Token Resource Volume #3: Classic Tokens 2 of 2: Heavy Hitters
20 July 2010
TappedOut Token Resource Volume #3: Classic Tokens 2 of 2: Heavy Hitters
20 July 2010
TappedOut Token Resource Volume #3: Classic Tokens 2 of 2: Heavy Hitters
I'm not one to brag, but I have a huge token.
"But Miinor, it isn't the size of the token, it's how you use it!"
No, you are incorrect. You must never have stood up and slapped your enormous token down on the table in front of your opponent. Scoop time.
Let's see what got remixed, re-made, and resurrected this week...
![]() | ## WHITE ## Angel Token Is there really any mid-level token beater as classic as the Angel token? Angel tokens have huge street cred with me. Luminarch Ascension and Sigil of the Empty Throne are the most recent angel factories, but back in the forgotten days of the Onslaught block Decree of Justice, (along with the other decrees) used to beat serious non-believer face. I really like this dark angel. It works so much better than any of the official angels in a WB deck. |
![]() | ## Avatar Token "We are mated before Eywa now Jake Sully." "..." "Um, not that kind of Avatar..." This token is by far one of my most experimental. And yes it is missing the official text about power and toughness. I was never a fan of the official Ajani Goldmane avatar token, it just never seemed to get the point across. This token can potentially be a 15/15 or more, if you are rockin' life gain this guy can be 20/20+! That's bigger than Marit Lage. That's why I thought this titanic Naya-elephant-god-type image was more appropriate. Tell me what you think. |
![]() | ## GREEN ## Elemental Token First of all, a quick shout out to houmbus for suggesting Voice of the Woods. This art is LEGIT. The first thing I thought when I saw this guy was "Now THAT is a 7/7." If you can power through your opponent's removal and get 5 elves on the board, you deserve an enormous elemental homeboy to come give your opponent an old fashioned neighborhood beatdown. |
![]() | ## Wurm Token Is there anything more green than a Wurm token? Not a chance. Back in the day Crush of Wurms and Roar of the Wurm put these nasties on the field and then had the indecency to flash back for even more friggin' Wurms. More recently Wurmweaver Coil gave us all Wurms. Thanks for that. This Wurm art is very savage and jungly. I think it fits. |
![]() | ## BLUE If last time "blue permanent" was an oxymoron, this time BLUE HEAVY HITTER PERMANENT is kind of a stretch to say the least. (Somewhere KrazyCaley is pounding his fist on a table and angrily repeating the word "counterspell," frothing at the mouth just slightly...) ## Illusion Token Sooooo not exactly a heavy hitter but about as big as it gets for blue. Summoner's Bane will bring this illusion guy to the field. I think this art is leaps and bounds better that the official illusion token. This guy looks and feels like a 2/2 and is pretty cool as well. |
![]() | ## Ape Token Yeah. It's not blue. But you know what, screw you and the centaur you rode in on because Pongify is BLUE. Pongify is AWESOME. Look at this spell, you can turn anything into a screaming, confused, poo-throwing MONKEY. Arcanis the Omnipotent. MONKEY. Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund. YOU NO LONGER RULE JUND BECAUSE YOU ARE A MONKEY. Isamaru, Hound of Konda. ISAMARU, MONKEY OF KONDA. Lorthos, the Tidemaker. LEGENDARY MONK-TOPUS. You get the picture. |
![]() | ## BLACK ## Minion Token Can you imagine how awful it would be to get processed in Phyrexia? Can you imagine the Phyrexian DMV? What about dealing with a Phyrexian HMO? "I already GOT a referral from my general practitioner. He cleared me for the Spinal Graft 2 MONTHS AGO, but you're telling me I have to wait 4 MORE weeks to see a neurologist to get written authorization, fill out a special procedure requisition, THEN get 2 sessions of Cabal Therapy, THEN get a bunch of torture before I get final approval!?" (Actually, I have no insurance right now, that plan sounds better than what I have...) I have a soft spot for Phyrexian Processor. Sometimes you can pay a lot of life and have it just get o-ringed or disenchanted or something lame, but sometimes you have a factory that can churn out 5/5s like it's going out of style. |
![]() | ## Faerie Token I absolutely despise the official token that Bitterblossom creates. That is such a lame faerie rogue. This one actually has kind of a badass thing going on. |
![]() | ## RED ## DRAGON TOKEN Ah yes. The mighty Red Dragon Token. As much as I like the official token from the Alara block, this token has a slightly more classic feel. Broodmate Dragon and Sarkhan Vol bring in these mid-power dragon beats. |
![]() | ##Giant Token 0 mana for a Giant!? So what if I have to pay a few percentage points in interest on the back end. I'd be stupid NOT to do it. Pact of the Titan can be legit in some kind of crazy haste rush deck as part of a finishing assault, and this art is pretty sweet. |
![]() | ## BONUS REQUEST TOKEN! ## Squirrel Token!! Yes. Yes. YES. Squirrel Token. This week's request goes out to Xander574 and luckyfirefox16. That's right ladies. Tap, bring in a squirrel. Squirrel Nest, Deranged Hermit, Nut Collector, Acorn Harvest, and Chatter of the Squirrel FTW! And this is not just any squirrel. This squirrel clearly trained with Ken and Ryu under Sheng-Long and can now press down, diagonal-down, right in a fluid motion plus B to throw a Hadouken. That's right, you can summon a squirrel that can throw a HADOUKEN. The price of Squirrel Nest just went up a dollar... |
Next Up: Leftover Night, The Final Token Resource!!
