The Apprentice Workshop - Episode 2

The Apprentice's Workshop


30 July 2010


Welcome back to the Apprentice Workshop.

Today we'll be working on Red Speedy by bruntonspall, at his request. The description says

"This deck is supposed to bring out some hasty creatures turns 1 and 2, pump them slightly for turns 3 - 5 and then burn to the face for a turn 6 or 7 win. It does this if you are lucky. Hints for making it better would be accepted."

Let's take a look at what he's got.

Original Decklist

Instant (10)

4x Lightning Bolt

2x Punishing Fire

1x Seismic Shudder

2x Seismic Strike

1x Staggershock

Creature (8)

4x Raging Goblin

4x Skitter of Lizards

Enchantment (10)

4x Claws of Valakut

4x Crusher Zendikon

2x Zektar Shrine Expedition

Sorcery (8)

2x Fireball

4x Lava Axe

2x Spire Barrage

Land (24)

24x Mountain


All right, we've got a pretty good base here. The land quantity is about right here, so let's take a look at the most important part of any good RDW deck, the instants and sorceries. We'll come back to land TYPE later.

The instants include Lightning Bolt, Punishing Fire, Seismic Shudder, Seismic Strike, and Staggershock.

First of all, let's leave alone the 4x Lightning Bolt. No changes necessary to the game's best burn spell.

There is only ONE copy of Staggershock, which is unfortunate, given that it's 4 damage for one card and 3 mana, which makes it exceptional, especially since it can hit a creature one turn, a player the next, etc. Let's try to make some more space for it if possible.

The Seismic cards are here apparently to perform the function of creature control. Seismic Shudder I don't like because it is likely to kill our Raging Goblin and whatever else we might come up with that has 1 toughness. Seismic Strike I just don't like in general because it's too expensive and doesn't DO enough; at its very BEST it will kill something for three mana, and it has a big downside- it's often useless because the creature is too big for the mountains you have out. Plus we can't cast it to the face if we want to. Even Incinerate would be a better choice if it were presently in Standard.

So let's scratch those Seismic cards. That leaves us with three slots, which, conveniently, mean that we can add three Staggershock, a great card which sets you back a quarter per copy.

We've also got Punishing Fire, which is generally kind of meh given that life-gain isn't super common, and given that if you're up against life-gain as RDW, you're probably dead in the water anyway. I'll scratch it for now and see if we can find something to do with these two open slots later.

Sorcery-wise, we've got Fireball, Lava Axe, and Spire Barrage. These are all late-game cards for RDW, and we have, perhaps, a bit too many of them. They are expensive and will often be sitting in our hands! Really we only need a few, maybe six or so at most, rather than the eight that we already have. Lava Axe and Spire Barrage are not great. I'm not sure why there's 4x Lava Axe and 2x Spire Barrage when Spire Barrage is basically better- it can do MORE than five damage for the same cost, and can also target creatures. Still, I'm not a huge fan of either card, so let's scrap it.

You know what I like instead? Fireball. Great versatility, competitive in the late game, it's a fantastic card. And you know what a BETTER version of Fireball is? Comet Storm. So I'm adding in 4x that and leaving the 2x Fireballs, because hey, you're not living if you're not casting crazy re-targeting X spells in some mad, mad, mad version of a Standard RDW build. Plus it's a cheap, two-dollar rare, so hey.


Next, let's move on to creatures. Now, most RDW decks in standard nowadays prefer to run the one-shot or two-shot creatures like Hellspark Elemental, Hell's Thunder, and Ball Lightning. But bruntonspall wants tiny, fast creatures, then to pump them up somehow through the early mid-game, then to finish with a big sorcery. So instead of the tired old Hellspark Elemental formula, let's find some craziness.

Raging Goblin is already in there, and it does pretty well for itself, so let's keep it. Skitter of Lizards is also in there, but 90% of the time it's going to be Raging Goblin. We might consider adding some Goblin Guide if we can find the space for it. Guide is a bit pricy, $3-$4 per copy, but well-worth it in this deck. Plus, hopefully its drawback will be meaningless. If we can't find the room for it, then I'll just recommend scrapping the Raging Goblins and replacing them with Goblin Guides.

