SOM Daily Draft Debate 2-2
Daily Draft Debate
18 November 2010
Last pick
18 November 2010
Last pick
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This pack
Leaden Myr Mana Myr in our colour! That would be my choice
November 18, 2010 3:52 a.m.
Memoricide is good because we can use it to get rid of any troublesome bombs somebody might have.
Leaden Myr is good because it will help with mana fixing and excel.
I Memoricide is more likely to table so I vote for Leaden Myr
November 18, 2010 7:52 a.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #5
Ok there are 3 potential picks here.
Memoricide To deal with other players who have cards we don't like, and can harm our deck.
Leaden Myr the on color mana ramper which can be a HUGE help. We have none of these little dudes and they are very important in this format to help with our mana curve! Plus they help with our metal craftiness.
Exsanguinate This is a a black fireball, but for a single extra mana it heals you for all the damage it does. I think it would be folly to pass up a black fireball and so my vote goes to the exsanguinate! Second choice would be the myr, lastly the memoricide.
November 18, 2010 12:07 p.m.
exarkun809 says... #6
Leaden Myr for sure.
Let's get some solid artifacts then go for the nuance cards like Memoricide.
November 18, 2010 12:34 p.m.
LEADEN MYR we have 0 myr and our artifact count is lacking, seems like a no brainer.
November 18, 2010 8 p.m.
tapanmeister says... #8
As I see from our picks, we've only really made a commitment to white. If I had to choose color pairings for white, it would be either blue for fliers (since that deck has always been and always will be a standby draft archetype), or w/r metalcraft/equipment.
Based on the fact that we already have two Sunspear Shikari , and the sunchaser, and that we can cut off red the picks would have to be:
vulshock-replica is also a great way to deal the final three points, but i don't consider it a pick here. My pick would most likely be the Myr, probably the blue one.
As a response to deckbuilder345, exsanguinate is definitely NOT a black fireball, since fireballs greatness stems from its flexibility - you can mop up a board of blockers or deal the final 11 lategame: its the same reason that Syphon Soul is just not quite as good as Shock . Leave exsanguinate for an edh deck, and make a worthwhile pick here.
November 18, 2010 8:12 p.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #11
LOL dolph227 reminded me of those Red Stripe beer commercials. "Hurray for Myr".
So, Leaden Myr it is.
November 19, 2010 10:25 a.m.
I'm just really not sure we want to be in black. Typically, W/R is far stronger as a metalcraft combo, as the removal is just really sweet. Turn to Slag is a perfect example of this- it's the only card in the set that kills Hoard-Smelter Dragon outright (Arrest can be worked around with Revoke Existence , Sylvok Replica , etc.). Even things like Tangle Angler are tough to deal with, especially with an card:Accorder's Shield equipped.
I say we take Turn to Slag . Even if we only pick up one or two more red cards, that's all the colored spells we'll want in the deck. Leaden Myr is ok, but off-color mana myr are overrated in my experience.
November 19, 2010 4:48 p.m.
tapanmeister says... #14
For real, dr.mcmean. Black doesn't splash well for removal (Grasp of Darkness , Skinrender although to be fair, if we had drafted either of those by this point, I'd be arguing on the side of all you black advocates), its creatures are weak or use infect instead of conventional damage (bleak-cloven-vampires and Corrupted Harvester are the only two common creatures with toughness above three and neither are worth splashing for.) In fact, the only common black card i'd even be remotely interested in maindecking (besides grasp) would be Moriok Reaver .
By passing tons of black cards here we make a statement to the next player that "HEY! BLACK IS OPEN! DRAFT ME!". Black adds nothing to the cards we already have. Red and blue do. So I advocate Turn to Slag or Silver Myr , whichever gets more votes.
November 19, 2010 9:09 p.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #16
I think folks are right about black not meshing well with the deck we want to build. Looking back through earlier packs, blue has been drafted somewhat heavily. While there are some good blue cards in this pack, I doubt blue would work well for us in the latter half of this round and the next. On the other hand, red seems open. I'm just not wild about Turn to Slag . If there is a player who will running equipment, it's us. We can start signaling red by taking it, but I expect it will end up being a hate pick.
November 20, 2010 11:18 a.m.
funny -- Brad Nelson was just interviewed over at the Wizards site talking about how Turn to Slag is one of the most important cards in limited, and here everyone is hating it.
if y'all want to stay black, Instill Infection is great. it's removal it's an instant, and it replaces itself.
but white / red is a really powerful archetype in this format. at worst, Turn to Slag deals with almost every bomb in the set -- it's close to an answer to the Engulfing Slagwurm we just passed, too. at Best, it'll 2-for-1 the opponent, getting rid of a bomb and an equipment, or even 2 equipment.
This is a fairly removal-light set -- Turn to Slag plus the Arrest we already have and the Trigon of Corruption sets us up really well.
we're not committed to black here, folks -- we have Dross Hopper and Psychic Miasma , both of which are mediocre-at-best, and Painful Quandary , which is good in constructed, but no so great in limited. (same goes for Memoricide , btw -- in constructed, when you know after turn 2 if you're facing valakut or UW control, you know what card to name. In draft, it's only a sideboard card, and even then it only gets you a 1-for-1 trade.)
Turn to Slag is the right pick here. Instill Infection is my second pick, then a mana myr.
November 20, 2010 7:07 p.m.
tapanmeister says... #19
I think its worth it to post an article explaining which explains why Turn to Slag is a great choice, and why cards like Exsanguinate are not the correct choice right now.
November 21, 2010 4:35 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #20
Look we had lots of opportunities earlier to pick up red cards, and everyone was solidly against it. Now that we have some decent black picks everyone is suddenly ready to abandon black and move into red.... So what if white / black is not one of the easy to preconstruct / shoot for archetypes. I think we can still build a viable deck this way... in this format we will likely have a lot of artifacts in our deck any how, although.... you wouldn't know it by the way we have been picking lately.... Look I am not against white/red, i was advocating it earlier when we got shot down, but at this point i think we should stick white /black
I am sticking w/ my advocacy of black. And either the exsanguinate or the black mana myr. Also to whomever suggested it above I think we would be nuts to move into blue at this point.
KrazyCaley says... #1
Vector Asp seems like a good practical choice to me. It may table though. Not sure what could be preferable here, though, other than hating/stealing Turn to Slag .
November 18, 2010 2:36 a.m.