Get your requests in, after the next edition I will be leaving token land and moving into a set building how-to series. Till next time...
luckyfirefox16 says... #2
SQUIRREL TOKENS FTW!!! I got to hand it to you- that's a pretty sweet lookin token. I can't wait to dust off the spare squirrel cards again and create the ultimate coalition of woodland doom. Great tokens as always Miinor Threat.
July 20, 2010 10:03 a.m.
I LOVE THAT SQUIRREL TOKEN OH SO MUCH. Good job! (I doubt this will get recognition but Nuisance tokens from Nuisance Engine !!!)
July 20, 2010 11:31 a.m.
Thanks for the shoutout! That's a pretty sick elemental.
The thought of a "Phyrexian DMV" most definitely will give me nightmares for the foreseeable future. I think I have to print up proxies of that bad ass minion for the Phyrexian Processor s in We Lose. Or just paste the picture over my Minion of the Wastes s
July 20, 2010 1:04 p.m.
Another great job! I have a couple of really single-card specific ideas that could prove exciting. Or not at all, depending Basalt Golem -Stone creature token Diamond Kaleidoscope - Prism creature token Also maybe some bird tokens? They could be boring as well, but there's a lot (some) cards that use them, like Dovescape .
July 20, 2010 2:41 p.m.
@sirnips The avatar is very scary if you do it right. just having an avatar out with Wall of Reverence makes your life total double each turn. I don't know about you, but regardless if I get rid of that 1,280/1,280 with a single removal spell, I don't think I can take all that health away unless I get something like Blood Tribute . Add in Felidar Sovereign and it makes people very upset.
Thanks for the Angels, I know someone who would love to have those!
July 20, 2010 2:47 p.m.
What about a sweet looking zombie token for us Grave Titan users? Sure there is an official one in both M10 and M11, but it just looks lame compared to what I feel it should be. The token from 10th edition is awesome. Something closer to that look would be cool.
July 20, 2010 2:49 p.m.
How about a chicken from Chicken Egg ? or more seriously a 'graveborn' from Balduvian Dead ?
July 20, 2010 5:28 p.m.
miinor_threat says... #10
@Vols8907 Check out the first Token Resource article, it had a zombie that I think goes really well with Grave Titan
Balduvian Dead could be legit. Diamond Kaleidoscope is one I had never thought of before.
Glad you guys like the squirrel tokens!
July 20, 2010 6:24 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #12
Hey, Cajun Man, what's your favorite token that miinor_threat put up in this article?
July 20, 2010 8:35 p.m.
@ SirNips thats why you roll Emerge Unscathed :P Badaboom Bada...well, they should be dead before the rebound...haha.
July 20, 2010 11:15 p.m.
I was fine until 'ISAMARU, MONKEY OF KONDA', then I lost it. So good.
Final requests?
Boris Devilboon 's geeks. Just because I doubt he will ever, ever see a token printed for Minor Demon, because he himself sees no play.
July 21, 2010 2:42 a.m.
Avatar token... I've had in a deck before and got my life total over 200.
Tokens are still creatures, so buff that POS! Find something to give it flying... or vigilance... give it an umbra or something. Good grief. :P
Tokens make the game interesting, no matter the token! Even generating lots of small, tiny tokens with Mycoloth , card:Soul's Might, Goblin Bushwhacker and using Raid Bombardment ... Turns RG token churning into "OMG RUN! TEH SAPROLINGS ARE ANGRY!!!!"
July 21, 2010 3:20 a.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #18
I know a favorite ploy of the past was using a pizza box or something similarly large to serve as a token copy of Chaos Orb . Perhaps WotC will unban it for us if Miinor creates appropriate poster-sized art for it.
July 21, 2010 1:23 p.m.
any particular reason the giant token is the only one with a set symbol ?
and i know everyone that reads this will look lol
July 21, 2010 2:23 p.m.
miinor_threat says... #20
The Giant is a mocked up version of the MTGO version I believe. It was the only one I didn't make in my set editor, which has the square.
July 21, 2010 5:01 p.m.
dr.chuckles says... #22
where do we go to buy 1 of each of these tokens? PPLLEEEAAASSSEEE respond!!!!!!!!
SirNips says... #1
the only problem i have is with the avatar.
As the 20 - 30 /20 - 30 avatar just isnt scary.
It doesn't have flying nor trample nor haste nor anything to stop it being chump blocked all day long
So for me a less than impressive token is what it deserves.
July 20, 2010 9:07 a.m.