SOM Daily Draft Debate 2-10

Daily Draft Debate


6 December 2010


Last pick

Strider Harness

Picks so far


Cards missing from this pack

Unknown uncommon


Viridian Revel

Stoic Rebuttal

Turn to Slag

Silver Myr

Vulshok Replica

Vector Asp

Leaden Myr - By us

Cards left in this pack


Flight Spellbomb


Lumengrid Drake

Instill Infection


This article is a follow-up to SOM Daily Draft Debate 2-9 The next article in this series is SOM Daily Draft Debate 2-11

exarkun809 says... #1

Nothing left in this pack is anything we'd mainboard.

I vote Memoricide , as it is the best sideboard card of the bunch.

December 6, 2010 11:35 a.m.

DeckBuilder345 says... #2

2 options i think Memoricide for the removal of other people's hate cards, and further proof that black is still wide open, and Soliton a mid game presence that we lack at this time.

I think the memoricide serves us better, by removing things that gives our deck fits, so lets go that route.

December 6, 2010 12:22 p.m.

landot says... #3

This pack is crap. but Flight Spellbomb or Soliton are the best options. Soliton is a body, at least, and once in a while Flight Spellbomb is a nice trick to have up your sleeve -- more importantly, they are both artifacts, which means they feed Embersmith and Auriok Sunchaser and any other metalcrafters we might get later on. I still don't think black is going to be playable, which means memoricide is useless. (and if we were going black, Instill Infection would be the right choice -- it's instant-speed removal that replenishes the hand.)

Anyhow. I vote Flight Spellbomb . it's a cheap artifact with a situationally useful ability.

December 6, 2010 1:57 p.m.

I vote Soliton . With the cards we already have another artifact is welcomed. Also 4 toughness is very nice against infect. Only 15 commons and uncommons have four or greater toughness.

December 6, 2010 3:41 p.m.

mzy10511 says... #5

Soliton is a fatty that we need or we can go instil infection, at this point i think Soliton is a better card for us.

December 6, 2010 6:20 p.m.

JaceFace says... #6

December 6, 2010 11:51 p.m.

SirNips says... #7

Instill Infection ...? Why the hell is that still here its a decent 4 - 6 th pick, Removal and a cantrip i think thats the choice here.

December 7, 2010 12:57 a.m.

LordBroccoli says... #8

Sigh. Soliton is one of my favorites, but I agree with sir nips. We still have a third pack to pick up Ghalma's Wardens etc, and we're hurting for removal.

December 7, 2010 1:10 a.m.

LordBroccoli says... #9

also, may I point out that the object is to draft a mainboard, not a sideboard. Memoricide is great and all, but we should focus on winning game 1. not playing a nasty trick in game 2 that still doesn't promise victory.

December 7, 2010 1:14 a.m.

MagnorCriol says... #10

I like Soliton as a general rule, but so far blue is the only color we HAVEN'T drafted yet, and we should probably keep it that way unless we find a really compelling reason, which Soliton isn't. And that turns him from a 3/4 with a useful ability for 5, which is reasonable if not great, to just a vanilla 3/4 for 5, which is downright poor. So, no to Soliton.

Which means I guess the cantripping mini-removal Instill Infection is the best choice here, though I don't really like the card. It feels too expensive for what it does.

December 7, 2010 3:37 a.m.

exarkun809 says... #11

Removal is the one thing we have in spades. 2x Perilous Myr , Oxidda Scrapmelter , Embersmith , 2x Trigon of Corruption , Turn to Slag , Revoke Existence , Arrest ... Instill Infection is not going in our deck, sorry.

Flight Spellbomb wouldn't be bad if we were hurting for artifacts... we are not.

Soliton isn't terrible... but we have 20 better cards already.

None of these will be in our deck. The object of a draft is to win. The three above cards do nothing for us, Memoricide can win us a game or two if used properly. However, if people think we'll be hurting for artifact creatures, I could understand taking the 3/4 for 5 Soliton . But I think this one is clearly Memoricide .

December 7, 2010 11:53 a.m.

But are we still at all considering going black? We have far better cards to splash red.

December 7, 2010 1:29 p.m.

exarkun809 says... #13

Right. We're definitely leaning W/R, but I don't think it's set in stone w/ 1.5 packs to go. We pick up 1 or 2 more Leaden Myr and it's definitely splashable as well...

I think for a pick like this you just have to determine what you think has the most utility or is the most usable. I just know that in play we're going to go up against a deck that drops that Engulfing Slagwurm we passed and we'll end up saying 'Boy, I wish I could sideboard in a Memoricide .'

December 7, 2010 1:46 p.m.

Vorxis says... #14

Memoricide gets my vote here.

December 7, 2010 2:18 p.m.

Eyehate says... #15

Talking through it:

In terms of power the black cards are the choice here...but we have literally no other black we would actually want to play.

If we end up playing black then we clearly will look back at this and say we wanted one of these two black cards, but if we don't play black then we're missing out on what?

It looks like only Soliton or Flight Spellbomb .

So we have two acceptable black picks when we may not even play black compared with two artifacts aligned with a color we probably won't play either.

So what do we have the cares about artifacts?

Embersmith , Auriok Sunchaser , and 2x Glint Hawk Idol . And we currently have 11 playable artifacts.

To me the soliton is an artifact, a body, and the card most likely to get played at the moment. While spellbomb, as a solid filler card is not really what we need at the moment.

The instill infection we will play if we play black and the Memoricide we will probably only board in after we see a bomb or other card that causes us problems in game 1 as the odds of whiffing with it are far too high in game 1.

For me it is between Soliton and Instill Infection . When the Memoricide is good it will be great (maybe even fantastic), but it seems suspect to take a board card when potentially main deck playables are up for grabs.

Given our current direction I guess I would vote Soliton , but I'm not thrilled with the pick and I can't exactly say I think it is 100% the correct pick here either. In fact in a lot of scenarios it is the wrong pick, but to me it is the safe pick and in this draft format where I only have minor control over the picks I would tend to slightly overvalue artifacts to offset the current group dynamics that seem to have us unable to reach a consensus on our colors.

December 8, 2010 8:39 a.m.

exarkun809 says... #16

Well said, Eyehate. There's definitely a case for Soliton . I'm just hoping/guessing our deck will be good enough where Soliton will not make the cut and we'll have wished we had Memoricide in the board instead of the arti creature.

December 8, 2010 10:51 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #17

Tied by my count. I break the tie in favor of Memoricide ; I am compelled by the following:

1- Soliton is probably the best mainboard card. However, it is not really good at all, for our deck or another deck.

2- Memoricide can be an effective sideboard card.

3- A valuable sideboard card is more worthwhile than a really bad card that will not even be mainboarded in our deck, and most likely not in any other deck. Let someone else pick up the trash, I say.

December 8, 2010 11:17 a.m.

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