SOM Daily Draft Debate 2-4

Daily Draft Debate


23 November 2010


Last pick

Trigon of Corruption

Cards so far


This pack


Corrupted Harvester


Iron Myr

Steady Progress

Seize the Initiative

Carapace Forger

Fulgent Distraction

Auriok Replica

Soul Parry

Kuldotha Rebirth


This article is a follow-up to SOM Daily Draft Debate 2-3 The next article in this series is SOM Daily Draft Debate 2-5

airy says... #1

I vote for Auriok Replica .If i look at our mana curve, I think it is better then another 2mana spell like the myr

November 23, 2010 5:34 a.m.

tapanmeister says... #2

This pack sucks for us, just going to preface with that. Lets go through the picks:

  • Memnite - yeeah, no. Not very useful for us.
  • Corrupted Harvester - this is a last pick, I guarentee we'll see it at the end.
  • Exsanguinate - oh thank god, another one of these! we could have had 3 now!
  • Iron Myr - probably one of the only serious picks, fuels metalcraft and may end up providing the correct color of mana if we go red... This is my vote.
  • Steady Progress - no.
  • sieze-the-initiative- decent combat trick, late pick. If there werent a better trick, id take this.
  • Carapace Forger - a good metalcrafter, but it aint no chrome steed.
  • Fulgent Distraction - this is my choice for the pack if it isn't the myr. A great on color combat trick that removes blockers or delays the inevitable...
  • Auriok Replica - this is by far the worst of the replicas, but its still a fine artifact choice, unlike the next cards which I won't even mention.
  • November 23, 2010 7:06 a.m.

    Kaythal says... #3

    4th pick myr isn't so bad for a Metalcraft.

    Iron Myr

    November 23, 2010 9:37 a.m.

    For this pack, I think we have to go with Iron Myr . Not a great pick, but the best we can make of the pack.

    But let's add some debating to this debate.

    I think we're getting pushed around something fierce. It looks like we've successfully driven off any competition for the color white, but we're sucking wind in the metalcraft department. We have all of one card with our keyword in the text. I suspect that one or two players are hitting metalcraft pretty heavy. We're getting the artifacts, but not the cards that take advantage of them.

    Looking at our deck, we're doing well as far as weenie removal is concerned: 2x Trigon of Corruption and 2x Perilous Myr should do the trick. We can take care of bigger threats with Arrest and Revoke Existence . It's a decent card and worth taking if it comes around, but we do not need cards like Fulgent Distraction .

    What we need to pick up is a finisher or three. Corrupted Harvester could fit the bill, but I think tapanmeister is right about it coming around. This won't come as a shocker, but I think our Shikari are the answer. We just need to equip them with something other than the commons in the set. With lifelink, the kitties can help us race a fatty like the Slagwurm. With firststrike, they ruin the battleplan of an infect deck. We just need to bolster their power with something like Darksteel Axe , Livewire Lash , or Nim Deathmantle . We can't pass on any more cards like those.


    November 23, 2010 1:06 p.m.

    exarkun809 says... #5


    November 23, 2010 1:22 p.m.
    November 23, 2010 1:48 p.m.

    Xander574 says... #7

    auriok replica

    November 23, 2010 1:59 p.m.

    DeckBuilder345 says... #8

    I think the following are the choices we consider here.


    Corrupted Harvester


    Iron Myr

    Of the cards in this list, memnite could work for acieveing our metalcraft theme... but as another user pointed out we don't have a ton of metalcraft cards atm... but it is a good way to surprise an opponent and we do seem to be developing something of an aggro deck atm for which this card fits in very well, meaning this card suits a dual purpose.

    Harvester - a beat stick that we can regenerate, i like the idea of picking this guy up. Especially because he can regenerate if we need it, and it makes some of our smaller dudes more effective late game.

    Iron myr, i like because it allows us to mana ramp up, and we need 2-4 of these guys in our deck for consistency, yes he is off color but that doesn't matter so much since we can still use him to cover the colorless mana cost.

    Exsanguinate- I don't want people to underestimate the power of this card, it can create very dramatic life point swings, as we get the life our opponent looses, which is a pretty big deal. Some direct damage to the opponent can be a great way to finish them off, or it can help us survive another round due to the life gain.

    as far as the Auriok Replica goes i just can't see this as a very good pickup. a 2/2 for 3, and the ability it comes with just isn't that exciting..... I think any of the above listed picks are better options.

    So i would narrow it down to the myr, the exsanguinate, and the harvester... of those i still think we need some bombs, with nice big power so i suggest the Corrupted Harvester , second place is a tough call between the exsanguinate and the myr. I think the exsanguinate may be the way to go, but that myr is awful tempting.

    November 23, 2010 5:25 p.m.

    landot says... #9

    Iron Myr gets my vote. seize the initiative is actually pretty good -- no one expects combat tricks in this set -- but when in doubt, take a mana myr. we do need some fatty finishers, but Corrupted Harvester is not it. why? because Corrupted Harvester is FULL OF SUCK. it will come around, and even when we take it last pick, there's like a 2% chance that we actually mainboard it. it's okay in the kuldotha / furnace / dross hopper deck, but since we're not in red at all, it's just a crappy card.

    November 24, 2010 1:32 a.m.

    Vorxis says... #10

    I vote Exsanguinate . It's a straight out game winner. I can't believe we haven't picked this already in the previous packs.

    We have no real finishers yet, and the more we pass on them, the less chance there will be of actually picking up something good. We can generate all the mana in the world, but it will be useless unless we can do something with it. I guarantee that someone else will use this to great effect if we don't pick it up.

    November 24, 2010 4:04 a.m.

    tapanmeister says... #11

    Let the drain go. The only deck that wants Exsanguinate is a black metalcraft deck with tons of Bleak Coven Vampires . This isn't a great deck archetype since most of blacks (better) commons focus on dealing infect damage rather than conventional damage. Even for that deck, the pick is the myr, since the drain will table (and can be easily found among the dregs of nearly every booster pack). Like i've said before, the only cards worthwhile for a splash are Grasp of Darkness and Skinrender , and even those are tricky because of their double costs.

    November 24, 2010 5:40 a.m.

    MagnorCriol says... #12

    Fulgent Distraction, while it gets points for use of "fulgent", severely underwhelms me. It can delay the inevitable for a turn, but there's other cards that do that as well. It's expensive for what it does, and even now that we're back on Mirrodin there's still not SUCH a need for equipment hate that we really need the added ability. And if we DO hate the equipment so much, I'd rather have something that destroys it rather than just making them drop it for a moment.

    I suppose it's good if there's a Grafted Exoskeleton sitting on the other side from us, but still.

    I think Iron Myr is the clearest choice. I know we really need to stop picking little utility cards like this guy, but nothing else here works well for us and he opens up more options in later packs both as a color source and an accelerator.

    Memnite and Seize are probably also good choices.

    November 24, 2010 2:37 p.m.

    e_grey says... #13

    Iron Myr

    November 25, 2010 6:26 p.m.

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