountered during play?

"Again, (Grim)'s whole deck. That was just crazy."


1- What was your draft strategy, and how did it evolve over the course of the draft?

"We, and here I am using the Hive Mind we, just picked a few good cards near the start and tried to stick to those colors. We had a good number of white cards, but then kept alternating between red and black as our second color. Ultimately we ended up with enough good red cards to make a solid deck, but we just couldn't seem to find any really nasty bombs."

2- What colors did you evaluate as being open or closed during the course of the draft?

"The Hive Mind seemed to think that black was being heavily drafted, and that red was not. Black was being drafted heavily by two others, so that was true. Red was being heavily-drafted by one and lightly-drafted by another, plus we drafted it, of course, but there were a LOT of red cards in these packs, more so than usual, so it did seem legitimate to think that there was some open red."

3- What pick or picks made you feel lucky, or shocked that someone had passed it?

"Picking up an Oxidda Scrapmelter at pick 10 was pretty amazing."

4- Who had the best deck in the draft?

"(Grim) and (Sectoid) both had really good decks and could have won this draft. I liked both of them because they were incredibly innovative. Who goes mono-blue or just drafts everything with "Myr" in it in this format? These two did and they went 1-2."

5- What were you least-expecting from an opponent that you encountered during play?

"(Bernard)'s Elspeth, which he had not put in a sleeve, was pretty surprising, especially since he killed me with it in one game."


1- What was your draft strategy, and how did it evolve over the course of the draft?

"Infect is getting to the point where people think it's overused, so they stop using it. So I went infect because I figured not many others would for once." (Caley's note- Accurate. No one else was dedicated to infect. )

2- What colors did you evaluate as being open or closed during the course of the draft?

"White looked fairly open, but there weren't a lot of good cards." (Caley's note- Bernard and Tappedout drafted heavy white, and Grim splashed for Tempered Steel. Bernard only began drafting white after he packed an Elspeth Tirel in pack 2. )

3- What pick or picks made you feel lucky, or shocked that someone had passed it?

"I didn't really have any luck-out moments that I remember."

4- Who had the best deck in the draft?

"(Grim)'s deck was pretty crazy. I also felt like Caley's deck was really solid; it looked pretty tough to crack." (Caley's note- I bet he's just saying that because we swept him in our match, though. No one else swept him.

5- What were you least-expecting from an opponent that you encountered during play?

"The whole idea behind (Grim)'s deck was nothing I had ever seen before. It was really cool."


1- What was your draft strategy, and how did it evolve over the course of the draft?

"Just to find the best cards I could find and stick with the right colors. I started out in green, but saw a Grasp of Darkness and some other good cards and moved into black, too."

2- What colors did you evaluate as being open or closed during the course of the draft?

"It looked like red was pretty open. I was thinking of moving into it, but I decided it would be better to commit to the colors I already had, since I was getting pretty good stuff. And I saw a pretty good amount of red anyway."

3- What pick or picks made you feel lucky, or shocked that someone had passed it?

"I picked up Necrotic Ooze about halfway through the first pack. No way is that card that bad."

4- Who had the best deck in the draft?

"I thought it was between (Grim) and (Fisher), but Fisher didn't do nearly as well, so...."

5- What were you least-expecting from an opponent that you encountered during play?

"(Bernard) cast Genesis Wave for seven, and four of them were Alpha Tyrranax, and I still won somehow. That was crazy. I looked through his deck later and saw that he had six of them. Insane."


1- What was your draft strategy, and how did it evolve over the course of the draft?

"I saw some really hot blue and red cards early on; took an Oxidda Scrapmelter and a Volition Reins 1-2. Then later I saw a Prototype Portal and tried to amp up the artifacts a little more also. It worked out pretty well, I thought."

2- What colors did you evaluate as being open or closed during the course of the draft?

"I only thought maybe one other person was drafting any blue." (Caley's note- Essentially accurate; Sectoid was the only other blue drafter. Fisher picked up the occasional proliferate card, but that's it. )

3- What pick or picks made you feel lucky, or shocked that someone had passed it?

"Prototype Portal. I opened that pack 2 and thought, well, this draft just got a lot easier."

4- Who had the best deck in the draft?

"(Grim), no question. That deck was killer."

5- What were you least-expecting from an opponent that you encountered during play?

