Mirrodin Besieged Set Review



10 February 2011


Table of Contents

Green and Gold
Artifacts and Lands

So it’s that magical time of year (one of four anyway) where Magic players get to celebrate a brand new set coming into existence and this time is no different. I want to take this space and talk about EVERY SINGLE CARD from Mirrodin Besieged. I’m going to break down which cards are good for limited constructed and for making the card table level. I am going to talk a little bit about each card and give some application for them to be used somewhere. I am dividing my review by colors White, Blue, Black, Red, Green, Artifacts (this includes Gold Cards) and Land. I hope this will be helpful as we add 155 cards to all formats and completely change the draft format.


##Accorder Paladin
It’s a nice card all in all. Two mana for a 3/1 creature that pumps every one else when he attacks is pretty good. I think he’s pretty awesome in limited maybe not the first pick this is why I’m going to play a battle cry deck, but instead a I see this pack 5 I know I’m getting all the battle cry cards. In constructed I don’t think the Paladin will see that much play as the 1 toughness is really tough to work with as he would have to stay around more to give the battle cry effect more value in constructed. He might have a spot in the Knight Deck that I’ve heard a lot of people excited to make. In that knight deck he could be a real house when mixed with Knight Exemplar as the one toughness won’t matter quite as much, but even though Battle Cry is a sweet mechanic and powerful I think infect might be a bit better but it remains to be seen.
##Ardent Recruit
One mana creatures currently have a lot to live up to in terms of power level as over the last year we’ve gotten Goblin Guide, Steppe Lynx, and even Vampire Lacerator all at the one spot and this one doesn’t quite add up to immediately matches those cards for power, but inside of a dedicated metalcraft strategy this card could match those for power. Ardent Recruit in limited isn’t a great card, but if I’m in metalcraft I’ll be quite glad to see these wheel around and they will serve as a role player in the right draft. In constructed I just don’t think the metalcraft strategy is quite there yet as a whole as to consistently keep metal craft on you should probably be running somewhere in the 27 neighborhood of artifacts and I just don’t think there are enough artifacts to run to make metalcraft happen in a 60 card deck, but there is still another set to go.
##Banishment Degree
5 casting cost to put target artifact, enchantment, or creature on top of the owner’s library seems a bit high for not great effect. This card as far as constructed goes should be put the pile of cards to be used for proxying so forget about this card and put a name like Jace the Mind Sculptor on the back of it in Sharpie so at least it’s a powerful card in your playtest games. In limited formats however this card is a nice trick to have up your sleeve. It’s a good way to turn off metalcraft, take away that stupid mimic vat, or to remove a creature so that you can attack and kill them. I think that even in limited it will fall in the trap of being a ‘cool thing’ and people will hold open 5 mana for 2-3 turns waiting for the right moment to use it instead of actively trying to win the game.
##Choking Fumes
This card is only good in two cases, one where you opponent has constructed some sort of token deck and is attacking you for tons of damage, or two where your opponent has crappy infect guys that all have 1 toughness. First off in constructed this might be a sideboard card maybe, (a guy in my store runs a G/W tokens deck that this could WRECK and so it might finds its way into my sideboard, but I still don’t think it’s a good card). In limited with this block so far a lot of creatures have low toughness and this could be really effective against some draft decks and again tricks are always good to have on hand. Also as a note for constructed, I’d think about putting this in as a proxy of Grave Titan or maybe leveling up that card table. I do want to make one more observation about this card and what it means for this set. It seems that WOTC has really made each strategy punish the other. This is a phyrexian card and when faced with Battle Cry creatures like the Accord Paladin above it takes them out and is an interesting study about how the set works together.
##Divine Offering
White gets a shatter effect not some stupid Revoke Existence exile effect, but a true shatter effect. It comes with some lifegain and I don’t think that will be very relevant in draft as I think this will primarily be in decks that are metalcraft, battlecry in nature and as such will be facing a lot of Infect decks that don’t really care about life total. Even thought it comes with lifegain, I think the main point is that white gets another way to deal with artifacts. It will definitely see play in limited formats because good removal is at a premium, but in constructed I see it being a sideboard card that swings in and out as the power of artifact powered decks come and go.
##Frantic Salvage
It’s a cantrip and that’s always worth at least a point in my book. It allows you to get a artifact back from the graveyard. There are a lot of artifacts worth getting back. That fact makes the card in my open a very dangerous card, because it can tempt you to attempt to get a Wurmcoil Engine or a Mindslaver back, but instead will most likely getting stuff like Origin Spellbomb. In limited it could be a great card to get your Rust Tick back or even your mana myr or just to cantrip. I think it honestly has potential so I’d hold onto it, but after a playset I’d start Proxying with them as I don’t think the potential will ultimately be used for much.
