TappedOut Community Set (Voting for Irindu's Gold Rares)
Community Set
10 September 2010
10 September 2010
Once again, you guys submitted a lot of really cool card ideas. As usual, I have provided some thoughts under each card provided by the Design Team, which consists of Xander574, squire1 , and the newly appointed $ªmHεiπ. Here are our finalists:
There were two recommendations for this card. The first was to change all instances of "creature with flying" with just "creature." Doing this would change the flavor of the card, however, and the name would probably have to change. The second recommendation was to change the flow counters to a type of counter that has been seen before, like charge counters.
The main concern here was that this card could be overpowered. This could be changed by either increasing the casting cost or by creating one copy for every two counters.
As usual, there was some concern with reducing the cost of flow, since we won't know its true power until testing. One recommendation was to make this creature legendary to prevent the flow cost from being reduced multiple times. It was also expressed that the creature type should change, since this feels like a druid, instead of a wizard.
The only suggestion here was that all players should reveal the top cards of their libraries.
There was some concern that the additional ability granted by paying the flow cost was overpowered. Again, something that can be adjusted during testing by increasing the flow cost.
The only suggestion was to increase the casting cost and/or the flow cost by one.
Should the converted mana cost be decreased by one? Should it be easier to cast by decreasing the amount of blue and red required to one each? Should we add firebreathing?
It was believed that this may be a little underpowered. The main suggestion was to allow the ability to also trigger when it entered the battlefield, making the flash more relevant.
The only suggestion was to perhaps make this an instant instead of a sorcery.
The last ability is similar to Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind, so the main concern was the infinite combo that is created with cards like Curiosity. It was suggested to remove the last ability and replace it with "{{1}}: Deal 1 damage to target creature or player." Another idea is to allow to last ability to only target creatures, to prevent an auto-win with that type of combo.
The only suggestion was to change to amount of land searched for and the cards drawn equal to the number of nontoken creatures that were sacrificed.
Should the token not get sacrificed at end of turn, leaving Intet exiled until it leaves play? Also, on the creative-side we're unsure if we want another version of Intet, the Dreamer to exist in our set, so the name may need to change.
The only suggestion was to turn this into an Aura and have the effect trigger when the enchanted creature deals damage.
The Design Team didn't have any issues with this card in its originally submitted form.
The Design Team didn't have any issues with this card in its originally submitted form.
Here's what we're looking for:
1) Each person should vote for one card from each category (one blue/green card, one blue/red card, and one blue/red/green card).
2) Each person should critique the cards for which they have voted. Agree or disagree with the Design Team's suggestions and include any other ideas you have to improve the card. Any critiques made on cards for which you did not vote will NOT be put into consideration from the Head Team.
The deadline for voting is Tuesday, September 14 at 11:59 p.m.
To help you make your decisions, and in case you haven't been around during the past votes, here are the cards that have already made it into the set:
I'm looking for someone to fill a vacancy on the Creative Team. I'm looking for someone that is creative (duh!), yet can work within boundaries that have already been written story-wise. The Creative Team will be introducing us to each sub-plane of our set as we visit it, and will be in charge of flavor-text, art, and general storyline.
So, if you have spare time that you can devote to this project and are interested in helping us out, send me an email at [email protected]. Please include your Tappedout username in the email.
Blue/green Psychic mongoose, i like the every library should be revealed, will it get protection from other cards as well?. Also i think that it should be a 3/1.
red/blue Sphinx of the commit storm. keep as is.
irindu evolution. with thought storm its nice. and in general its nice. no changes.
September 11, 2010 8:09 p.m.
xeratheenigma says... #3
my vote for U/G is: Life Wizard of Irindu I think it should have the ability (tap): add (G) to your mana pool this mana may only be used to pay for flowcosts. I also think the creature type should be changed to human druid. I believe it should be legendary as well.
for R/U is: Magi's Pupil I agree that the ability should trigger when it enters the battlefield.
and finally for G/R/U my pick is: Eccentric Foliage I like the design teams idea and think it shoul be applied to Eccentric Foliage
September 11, 2010 10:57 p.m.
Forgot my votes lol,
for U/R i do vote Magi's Pupil with somewhat of a fix as stated.
for U/g i vote Surging Flow, with a change to the wording to make it so that X =/= 0 so that they have to use the card for the intended use when the flow cast it.
now for the U/G/R card, I really am in love with Irindu's Evolution, only make it so you have to pay 1 or 2 more colorless in addition to its CMC. Otherwise you could play a pure weenie deck and just do one drops that let you draw a card.
September 12, 2010 4:24 a.m.
U/G - Psychic Mongoose. I agree that it should be all players play with the top card revealed.
U/R - Sorry, I don't really like any of them, but if I HAD to choose I'd go with Mental Connection.
U/G/R - Irindu's Evolution. Honestly I think it should cost one more because it completely takes the draw back of flow.
September 12, 2010 10:49 a.m.
exarkun809 says... #6
U/G - Deluge of the Beasts
U/R - Irindu Wierdling
U/R/G - Intet's Dreamworld
I think they're all pretty good as described.