"The first game against (Grim) was really nuts. She got out like eight Myr and I had a bunch of copies of Vulshok Replica with Prototype Portal, but she could keep bringing the Myr back faster than I could make Replica copies. Eventually she dropped a Tempered Steel and just ruined me."


1- What was your draft strategy, and how did it evolve over the course of the draft?

"I drafted a lot of good red stuff early, and never saw anything that made me want to do any other colors. I see now that I had another guy drafting red, (Shetland), picking before me, so that didn't help."

2- What colors did you evaluate as being open or closed during the course of the draft?

"Honestly I saw a lot of red. I saw so much red, I didn't really think anyone else was drafting it."

3- What pick or picks made you feel lucky, or shocked that someone had passed it?

"I tabled a Turn to Slag in the first pack. That was what made me think, yeah, no one else can be doing red if Turn to Slag made it around."

4- Who had the best deck in the draft?

"Honestly I thought Caley did. That one had a lot of different ways to come at you. (Shetland)'s was pretty good too."

5- What were you least-expecting from an opponent that you encountered during play?

"Man, (Fisher) had ALL the poison cards, it seemed like. I thought my deck was pretty fast but playing him I'd have like 5 poison counters before I could even do anything."


1- What was your draft strategy, and how did it evolve over the course of the draft?

"I stuck to green early. Green has some really good cards in Scars, like Tel-Jilad Fallen and decent combat tricks, plus you don't really need too much removal because of all the big creatures, and you can stop fliers with Wall of Tanglecord pretty well. Then I packed an Elspeth Tirel and had to go white for her, obviously."

2- What colors did you evaluate as being open or closed during the course of the draft?

"I didn't see a lot of white cards being taken, especially later on when I was looking for them."

3- What pick or picks made you feel lucky, or shocked that someone had passed it?

"I packed an Elspeth Tirel, man. First planeswalker I've ever opened in a pack and it happens in a draft. That was awesome."

4- Who had the best deck in the draft?

"I couldn't really tell since I lost to like, all of them. (Sectoid)'s deck was the most frustrating."

5- What were you least-expecting from an opponent that you encountered during play?

"Grim's deck. That was crazy. Who let her get all of those Myr?"

