Token Resource Volume #4: Leftover Night, The Final Token Resource!!
31 July 2010
31 July 2010
First of all, HUGE thankyou to all you guys that wished me luck on the California BAR exam! I finished it yesterday and my brain is de-gelatinizing as we speak.
This article is going to be like a junkyard of tokens. It is basically like the token swap meet, you have NO idea what you are going to find inside. No card too crappy, no token too obscure, I wanted to finish this series by either creating or finding every last remaining token that was feasible to do.
To everybody that made a request, thanks for the input, I made a list of requests before I started looking for the final round of art. If you made a request and it didn't get made, it was because I just flat couldn't find it, no other reason.
![]() | ## GREEN ## Spawnwrithe Token I got my hands on the original art for Spawnwrithe, which I think is a great card by the way, and mocked up a usable little token template. Spawnwrithe is dope. There are a number of creatures that do similar exponential-replication type effects, such as Sprouting Phytohydra, Chronozoa, Mirror-Sigil Sergeant, and Brood Sliver Spawnwrithe, however, is the only one who can do it quickly, which can get a very nasty ball rolling. |
![]() | ## Kamigawa Snake Token Here is one of those crazy warrior clan snakes from Kamigawa. Orochi Eggwatcher Flip, Orochi Hatchery, and Sosuke's Summons all bring in multi-armed Japanese warrior snake dudes. |
![]() | ## WHITE ## Bird Token I wanted to post a bird token with the classic token series, I just didn't find the right one until now. Emeria Angel, Battle Screech, and Jotun Owl Keeper all flip pigeons like a young Mike Tyson... |
![]() | ## Deserter Token I am posting this token under protest. Deserter token gets the silver medal for being the biggest pu--y in MTG, right after Norin the Wary. There is no crying in Magic. Kjeldoran Home Guard needs to enforce much stricter discipline among its ranks... PS: If you are wondering who gets the bronze medal it's Saffi Eriksdotter. |
![]() | ## BLUE ## Camarid Token I bet eating a BBQ'd Camarid would be AMAZING. I would rock it with some lemon and drawn butter. You could like go to a nice French restaurant and pick out your own delicious man-sized warrior crustacean from the tank, all fresh. I would eat it with a bib, crying like Homer Simpson eating Pinchy. Sarpadian Empires, Vol. VII and Homarid Spawning Bed ring the dinner bell. |
![]() | ## Kelp Token That's right... KELP TOKEN. I DARE you to claim not to have teh ph334r of Kelp Token. You know that gross feeling when a bunch of cold seaweed touches you at the beach? Getting blocked by Kelp token is like that times a billion. Even a zombie would think that's gross. Ph334r the Wall of Kelp!! |
![]() | ## Starfish Token This may be the least intimidating Magic creature of all time. Spiny Starfish. |
![]() | ## BLACK/RED ## Graveborn Token The Graveborn are ok. Their biggest problem is that they are not tribal, they are "graveborn." Otherwise they might actually be legit in some kind of zombie-tribal-splash-red thing. "Blightning Zombies" (is it weird that I want to build that deck all the sudden?) Sek'Kuar, Deathkeeper and Balduvian Dead give "birth" to these things. |
![]() | ## Minor Demon Token Straight. Up. Boris Devilboon. "So wait, I can pay split cost CMC 5 for a 2/2, then NEXT turn I can pay the smooth cost of only 2BR and tap him for a 1/1!? That's only 9 mana for a 1/1 creature! I'd be stupid NOT to run him!!" This is NOT to be confused with a Miinor Demon Token. (That is a 10/10 flying trample with protection from idiots.) |
![]() | ## MULTICOLOR ## Blue/Green Snake Token These things come from Patagia Viper, one of the "sacrifice it if you don't pay a certain color" Ravnica creatures, like Azorius Herald. Rumor has it that these were the developmental precursors to the evoke mechanic. |