September 13, 2010 12:46 p.m.
ilikeoldcardsbetter says... #7
U/G -Psychic mongoose -should be all players
U/R -Lesser Vigaan - I like it the way it is
U/R/G -Irindu's Evolution - I think It would be more interesting if it was ALL players
September 13, 2010 1:57 p.m.
U/G - Psychic Mongoose. Having it be all players is fine, though it makes it less troll-shroud-esque. Maybe also reduce the cost to UG, or make it 3/1. Or both.
U/R - Lesser Vigaan, though it needs firebreathing- I don't see it as a "red" card at all as is, and certainly not as a dragon.
U/R/G - Eccentric Foliage, though it definitely needs to be non-token creatures.
September 13, 2010 6:11 p.m.
I don't like Lesser Vigan because it's grossly underpowered for a rare and not very creative. I mean look at Simic Sky Swallower , it costs two colored mana less and only has 1 less p/t and it has the added ability of trample, in my opinion, its much better, much much better.
September 13, 2010 8:07 p.m.
U/G: Psychic Mongoose. I think it should stay as is or maybe boosted to coming 3/1 like somebody else suggested. Aggro still loves this guy.
U/R: Sphinx of the Coming Storm. We need a decent Timmy Card and this serves as that and a nice limited bomb to boot. If you want to make it more standard playable maybe make it 5/5 or cost 1 less, but otherwise keep it the same.
U/G/R: Personally I'm torn between Inet's Dreamworld and Eccentric Foliage (which definitely needs to be reworded to say non-creature tokens) but since the latter has enough votes I'll cast my vote towards the former.
September 13, 2010 8:18 p.m.
SocialistElite says... #12
Guys! Not all rares have to be superbroken! If something is a little underpowered, DONT WORRY ABOUT IT. We need to have the occasional bad cards so the good cards stand out, and drafting this set (I am assuming we eventually want to draft this set?) won't just turn into a "O LUK HEER AT DIS SUPERR GUD RARE DAT I JUST OPEND! I KNO WAT IM DRAFTINGG HERRDERRDERR" format.
Just as well, we need a good Timmy rare. We have plenty of good Johnny and good Spike rares, but nothing for the Timmys to rep. (okay, Quakespawn is kindof timmy, but I want something thatll just stomp face)
My voting is as follows...
Psycic Mongoose - I really like this card. Its well designed, and seems like it could really make a slash in alot deck types.
Lesser Vigan - DO NOT CHANGE THIS CARD. Its perfect. Seriously... <3 I wished I designed this dude.
Weathered Rex - This is a sweet card that seems super fun. I would suggest making it more like Tribal Golem , but I think that would take awa from some of its charm.
September 13, 2010 10:29 p.m.
The problem with Lesser Vigan is that it could easily be mono blue. It just needs something simple like haste or "r: this creature +1/+0" to make it feel red.
September 14, 2010 8:18 a.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #14
Psychic mongoose gets my vote... i think though for a Rare creature a 2/1 body is pretty awful. It should at least get a 2/2, Heck it is green why not a a 2/3 even?
Lesser Viggan is my red vote - i think if you keep the casting cost the way it is then it definately needs another ability like fire breathing. Dragons are specifically red, and so i think maybe making the casting cost have just a single blue, would make better sense. 2 red 1 blue and 4 colorless would probably be better. Even with that i think fire breathing could be added.
Eccentric foliage -- also sounds good but can we make it cost 1 less colorless mana? Maybe have it be a 5 drop instead of a 6 drop?
September 14, 2010 12:08 p.m.
@DeckBuilder: Um no, they're not. That's why Lesser Viggan needs a red ability, otherwise its just red for the sake of being red. Just being a dragon does not justify the duel cost.
September 14, 2010 3:27 p.m.
SocialistElite says... #16
Lesser Vigan is already pretty power just a a 7/7 shroud flying. Adding more abilities is just going to make the card OP. Its a simple rare card, and sets need that. Also, the fact that its a dragon is red enough.
September 14, 2010 3:28 p.m.
That last sentence makes me think you didn't click the link. Its a link to gatherer showing all dragons that aren't red. Hell, there's 4 mono blue dragons ( Cloud Dragon , Keiga, the Tide Star , Mist Dragon , and Quicksilver Dragon ). As it stands Lesser Vigan could easily be the fifth. If your worried about making it op then increase the cost as well but it still needs something to justify the red in its mana base.
September 14, 2010 3:36 p.m.
@SocialistElite you also have to realise it costs 7 mana and 4 of which is colored. It needs to be more powerful.
September 14, 2010 4:20 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #19
@ above posters. yes there are 21 dragons that are non red... however there are 60+ dragons that are. Making red dragons by far and away the more common. there are almost 3x more red dragons than any other kind. So yes i think being dragonish is a fairly red thing...but i also agree with you that something needs to be added to the card, which is why i suggested taking out one of the blue mana and converting that into a colorless one, and adding fire breathing to the creature.