Pack-by-pack playback

Pack 1


Necrotic Ooze- Pick 7 by Raynor

Vigil for the Lost- Pick 13 by Reaper

Furnace Celebration- Pick 12 by Shetland

Trigon of Rage- Pick 5 by Reaper

Blade-Tribe Berserkers- Pick 10 by Fisher

Plague Stinger- Pick 2 by Fisher

Bonds of Quicksilver- Pick 4 by Shetland

Cystbearer- Pick 6 by Bernard

Sunspear Shikari- Pick 9 by Tappedout

Silver Myr- Pick 3 by Grim

Revoke Existence- Pick 1 by Tappedout

Blunt the Assault- Pick 11 by Grim

Psychic Miasma- Pick 14 by Bernard

Vault Skyward- Pick 8 by Sectoid

Swamp- Pick 15 by Raynor


Razorverge Thicket- Pick 13 by Shetland

Culling Dais- Pick 12 by Grim

Lifesmith- Pick 14 by Reaper

Painsmith- Pick 8 by Raynor

Disperse- Pick 9 by Sectoid

Gold Myr- Pick 4 by Grim

Glint Hawk Idol- Pick 10 by Tappedout

Turn Aside- Pick 5 by Shetland

Tel-Jilad Fallen- Pick 7 by Bernard

Arrest- Pick 2 by Tappedout

Grasp of Darkness- Pick 3 by Fisher

Neurok Invisimancer- Pick 1 by Sectoid

Panic Spellbomb- Pick 6 by Reaper

Ichorclaw Myr- Pick 11 by Fisher

Forest- Pick 15 by Bernard


Painful Quandary- Pick 11 by Tappedout

Darkslick Drake- Pick 6 by Shetland

Glimmerpoint Stag- Pick 3 by Tappedout

Trigon of Rage- Pick 7 by Reaper

Lumengrid Drake- Pick 10 by Sectoid

Alpha Tyrranax- Pick 8 by Bernard

Bonds of Quicksilver- Pick 2 by Sectoid

Silver Myr- Pick 5 by Grim

Fume Spitter- Pick 9 by Raynor

Ghalma’s Warden- Pick 13 by Grim

Bleak Coven Vampires- Pick 14 by Shetland

Razorfield Thresher- Pick 12 by Fisher

Vector Asp- Pick 4 by Fisher

Sylvok Replica- Pick 1 by Raynor

Plains- Pick 15 by Reaper


Inexorable Tide- Pick 5 by Fisher

Golem’s Heart- Pick 14 by Grim

Corrupted Harvester- Pick 10 by Raynor

Trigon of Mending- Pick 12 by Tappedout

Bladed Pinions- Pick 4 by Tappedout

Wall of Tanglecord- Pick 9 by Bernard

Glint Hawk Idol- Pick 6 by Grim

Bonds of Quicksilver- Pick 3 by Sectoid

Carapace Forger- Pick 1 by Bernard

Relic Putrescence- Pick 13 by Fisher

Goblin Gaveleer- Pick 7 by Shetland

Vault Skyward- Pick 11 by Sectoid

Loxodon Wayfarer- Pick 8 by Reaper

Cystbearer- Pick 2 by Raynor

Plains- Pick 15 by Shetland


Kuldotha Phoenix- Pick 1 by Reaper

Thrummingbird- Pick 4 by Sectoid

Culling Dais- Pick 11 by Raynor

Exsanguinate- Pick 6 by Fisher

Auriok Sunchaser- Pick 5 by Tappedout

Goblin Gaveleer- Pick 8 by Shetland

Dross Hopper- Pick 13 by Tappedout

Grasp of Darkness- Pick 3 by Raynor

Turn to Slag- Pick 9 by Reaper

Tel-Jilad Fallen- Pick 2 by Bernard

Gold Myr- Pick 7 by Grim

Oxidda Daredevil- Pick 14 by Fisher

Alpha Tyrranax- Pick 10 by Bernard

Vulshok Heartstoker- Pick 12 by Sectoid

Island- Pick 15 by Grim


Shape Anew- Pick 10 by Reaper

Riddlesmith- Pick 9 by Shetland

Oxidda Scrapmelter- Pick 1 by Shetland

Grafted Exoskeleton- Pick 4 by Raynor

Golem Foundry- Pick 8 by Grim

Moriok Replica- Pick 12 by Raynor

Whitesun’s Passage- Pick 13 by Sectoid

Flameborn Hellion- Pick 2 by Reaper

Psychic Miasma- Pick 14 by Tappedout

Perilous Myr- Pick 6 by Tappedout

Molder Beast- Pick 11 by Bernard

Sylvok Replica- Pick 3 by Bernard

Ichorclaw Myr- Pick 7 by Fisher

Halt Order (foil)- Pick 5 by Sectoid

Island- Pick 15 by Fisher


Chimeric Mass- Pick 1 by Grim

Thrummingbird- Pick 8 by Fisher

Throne of Geth- Pick 10 by Shetland

Volition Reins- Pick 2 by Shetland

Auriok Replica- Pick 11 by Reaper

Copper Myr- Pick 9 by Grim

Dross Hopper- Pick 13 by Raynor