![]() | ## Blue/White Bird Token Very few spells cause more frowns in multi-player than Dovescape. Definitely Armageddon, maybe Winter Orb. Spells like these, which turn a game about playing spells into a game where you can't play spells, will not make you many friends (although they may win you the game.) Lotsa birds though... |
![]() | ## Zombie Wizard Token I'm not going to beat around the bush. The official Zombie Wizard is such a stupid dumb piece of stupid crap that it makes my eyes want to escape my eye sockets, pack up little eyeball sized hobo bindles of their belongings and ride the rails out East to start a new life where they never have to see such gay garbage ever again. The official token is a sniveling, hunchbacked, effeminate cartoon with a combination of gigantism and down syndrome. Lich Lord of Unx needed a better minion. PS: Seriously f--k that token. |
![]() | ## Sand Warrior Token Back in the day, Hazezon Tamar used to be able to rally the nomad clans and bring in a posse of 1/1 scimitar wielding homies to do his dirt for him. The problem was, that all you had to do was kill the officer and the troops scattered. Oldest trick in the book. |
![]() | ## COLORLESS ## Sliver Token 2.0 I posted a Sliver token in my classic tokens article, but this one is WAY better in my opinion. It definitely conveys that meat-hook-terrifying-ness that a real sliver would have. It kind of looks like a Xenomorph alien, which is dope. Again, these babies come from Sliver Queen *oversized* and Brood Sliver. |
![]() | ## Sand Token These sandy little devils come from Dune-Brood Nephilim. |
![]() | ## Pest Token I got your back birdseed, don't even trip! ;) I love the flavor text on Nuisance Engine. "Bolgri and the Long Day of Squashing." Priceless! |
![]() | ## Assembly Worker Token These pop out of Urza's Factory and, irony of ironies, are synergistic with Mishra's Factory Those boys just need their dad to come downstairs and be like "GOD DAMMIT URZA AND MISHRA I TOLD YOU TO SHUT UP AND STOP FIGHTING AND STOP STRIP MINING THE S--T OUT OF DOMINARIA. YOUR MOTHER AND I ARE TRYING WATCH TV." That always works for me and my sister... |
The Token Resource Has Left The Building
That is the end of the token series!
I have plans to continue the "Proxy Vault" series and soon will be starting a new "how-to" series of articles called "Concepting 101" that will deal with concepting and creating cards from the ground up.
Stay tuned! As always, feel free to hit me up with any questions or comments about what kind of articles you want to see.
zerotimestatechamp says... #3
Snake Token is about to develop black powder and rapidly transform into a 6/1 with first strike.
July 31, 2010 10:34 a.m.
Yes! I am now satisfied haha. Love the snake and (especially) the assembly worker tokens too!
July 31, 2010 10:48 a.m.
Now I want to make a deck that uses Pestilence or Pyrohemia , Spiny Starfish , and Glare of Subdual to lock your face down. Sprouting Phytohydra can play too.
July 31, 2010 5:23 p.m.
on an entirely different note, do you have a website with your art on it? this stuff is pretty awesome.
July 31, 2010 5:25 p.m.
miinor_threat says... #7
@sporkife: I wish I that talented! None of this art was originally created by me. To make these proxies I scour the internet for royalty free art and tweak the color and saturation etc. in a few different programs. I put the Miinor Threat artist credit when I don't know the artist.
July 31, 2010 6:59 p.m.
KrazyCaley says... #9
Dave, the beauty of Dovescape is that you can still cast spells. It just brings all the spells together into one beautiful Olympic Opening Ceremony.
August 2, 2010 3:41 a.m.
War Priest of Thune exists to save me from the tyranny of Lightmine Field + Dovescape combos.
August 2, 2010 4:03 a.m.
I need a Miinor Demon Token so bad! Protection from Idiots would totally own.
December 24, 2010 6:31 p.m.
nice job thank you!it's a pity there isn't my fvourite token, the baby godsire
csmash says... #1
Before the nephilim, there was Hazezon Tamar
July 31, 2010 4:48 a.m.