SOM Daily Draft Debate 2-5
Daily Draft Debate
25 November 2010
Last pick
25 November 2010
Last pick
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This pack
zerotimestatechamp says... #2
Palladium Myr -Great mana Myr. Metalcraft included. Auriok Edgewright Goes with our strategy of being fast. Great vs infect. We have plenty of artifact fuel for it. Glint Hawk Idol for speed, evasion and metalcraft
I vote Auriok Edgewright
November 26, 2010 3:15 a.m.
1st is idol, id prob take origin spellbomb then paladium, i think the edgewrights go later
November 26, 2010 5:53 a.m.
Glint Hawk I guess, Edgewright without enough metal is way were going for fast, i think theres no need for palladium. Glint Hawk it is!
November 26, 2010 9:08 a.m.
exarkun809 says... #5
Now this is what I'm talkin' about. Let's hope we see more packs like this.
Palladium Myr is the choice here, no question. Glint Idol hawk is the only thing that could give us any other choice (we need more artifacts before taking the Auriok). But, I'd much rather take the mana acceleration and an uncommon than the hawk.
November 26, 2010 9:42 a.m.
zerotimestatechamp says... #7
We have 9 artifacts already so I doubt thats a problem. Maybe Auriok will table though with its double white cost. I'll switch to Glint Hawk because its also very good.
November 26, 2010 2:25 p.m.
MagnorCriol says... #8
The Edgewright, Palladium and Idol are all solid choices for us.
But, just asking, what about the Origin Spellbomb? It's cheap, it gets us a little sucker to chump block and thins the deck a bit by drawing us a card. We're not doing a Myr deck, but it's still a useful card for us.
I'm guessing it's not a good choice based on the idea that no one else has chosen him, but why not?
November 26, 2010 9:12 p.m.
Glint Hawk Idol has to be the pick here -- it's the heart of the annoying superfast white weenie metalcraft deck. paladium myr is okay, but he always feels slow compared to the other myr, and . . . frankly, we need to start focusing on stuff to accelerate into, and creatures that can lay some smack down.
the edgewright is good, but the idol is a 2/2 flyer that is hard to target with removal.
November 27, 2010 4 a.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #10
Glint Hawk Idol for reasons already stated.
November 27, 2010 9:52 a.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #11
Look there are so many good options here, it is hard to choose.
Palladium Myr 2/2 body that gives you 2 colorless mana, horray for mana ramp... plus an artifact yay metalcraft
Auriok Edgewright - pretty decent cost for a 2/2 and gets doublestrike with metalcraft very very handy
Glint Hawk Idol - Not that super because we have to dedicate mana to it all the time... but it is one of the few creatures with evasion in this set so worth a consideration. Horizon spell bomb becomes more of a consideration if we are trying to splash a 3rd color.
Origin Spellbomb - Hear me out on this one, 2 mana for a 1/1 myr, this is the typical cost for those things....but we also get a card draw out of it for a single extra white mana... plus at every stage of its existence it provides metalcraft.... card is under rated in my opinion.
Horizon Spellbomb Really great card, provides both mana fixing, and mana ramp. Should not be overlooked by us, even if we aren't playing green.
Iron Myr Mana ramp on a 1/1 body, and we still need some more myr men...
This really is a great pack.
Realistically, for the deck we are drafting we should probably narrow the above down to the Palladium Myr , the Auriok Edgewright , and the Horizon Spellbomb .
amongst those 3 i think it comes down to the edgewriht and the myr...I am pretty torn between these two, as we do need more artifacts... but the edgewright is a good metalcraft card.... i might go w/ the myr, and hope the edgewright comes back around since we cut white so hard the first time through.... but sorta doubt we see it, as i bet some one will hate it. But we know for sure the myr won't come around. so the Palladium Myr is my pick with a very close secondary option of the Auriok Edgewright
November 27, 2010 1:04 p.m.
SocialistElite says... #12
Billy Idol!
Oh no wait... You guys don't know what that means...
Seriously... It has two things we want, Artifact-Ness and Evasion. Not to mention its hard to kill with normal removal....
November 28, 2010 1:59 p.m.
Lawl Billy Idol.
I think we need either Auriok Edgewright or Glint Hawk Idol
Double strike and first strike are very effective against Infect which someone will be in guaranteed.