We might also consider adding a Tim card for fun and profit, most likely Cunning Sparkmage. We'll have to find the room somewhere though.


The other spells are all enchantments. Zektar Shrine Expedition is good, let's leave that alone for now. Crusher Zendikon I'm not a huge fan of because we need our lands in this deck for tappin', not for swingin'. Instead, why not something that pumps the creatures in the mid-game like our builder wants? Something like Bull Rush, only better. Maybe Firebreathing, or one of the enchantments or instants that gives +x/+0 and first strike, like Lightning Talons or Slaughter Cry. These all leave us open to two-for-one death if the opponent has a removal card, but there's no getting around that anyway. Personally, I like Firebreathing best because it's so modular, so I'll go with that, but Slaughter Cry, etc. are also good choices, especially since they function as quasi-removal.

Claws of Valakut is decent, but I'm starting to worry that we don't have enough creatures, so I'm going to cut it so we have space for Cunning Sparkmage or some such. Claws of Valakut and our other boosters won't work well anyway if we only have 8 creatures; we need to kick it up to 12 at least. So I'm cutting Claws and adding Cunning Sparkmage in their place.


Let's briefly look at the land. 24 is about right, but could we add in some beneficial nonbasics? Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle probably isn't a good idea in this deck, plus it's a little costly. However, we might consider a few copies of Teetering Peaksfoil or Smoldering Spires, which are cheap and don't need tons of land out to work. We don't want to go overboard with these because we need our lands to come into play untapped most times, so let's do two of each of these just for fun.


Finally, we have two slots still left for instants. We don't have a lot of dedicated creature control, so let's fix that with a couple copies of something that will help us burn away blockers in the midgame. What's the best card for doing that in this deck? I think it's Searing Blaze, which most of the time is basically Lightning Bolt to a creature, Lightning Bolt to the face for the low cost of one card. With only two copies, we'll hopefully rarely run into it when we have no lands to trigger landfall.


Now we're done! Let's see how the deck looks now.

KrazyCaley-Recommended Decklist

Creatures (12)

4x Raging Goblin or Goblin Guide, depending on budget.

4x Skitter of Lizards

4x Cunning Sparkmage

Instants (10)

4x Lightning Bolt

4x Staggershock

2x Searing Blaze

Enchantments (6)

4x Firebreathing

2x Zektar Shrine Expedition

Sorcery (6)

4x Comet Storm

2x Fireball

Land (24)

20x Mountain

2x Teetering Peaksfoil

2x Smoldering Spires


And there we are! Better? Tell me what you think below!

This article is a follow-up to The Apprentice Workshop - Episode 1 The next article in this series is The Apprentice Workshop - Episode 3

bruntonspall says... #1

Caley you are awesome! Thanks for that... interestingly I had 4x Cunning Sparkmage on delivery from America already, with plans to work them in to the deck somehow. So your advice hits just right for me there.

I also foolishly turned down a Goblin Guide at our booster draft rare redraft in exchange for taking a Lotus Cobra which I never use, maybe getting some might be worth it :) I'll checkout prices.

It hadn't occurred to me that Lava Axe was a less versatile Spire Barrage - thats what I get for not reading them properly! Staggershock is now on order and we'll get them in a few weeks.

Comet Storm I haven't seen before, possibly because it's mythic, possibly because I've not been paying attention, I think my workmates Valakut Mountain deck of death has one of them in and has used it to great effect to my face as an endgame move. I'll check them out and see if I can afford some, otherwise some extra Fireball cards to bulk it out.

I'll let you know how it plays out as I play my workmates and loose horribly :)

July 30, 2010 9:19 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #2

Hah! I think you'll do fine.

Lotus Cobra is still worth around a full playset of Goblin Guide , I'd say, so you made the right choice there.

Comet Storm is great because it's something you love to draw when you've been bored to death by drawing nothing but lands over and over. It can just straight up smack your opponent in the face or it can wipe their board (AND smack them in the face). True, it can be countered, unlike Banefire , but I love the card for its versatility. And no one really runs it, so it's sufficiently cheap, and it suits your purpose pretty well.