Plated Seastrider- Pick 6 by Sectoid

Alpha Tyrranax- Pick 4 by Bernard

Sunspear Shikari- Pick 7 by Tappedout

Untamed Might- Pick 12 by Bernard

Vector Asp- Pick 14 by Sectoid

Moriok Reaver- Pick 5 by Raynor

Echo Circlet- Pick 3 by Reaper

Plains- Pick 15 by Tappedout


Myr Reservoir- Pick 2 by Grim

Acid Web Spider- Pick 5 by Bernard

Painsmith- Pick 13 by Bernard

Furnace Celebration- Pick 14 by Raynor

Vector Asp- Pick 9 by Fisher

Ferrovore- Pick 12 by Reaper

Steady Progress- Pick 1 by Fisher

Alpha Tyrranax- Pick 6 by Raynor

Razorfield Thresher- Pick 11 by Shetland

Wall of Tanglecord- Pick 10 by Grim

Perilous Myr- Pick 8 by Tappedout

Goblin Gaveleer- Pick 4 by Reaper

Bonds of Quicksilver- Pick 3 by Shetland

Tumble Magnet (foil)- Pick 7 by Sectoid

Swamp- Pick 15 by Sectoid

Pack 2


Engulfing Slagwurm- Pick 3 by Grim

Trigon of Infestation- Pick 7 by Raynor

Painsmith- Pick 10 by Fisher

Trigon of Corruption- Pick 1 by Tappedout

Neurok Invisimancer- Pick 8 by Sectoid

Loxodon Wayfarer- Pick 12 by Shetland

Chrome Steed- Pick 4 by Shetland

Razorfield Thresher- Pick 11 by Grim

Turn to Slag- Pick 5 by Reaper

Strider Harness- Pick 9 by Tappedout

Assault Strobe- Pick 13 by Reaper

Alpha Tyrranax- Pick 6 by Bernard

Instill Infection- Pick 14 by Bernard

Tel-Jilad Defiance- Pick 2 by Fisher

Island- Pick 15 by Raynor


Memoricide- Pick 10 by Tappedout

Trigon of Thought- Pick 1 by Sectoid

Exsanguinate- Pick 8 by Raynor

Viridian Revel- Pick 7 by Bernard

Stoic Rebuttal- Pick 9 by Sectoid

Flight Spellbomb- Pick 11 by Fisher

Turn to Slag- Pick 5 by Shetland

Silver Myr- Pick 4 by Grim

Vulshok Replica- Pick 6 by Reaper

Soliton- Pick 12 by Grim

Lumengrid Drake- Pick 13 by Shetland

Instill Infection- Pick 14 by Reaper

Vector Asp- Pick 3 by Fisher

Leaden Myr- Pick 2 by Tappedout

Plains- Pick 15 by Bernard


Asceticism- Pick 5 by Grim

Exsanguinate- Pick 9 by Raynor

Trigon of Corruption- Pick 3 by Tappedout

Barbed Battlegear- Pick 11 by Tappedout

Kuldotha Rebirth- Pick 13 by Grim

Tainted Strike- Pick 12 by Fisher

Saberclaw Golem- Pick 6 by Shetland

Tel-Jilad Fallen- Pick 1 by Raynor

Snapsail Glider- Pick 10 by Sectoid

Assault Strobe- Pick 7 by Reaper

Corpse Cur- Pick 4 by Fisher

Strider Harness- Pick 14 by Shetland

Seize the Initiative- Pick 8 by Bernard

Scrapdiver Serpent- Pick 2 by Sectoid

Island- Pick 15 by Reaper


Elspeth Tirel- Pick 1 by Bernard

Memnite- Pick 7 by Shetland

Corrupted Harvester- Pick 14 by Grim

Exsanguinate- Pick 10 by Raynor

Iron Myr- Pick 4 by Tappedout

Steady Progress- Pick 5 by Fisher

Seize the Initiative- Pick 13 by Fisher

Carapace Forger- Pick 9 by Bernard

Fulgent Distraction- Pick 11 by Sectoid

Auriok Replica- Pick 8 by Reaper

Scrapdiver Serpent- Pick 3 by Sectoid

Soul Parry- Pick 12 by Tappedout

Kuldotha Rebirth- Pick 6 by Grim

Leaden Myr- Pick 2 by Raynor

Plains- Pick 15 by Shetland


Genesis Wave- Pick 2 by Bernard

Palladium Myr- Pick 7 by Grim

Barrage Ogre- Pick 1 by Reaper

Auriok Edgewright- Pick 10 by Bernard

Carapace Forger- Pick 3 by Raynor

Blight Mamba- Pick 6 by Fisher

Glint Hawk Idol- Pick 5 by Tappedout

Vulshok Replica- Pick 8 by Shetland

Origin Spellbomb- Pick 12 by Sectoid

Assault Strobe- Pick 14 by Fisher

Horizon Spellbomb- Pick 11 by Raynor

Silver Myr- Pick 4 by Sectoid

Vector Asp- Pick 13 by Tappedout

Iron Myr- Pick 9 by Reaper