My reasoning was keep the RR as part of the casting cost b/c dragons tend to be more red, and then convert one of the UU symbols to a colorless. IE move from 3UURR to 4URR.
Regardless of whether or not this suggestion is used, i recommend also adding fire breathing.
September 14, 2010 6:34 p.m.
eyesunseen says... #20
For blue/green psychic mongoose gets my vote tho I think it should be a 2/2 or a 2/3
red/blue lesser viggan but needs firebreathing
red/blue/green eccentric foliage but it would hav to be nontoken creatures
September 14, 2010 11:52 p.m.
leon_raymond says... #21
@ user:socialist-elite Thankyou for sticking up for me, Lesser Vigaan was designed to be a reasonably low powered rare but at the same time being simple and providing a bit of brawn to Irindu. And yes, there isn't very much red in it and it should probably have fire breathing, haste or first strike. But I was looking for something simple and not too powerful. I'm sure the design team will do as they wish with Lesser Vigaan.
My votes are:
Blue/Green: Psychic Mongoose is definitely a winner. The sheer fact that it's a mongoose is amazing. I just feel, like eyesunseen, that it should be a little more powerful.
Blue/Red: Sphinx of the Coming Storm is really cool. But i feel it could be too easily sucked into an infinite combo, thus its ability should be changed. Possibly to "1: Deal 1 damage to target creature or player."
Blue/Red/Green: Eccentric Foliage. Seems like an amazing card to me and could very easily be the base for a deck. And i think token creatures should count, because this could become a fantastic combo card.
September 15, 2010 9:37 a.m.
SocialistElite says... #22
First off, there are currently NO dragons with shroud, which makes Lesser Vigan unique and special on its own.
Secondly, there are currently only 6 cards in all of magic that have flying and shroud: Empyrial Archangel , Hawkeater Moth , Simic Sky Swallower , Sphinx of Jwar Isle , Wall of Denial , and Zephid . If you include cards that CAN get shroud, that raises it up to 18 cards. Thats not alot of creatures. Of these 18 cards, you can only really compare hime to Simic Sky Swallower and Sphinx of Jwar Isle . The sky swallower is one of the best fliers theyve ever printed, and the sphinx is an awesome finisher in control decks.
September 15, 2010 4:22 p.m.
@SocialistElite: The argument was "it's not red" not "it's not special". That being said DeckBuilder345 did make a good point in his last post.
September 15, 2010 4:33 p.m.
mistergreen527 says... #24
The two arguments around Lesser Vigaan seem to be a) It need to be more red and b) It shouldn't become anymore powerful than it already is.
What do you guys think of these two compromises?
1) We could give it a bad version of firebreathing, such as the firebreathing on Mordant Dragon or the firebreathing on Dragon Whelp .
2) We could give it a "drawback" that is associated with red, such as "this creature can't block" or "this creature attacks each turn if able."
September 15, 2010 6:12 p.m.
I like the compromise. I suggest we go with bad firebreathing similar to Dragon Whelp .
September 15, 2010 6:49 p.m.
xeratheenigma says... #27
i think it should get the more exspensive firebreathing like mordant dragon
September 15, 2010 9:19 p.m.
SocialistElite says... #29
Ill drop the argument as long as there is room for some really good flavor text on him. Haha
September 16, 2010 12:26 a.m.
leon_raymond says... #30
Since it's my card, i should get a say in this lol. It was designed to be a Red/Blue dragon. The red was supposed to come from being a dragon and the blue from having shroud. I had considered adding a "red" ability but i didn't want it getting too powerful. Shroud can be very over-powered at times. I think using a bad version of fire breathing will just destroy the simplicity of this card. It was designed to be simple. My suggestions are to leave it as is (go SocialistElite) or to:
- give it standard fire breathing, which wouldn't be too overpowered because it doesn't have trample.
- Give it haste? Haste is a red ability, it's simple, and it will make this card a little bit better for those who reckon this card needs a little more power.
Have a think about it...
September 16, 2010 2:04 a.m.
xeratheenigma says... #31
personally i like it better without any form of firebreathing i think its just fine with shroud and flying
September 16, 2010 2:44 a.m.
Ugh... I just think that it as it is makes it underpowered. Haste would be a great addition because haste doesn't make it OP yet still adds some power too it. I just think it needs SOMETHING more whether that's Haste or Firebreathing.
September 16, 2010 10:16 a.m.
xeratheenigma says... #34
i think haste is a better choice than firebreathing in this case
September 16, 2010 1:32 p.m.
DeckBuilder345 says... #35
I am ok with all or any of the following:
1_ firebreathing straight up 2_ whelp firebreathing 3_ haste
i would prefer 1 and then 2 and then 3.
September 16, 2010 4:32 p.m.
leon_raymond says... #36
well I personally think that haste is the best option, but I guess the design team will have the final say
Terramune says... #1
Maybe for Magi's Pupil add in something like this:
When this card is cast, you may pay RU. If you do, counter target spell and all its abilities.
September 11, 2010 7:49 p.m.