SOM Daily Draft Debate 2-8
Daily Draft Debate
3 December 2010
Last pick
3 December 2010
Last pick
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This pack
LordBroccoli says... #2
our highest casting cost at this point is the glimmerpoint stag. we already have two mana myrs. I love palladium myr, but i say we take turn to slag.
December 3, 2010 8:55 p.m.
Yeah in a lot of builds we could go with the Palladium Myr here and be pretty happy with it, but I think the Turn to Slag is our pick.
I vote Turn to Slag .
You can probably move Painful Quandary , Dross Hopper , and Psychic Miasma into the sideboard. I doubt we would play them even if we went go back into black (which seems unlikely at the moment).
The other one we probably won't play main is Trigon of Mending , I've actually gained some respect for this card recently but it has to be the correct deck and even then in the sideboard b/c it is flat out awful against infect decks.
December 3, 2010 10:34 p.m.
zerotimestatechamp says... #5
Turn to Slag At this point the deck looks like a deck I'd draft personally. The only major problem this deck shares with mine own is a lack of win conditions. We need bombs.
December 3, 2010 10:45 p.m.
tapanmeister says... #6
Either one is fine with me. Having more artifacts, especially the ones as good as the myr is always a good thing, and to be honest, he is a safe first pick. I almost can't believe he made it here. Yeah our curve may be low right now, but equip costs can be expensive and this guy is a Sol Ring on a colorless grey-ogre.
Echo Circlet is just garbage and isn't even in the running in my mind.
I pick Palladium Myr . He fuels our new Embersmith .
December 4, 2010 12:34 a.m.
MagnorCriol says... #7
The only reason I mentioned the Circlet is it's cheap equipment with a cheap equip cost, and last pack there was some sizable debate about how we should pick some equipment for metalcraft and for the equip-loving creatures we got.
It's a plausible choice in that respect, since it's only 2 CMC and and 1 to equip. Paying 1 to turn a 2/2 vanilla cat into a 2/2 first strike lifelink multi-blocker isn't a horrible deal, at least in terms of mana resources. I agree it's an underwhelming equipment in general (which is a shame because, again, that's some badass art that got squandered by a mediocre card. =p )
December 4, 2010 1:55 a.m.
This is a tougher pick than the last few I think. Although we already have a couple mana myr, we want artifacts for Embersmith but we also want Turn to Slag . It doesn't matter that it is a sorcery, it can dish out 5 damage... well lets see, which cards in Scars have 5 toughness......
Sunblast Angel --5 toughness.
Steel Hellkite --5 toughness
Hoard-Smelter Dragon --5 tough
Geth, Lord of the Vault --5 tough
these guys have evasion too
even Alpha Tyrranax and Scrapdiver Serpent have 5 toughness.
Long story short there are only 8 cards in SOM with 6 or higher toughness.
That being said, while I know Palladium Myr is good and useful, I'm sure we'll get another myr pack three and I don't mind picking up Sylvok Lifestaff s later to boost our kitties.
I vote Turn to Slag
December 4, 2010 12:38 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #10
I am a little bit torn at this point.... I feel like we don't have a direction for our deck any more... we have a little smattering of everything while not focusing on anything..... and the only bomb we actually have is in a color which suddenly no one wants to play. I am going to stick with my belief we will pick up a 6/4 or two that are colorless and so i vote the Palladium Myr .
December 4, 2010 5:49 p.m.
- Painful Quandary is not a bomb, if that's what you're referring to.
- the closest thing we have to a bomb is Glimmerpoint Stag , and the cards that combo best with it are Oxidda Scrapmelter and Embersmith
I agree that we need some big critters, but we've already got two mana myr. I won't throw a fit if we take the paladium-myr, but it's not the best card for us. right now we're building a ping-y, reactive deck that nickels and dimes the opponent. let's play to that, pick up some more removal, and see what else comes out way. If we have to end up playing a Razorfield Thresher -- or a Flameborn Hellion , which is better, and also tends to show up late in packs -- we will have plenty of time in-game to get them out, since we're going to be responding to everything our opponent does.
December 4, 2010 8:14 p.m.
MagnorCriol says... #13
Well, the arguments have swayed me (especially yous, landot); I vote for Turn to Slag .
December 5, 2010 12:56 p.m.
Our choices are Turn to Slag or Palladium Myr, since we have no big drops to ramp into we easily pick the Turn to Slag.
For debate sake, echo circlet is near unplayable, what are we going to do with it? double block with a myr?
December 5, 2010 2:27 p.m.
As all things go, when you don't have bombs, your job is to kill the bombs. Turn to Slag. If Control, RDW, and any aggressive deck with aggressive removal in formats past and present has taught deck builders ANYTHING, just stop the bombs and you're good to go.
+1 Turn to Slag
Echo Circlet /could/ be useful late game when metalcraft or something counts and we need to block an opponent's bomb or two with something such as a lowly perilous myr. (Any word on Sunspear Shikari blocking enough damage so you can last longer?)
Still, I'm not about to run something such as Echo Circlet when there's a sol ring on a body and a high powered removal spell.
Highlights of the pack: Vedalken Centaurch(can't be used) Turn To Slag Paladium Myr
December 5, 2010 5:29 p.m.
tapanmeister says... #16
@JaceFace: I appreciate the research and info that you provided. It actually reaffirms why, in my mind, that Palladium Myr is the correct choice. ALL OF THOSE CARDS ARE EITHER RARE OR MYTHIC. How often are you going to face an infect deck that actually has skittles? How often is Argent Sphinx going to be beating your face? Not very is the answer.
Drafting is an opportunity for people to play with the commons and uncommons within a set that would be garbage in constructed play. While 5 damage is nice, the only time you'll be killing something with 5 toughness in a draft is against the guy who has an card:Accorder's Shield equipped to his Glint Hawk .
If red truly doesn't end up working for us, we'll have missed out on one of the best cards in the set. If red DOES work for us, we'll have the Palladium Myr fueling metalcraft for some Galvanic Blast s which we can grab in pack 3. And at least those cast at instant speed.
December 5, 2010 5:43 p.m.
@Tapanmeister Two commons, and you're sacrificing removal just so we can accelerate faster. Speeding up for an early grave. We only have arrest and if Painful Quandry goes, corruption goes right out the window. The whole point is that you're actually Killing something.
If red does work out, you know you made the right decision.
December 5, 2010 5:56 p.m.
tapanmeister says... #18
Trigon of Corruption will not be leaving the deck, even if we have zero swamps. Once you stop speculating and actually do 8-9 full drafts of SOM, you'll get what really works well in this set.
MagnorCriol says... #1
Hm...Myr, Slag, or Circlet?
The Myr is an excellent, excellent creature both in terms of acceleration and just a warm body to pick up an equipment.
The Slag is removal. And while expensive, it's a great way to 2-for-1 or better a creature while getting rid of a pesky equipment. But, it's slow and expensive, and requires a much heavier red commitment - not necessarily a bad thing, just not what we've picked so far.
The Circlet is cheap, if not particularly useful, equipment (the art looks badass, too)., I dunno. At the risk of sounding like a fence-sitter, I see upsides to all three. I think we need to start determining which direction we're trying to draft in, and I think this might be the pack to do it in.
December 3, 2010 8:05 p.m.