Forest- Pick 15 by Grim


Prototype Portal- Pick 1 by Shetland

Bloodshot Trainee- Pick 13 by Sectoid

Painsmith- Pick 12 by Raynor

Oxidda Scrapmelter- Pick 6 by Tappedout

Kuldotha Rebirth- Pick 10 by Reaper

Relic Putrescence- Pick 7 by Fisher

Oxidda Daredevil- Pick 9 by Shetland

Turn to Slag- Pick 8 by Grim

Iron Myr- Pick 2 by Reaper

Arrest- Pick 3 by Bernard

Origin Spellbomb- Pick 11 by Bernard

Perilous Myr- Pick 4 by Raynor

Loxodon Wayfarer- Pick 14 by Tappedout

Disperse- Pick 5 by Sectoid

Swamp- Pick 15 by Fisher


Tempered Steel- Pick 1 by Grim

Ogre Geargrabber- Pick 3 by Reaper

Embersmith- Pick 7 by Tappedout

Vigil for the Lost- Pick 14 by Sectoid

Strider Harness- Pick 10 by Shetland

Melt Terrain- Pick 11 by Reaper

Bonds of Quicksilver- Pick 4 by Bernard

Perilous Myr- Pick 2 by Shetland

Golden Urn- Pick 12 by Bernard

Silver Myr- Pick 9 by Grim

Neurok Invisimancer- Pick 6 by Sectoid

Sylvok Lifestaff- Pick 13 by Raynor

Vector Asp- Pick 8 by Fisher

Moriok Replica- Pick 5 by Raynor

Mountain- Pick 15 by Tappedout


Quicksilver Gargantuan- Pick 3 by Shetland

Palladium Myr- Pick 10 by Grim

Darksteel Myr- Pick 2 by Grim

Infiltration Lens- Pick 6 by Raynor

Turn to Slag- Pick 8 by Tappedout

Seize the Initiative- Pick 13 by Bernard

Echo Circlet- Pick 14 by Raynor

Shatter- Pick 4 by Reaper

Vedalken Certarch- Pick 9 by Fisher

Flight Spellbomb- Pick 11 by Shetland

Loxodon Wayfarer- Pick 5 by Bernard

Scoria Elemental- Pick 12 by Reaper

Bonds of Quicksilver- Pick 7 by Sectoid

Plague Stinger- Pick 1 by Fisher

Swamp- Pick 15 by Sectoid

Pack 3


Cerebral Eruption- Pick 4 by Shetland

Golem’s Heart- Pick 11 by Grim

Ichor Rats- Pick 2 by Fisher

Necrogen Scudder- Pick 1 by Tappedout

Melt Terrain- Pick 5 by Reaper

Perilous Myr- Pick 3 by Grim

Seize the Initiative- Pick 14 by Bernard

Alpha Tyrranax- Pick 6 by Bernard

Ichorclaw Myr- Pick 9 by Tappedout

Copperhorn Scout- Pick 10 by Fisher

Neurok Invisimancer- Pick 8 by Sectoid

Grasp of Darkness- Pick 7 by Raynor

Echo Circlet- Pick 13 by Reaper

Screeching Silcaw- Pick 12 by Shetland

Mountain- Pick 15 by Raynor


Tempered Steel- Pick 2 by Tappedout

Oxidda Scrapmelter- Pick 10 by Tappedout

Halt Order- Pick 9 by Sectoid

Palladium Myr- Pick 4 by Grim

Sunspear Shikari- Pick 7 by Bernard

Contagious Nim- Pick 3 by Fisher

Plated Seastrider- Pick 13 by Shetland

Wing Puncture- Pick 11 by Fisher

Horizon Spellbomb- Pick 8 by Raynor

Auriok Replica- Pick 12 by Grim Shatter- Pick 6 by Reaper

Bonds of Quicksilver- Pick 1 by Sectoid

Turn to Slag- Pick 5 by Shetland

Relic Putrescence- Pick 14 by Reaper

Plains- Pick 15 by Bernard


Semblance Anvil- Pick 5 by Grim

Trigon of Corruption- Pick 1 by Raynor

Viridian Revel- Pick 12 by Fisher

Riddlesmith- Pick 2 by Sectoid Tel-Jilad Fallen- Pick 4 by Fisher

Accorder’s Shield- Pick 7 by Reaper

Molder Beast- Pick 9 by Raynor

Fulgent Distraction- Pick 11 by Tappedout

Sylvok Lifestaff- Pick 3 by Tappedout

Turn Aside- Pick 6 by Shetland

Nihil Spellbomb- Pick 14 by Shetland

Alpha Tyrranax- Pick 8 by Bernard

Kemba’s Skyguard- Pick 10 by Sectoid

Tainted Strike- Pick 13 by Grim

Island- Pick 15 by Reaper


Grand Architect- Pick 3 by Sectoid

Lifesmith- Pick 8 by Reaper

Glimmerpoint Stag- Pick 4 by Tappedout

Skinrender- Pick 2 by Raynor

Relic Putrescence- Pick 14 by Grim

Bonds of Quicksilver- Pick 5 by Fisher