The Idol is freat as SocialistElite said its an artifact, evasive, and even better it is tougher to get rid of due to it returning to an artifact at EOT.
I'm trying to decide which would most likely table and I think its the Auriok that does (unless someone hates it). The WW mana cost might be the only thing that keeps it in the pack, but I wouldn't be surprised to not see it when this pack comes round again.
I would really like to have Auriok Edgewright but I think Glint Hawk Idol is the better pick. Only by a little though as I'm only deciding between Flying vs. Double Strike.
Glint Hawk Idol (but won't be upset with Edgewright)
November 28, 2010 9:56 p.m.
Only two serious options here:
Glint Hawk Idol and Palladium Myr .
Given that 72% of our current picks are 2 drops and our average CMC is 2.72 the Myr offers very little ramp value to us. In a lot of decks it is the right choice here, but I don't think that is the case in our deck.
As for the Auriok Edgewright , he looks better than he plays. Even his ideal scenario with metalcraft is unlikely to result in anything beyond allowing us to trade him up for value in combat (but still 1 for 1). Meanwhile the Glint Hawk Idol is getting in for 2 each turn early and putting us in a much better position to bring down a win in the late game.
I think Glint Hawk Idol is the correct pick.
November 28, 2010 10:41 p.m.
zerotimestatechamp says... #16
If Glint Hawk Idol gets one -1/-1 counter but doesn't die does it lose the counter when it ceases being a creature?
November 28, 2010 11:04 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #18
@ Eyehate I believe it is folly to say that we will not pick up some high cost creatures. If these rounds are anything like the last ones, then the 6/4 artifact creature for 7 shall be plentiful in the later picks, and or we will pick up a bomb in some of our own colors. So do not discount the need for mana ramp.
November 28, 2010 11:40 p.m.
The thing is that we are already in the middle of pack two and our picks have us on a path to an aggressive build. Going "off-build" should merit a solid justification and I don't see how a card that needs other "off-build" playables to justify itself does that.
I understand where you are coming from, but I think you should consider the "why" of how plentiful the Razorfield Thresher is in later picks.
Put simply, in any draft where I feel compelled to run a thresher main I would feel fortunate to force a game three in the first match. There is a reason many refer to it as "the overpriced Craw Wurm "
November 29, 2010 12:25 a.m.
SupremeAlliesCommander says... #21
I've seen a few mentions of cards that will table in this pack. Exactly how many cards will be left when it comes around - 2 or 3? I'm guessing those will be the forest, Horizon Spellbomb , and then Origin Spellbomb if there's a third.
November 29, 2010 1:51 p.m.
@SupremeAlliesCommander wha? Horizon Spellbomb is great, and will probably get snapped up by whoever takes the Engulfing Slagwurm and Asceticism . There's no way that either it or Origin Spellbomb tables.
Vector Asp , forest, and either Auriok Edgewright or Assault Strobe will table. I think we have a good shot at seeing edgewright again, since we've clipped white pretty hard out of the packs we've seen; the double W for edgewright will deter anyone from picking it up, unless someone on the opposite side of the table is going white, too.
I'd be thrilled if the Origin Spellbomb tabled -- it fits really well with our deck.
November 29, 2010 3:53 p.m.
tapanmeister says... #23
Origin Spellbomb is one of the most amazing cards for a metalcraft deck, since popping it doesn't result in a loss of the number of artifacts you control.
Of course my vote here is going to be for Glint Hawk Idol . The great thing about the card is that it forces our opponents creature removal to be instant speed, protecting it from cards like Arc Trail . Of course its more susceptible to artifact removal- which happens to be more prevalent in this set... That has to be considered... and of course Palladium Myr is really good. But considering that we've already made a firm white commitment, and there is no god equipment in here, the idol suits our needs best at this point.
This is a great pack, and its much more fun reading about your choices from a pack like this, than from a pack like 2-4, since you really can't make too big a mistake - all of them will easily make the final decklist.
November 29, 2010 6:19 p.m.
tapanmeister says... #24
Oh, and for tabling predictions: forest, Assault Strobe , and Vector Asp .
airy says... #1
Glint Hawk Idol ! We are white, so even if we don't have artifacts to activate it, we still can activate it.
November 26, 2010 2:41 a.m.