July 31, 2010 2:09 a.m.

landot says... #3

I have to say: Firebreathing is nice and all, but I can't see how it beats Claws of Valakut in this deck. claws gives you first strike, and it's like a firebreathing that's always turned up to maximum.

except for the first 2 turns, there's no situation where you're running 20 mountains and you're happier to topdeck a Firebreathing than claws.

also: can we make room for 2x Quest for Pure Flame or 2x Fire Servant ? I know that fire servant isn't exactly 'tiny, fast creatures,' but QPF + Fire Servant = 9 point lightning bolts, and that's . . . it's . . . it's just beautiful.

We could take out either the Zektar Shrine Expedition s, or even, really, the Fireball s. Zektar creates a creature that can be zapped by anything -- f'ing Hornet Sting could make all that quest-token collecting futile.

and I know Fireball is a time-honored tradition in RDW, but you don't need it here -- in fact, I'm going to say spire barrage is a better choice. these sorceries are meant to be game-enders, and by turn 6 or 7, you can drop a 6 or 7 point barrage for only 5 mana (cheaper than a fireball), which means you still have a mana or 2 left over to pop an emergency Lightning Bolt or goblin if your opponent counters or prevents the damage.

having said all that, here's my take on this deck:


July 31, 2010 7:25 a.m.

KrazyCaley says... #4

I like Firebreathing because it's cheap. Works on turns 1 + 2, etc.

July 31, 2010 8:31 a.m.

csmash says... #5

i would run Plated Geopede over the lizards. No haste, but you get more out of your land. You might also want to consider a bomb or two just in case. 2x Chandra Nalaar or, for the even more budget conscious, 2x Hellkite Charger . Just beware of Leyline of Sanctity .

July 31, 2010 3:25 p.m.

landot says... #6

I don't mean to be ornery, Caley, but there's no need for firebreathing on turn 1 -- unless you're casting it on an ornithopter? and on turn 2, you could either cast another creature, or you could, best case scenario, add one more damage from a goblin or a lizard. I'd much rather spend turn 2 on a second creature or some early burn or a Quest, and then on turn 3 cast claws to give my goblin/lizard +3/+0 +first strike.

but we can agree to disagree. I guess.

July 31, 2010 5:33 p.m.

landot says... #7

KrazyCaley also, I just noticed that your final decklist is only 58 cards.

12 critters

14 instants (Comet Storm is an instant, not a sorcery, which is part of what makes it so %&$&ing awesome)

2 sorceries

24 land

6 enchantments

24+14+12+6+2 = 58. Two more spots . . . what to do with them? Quest for Pure Flame ? card:Chandra's Spitfire? Gargoyle Sentinel ? Burst Lightning ? Goblin Bushwhacker ?

July 31, 2010 5:44 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #8

Good catch, Landot. Thought I had the number right. Goblin Bushwhacker seems like the best idea to me. Needs more creatures.

August 1, 2010 6:30 a.m.

Sem48 says... #9

With something like this, what about card:Chandra's Spitfire? Alot of the cards in the deck direct damage at the opponent's dome. This can be a serious game ender T4-5 if the opponent isn't careful.

I would also suggest Burst Lightning , although it may not be as useful in this type of RDW deck.

August 1, 2010 9:12 p.m.

Dr. McMeen says... #10

card:Chandra's Spitfire frustrates me, only because it's a lame version of Wee Dragonauts .

August 3, 2010 10:02 p.m.

landot says... #11

i dunno, doc. i like the spitfire maybe better; it has such great synergy with sparkmages, pyromancers, Curse of Wizardry , pain lands . . . it's so easy to do one damage outside of combat.

August 4, 2010 2:54 a.m.

Dr. McMeen says... #12

Remember that loss of life is not damage. And seriously, Wee Dragonauts . Wee Dragonauts . Wee Dragonauts . Wee Dragonauts !! WEEEE! It's so hard to argue with them, 'cause they're soooo tiny and adorable! Besides, Kaley, back me up on this one- they're innately superior because of that little water droplet at the top!

August 4, 2010 9:52 a.m.

landot says... #13

Sorry about the Curse of Wizardry then, but you get my point -- causing one damage is probably easier than casting a new instant or sorcery.

And no fair playing the water drop card. I love blue as much as the next sneaky bastard, and I'll grant that they're 103% more cute / flavorful / funny than the spitfire, but mono-red has its uses.

August 4, 2010 2:01 p.m.

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