Withstand Death- Pick 10 by Raynor

Fulgent Distraction- Pick 12 by Tappedout

Arrest- Pick 1 by Bernard

Razorfield Thresher- Pick 7 by Shetland

Dross Hopper- Pick 11 by Sectoid

Vault Skyward- Pick 13 by Fisher

Silver Myr- Pick 6 by Grim

Kemba’s Skyguard- Pick 9 by Bernard

Plains- Pick 15 by Shetland


Grand Architect- Pick 4 by Sectoid

Acid Web Spider- Pick 3 by Raynor

Golem Artisan- Pick 5 by Tappedout

Flesh Allergy- Pick 7 by Grim

Flameborn Hellion- Pick 1 by Reaper

Vulshok Heartstoker- Pick 9 by Reaper

Sylvok Lifestaff- Pick 10 by Bernard

Melt Terrain- Pick 14 by Fisher

Oxidda Daredevil- Pick 12 by Sectoid

Ichorclaw Myr- Pick 6 by Fisher

Vulshok Replica- Pick 8 by Shetland

Glint Hawk Idol- Pick 2 by Bernard

Panic Spellbomb_ Pick 13 by Tappedout

Scoria Elemental- Pick 11 by Raynor

Swamp- Pick 15 by Grim


Tunnel Ignus- Pick 10 by Reaper

Barbed Battlegear- Pick 2 by Reaper

Corrupted Harvester- Pick 13 by Sectoid

Vigil for the Lost- Pick 14 by Tappedout

Horizon Spellbomb- Pick 9 by Shetland

Vedalken Certarch- Pick 5 by Sectoid

Snapsail Glider- Pick 6 by Tappedout

Plated Seastrider- Pick 1 by Shetland

Grasp of Darkness- Pick 4 by Raynor

Echo Circlet- Pick 8 by Grim

Moriok Replica- Pick 12 by Raynor

Salvage Scout- Pick 11 by Bernard

Accorder’s Shield- Pick 7 by Fisher

Tel-Jilad Fallen- Pick 3 by Bernard

Mountain- Pick 15 by Fisher


Geth, Lord of the Vault- Pick 1 by Grim

Abuna Acolyte- Pick 4 by Bernard

Memnite- Pick 8 by Fisher

Viridian Revel- Pick 5 by Raynor

Salvage Scout- Pick 9 by Grim

Oxidda Daredevil- Pick 11 by Reaper

Soul Parry- Pick 12 by Bernard

Accorder’s Shield- Pick 13 by Raynor

Iron Myr- Pick 7 by Tappedout

Scrapdiver Serpent- Pick 14 by Sectoid

Stoic Rebuttal- Pick 6 by Sectoid

Tumble Magnet- Pick 3 by Reaper

Sky-Eel School- Pick 10 by Shetland

Bonds of Quicksilver- Pick 2 by Shetland

Forest- Pick 15 by Tappedout


Leonin Arbiter- Pick 11 by Shetland

Trinket Mage- Pick 10 by Grim

Corrupted Harvester- Pick 12 by Reaper

Darkslick Drake- Pick 7 by Sectoid

Lumengrid Drake- Pick 3 by Shetland

Corpse Cur- Pick 1 by Fisher

Horizon Spellbomb- Pick 9 by Fisher

Untamed Might- Pick 13 by Bernard

Moriok Replica- Pick 2 by Grim

Whitesun’s Passage- Pick 14 by Raynor

Strider Harness- Pick 4 by Reaper

Ferrovore- Pick 8 by Tappedout

Cystbearer- Pick 6 by Raynor

Copperhorn Scout- Pick 5 by Bernard

Island- Pick 15 by Sectoid

This article is a follow-up to SOM Daily Draft Debate -- Enemies Revealed

KrazyCaley says... #1

I didn't appreciate how well Grim drafted until I saw this. Not only did she build her own deck, she single-handedly crippled the green decks also.

December 29, 2010 10:07 p.m.

exarkun809 says... #2

A8.... Steady progress over Myr Reservoir...


December 30, 2010 11:15 a.m.

exarkun809 says... #3

Grim's picks were on a Silver Myr platter (see what I did there?). Can we sit behind Fisher next time? Look at what got passed in pack A5-8 and pack C... YEESH

Fisher taking infect with no caution to what he was passing Grim basically made this draft.

December 30, 2010 11:23 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #4

Fisher says- "Guilty as charged; I made her deck. I was trying to commit to making poison work, and I never suspected that she'd make such a killer deck with these materials."

January 1, 2011 10:41 p.m.

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