##Gore Vassal
I just want to mention how interesting I think it is to watch phyrexian cards spread through the color pie. This is another great example. It’s like Fume Spitter, but for 2 more mana and it can attack for two. In constructed its home is more than likely to be in the proxy pile. In limited though, this guy shines taking out Accorder Paladins, Mana myr, and junky 1 toughness infect dudes. Unlike other phyrexian cards he isn’t saddled with that keyword of infect so he becomes very splashable in all decks that are running white and lets face it with white being so good in Scars of Mirrodin there is a good chance that this card will see a lot of play in draft decks from the block.
##Hero of Bladehold
The first bomb rare that we’ve seen. I like this card. It makes dudes, it pumps up dudes, and it just keeps swinging and making more dudes and pumping up more dudes, but lets not go crazy just yet. I think in limited this a FIRST PICK bomb. If I see it in a draft, I’m taking it at least for now. In limited it can attack for seven damage on turn 5 and that’s if you don’t have any other creatures on the field. It’s a bomb and maybe not as much of a bomb as Sun Blast Angel or Wurmcoil Engine, but it’s still a bomb and Battle Cry could be a really good draft deck. This deck does make players learn about how to stack the triggers properly as the battlecry and the dudes coming into play occur at the same time so familiarize yourself with the process of letting the dudes resolve and then the Battle Cry to make sure you’re attacking with 2/1s. In constructed this is one of the cards being seen as an option for the knight deck and ultimately I do think this card is constructed playable. I think it’s a card that has to have a deck built around it and something with Accorder Paladins, Knight Exemplars, and Hero of Bladeholds could be a force to be reckoned with. I’m fan and in fact if you are choose the Mirran faction at the prerelease you get this card in a nice promo artwork.
##Kemba’s Legion
This is the first of many cards that suffer from the I’m not a Titan syndrome. In today’s world we have been a little bit (who am I kidding) spoiled by the 5 titans printed in m11 and the so called sixth titan, Wurmcoil Engine, because for each of these we pay 6 mana and we get at least 6 power and toughness and gamebreaking abilities. This card costs seven and that is the first warning light. It’s got only 4 power but six toughness and those aren’t stats to be writing home about. I’m expecting this card to have a game breaking ability since it costs so much, but all I get is vigilance (which is a good start) and the ability to block extra creatures for each equipment attached to the legion. This ability really seals the deal for this card being a card table leveler because to get value out of the card you not only need to pay 7 mana to get it on the field you also have to pay all the mana to get equipment out and to equip it and all the cards in your deck that have to be dedicated to equipment and it’s not worth it to get the effect that Gideon Jura gets you for 5 mana. In another time and another place it could be worth it, but not in today’s world with todays titans.
##Leonin Relic Warder
This card is very interesting. First off let me start with the fact that this card can reset your Tumble Magnets, Sphere of the Suns and can also take out your opponent’s artifacts as well like taking out mana myr would be basically time walking them. At worst it’s a let me stop you from doing your stuff and at best it’s an extra bounce effect to reboot your Tumble Magnets and artifacts like that. I think it’s a nice card is both limited and constructed and definitely has it’s role, but in both cases it’s a solid role player. It’s more like Trevor Ariza than Pau Gasol for you NBA fans, but still a very good solid card.
##Leonin Skyhunter
This is just a reprint of Leonin Skyhunter from Mirrodin and basically it shows just how far creatures have come and that really tells you how much it will get played. Flying is really good in this limited format, but in other formats like constructed this card is just begging for the sharpie to turn it into something else.
##Loxodon Partisan
5 mana for a 3/4 battlecry producer. This is probably going to be a key card in some sort of battle cry draft deck as any card that has the mechanic goes up in value when you are drafting that deck. In constructed there are really just better Battle Cry engines so I would place this guy as a limited only card to see play.
##Master’s Call
HELLO METALCRAFT!!! This card is an enabler for the fabled metalcraft decks as at instant speed you can provide two artifacts. I think that you more than likely will play this in draft, but it could have an effect in Block constructed and maybe regular standard formats. The key thing for this card is that it is an instant speed enabler and that gives Metalcraft decks more options and options are always a good thing, but ultimately this is a fringe card that is powerful in a niche but not anywhere else.
##Mirran Crusader
This is a pretty good card. Three mana 2/2 with double strike and protection from green and black seems to be really strong. It hoses Infect’s primary colors and is really strong in the limited environment. It could be a player in the fabled Knight deck that seems to be running rampant. It could also be a nice sideboard card against infect decks. Good card, but not it’s the solid mortar that holds decks together.
##Phyrexian Rebirth
The wrath effect that leaves you with a creature. It’s quite a good effect in limited as the creature can’t be killed by the lovely removal spell Go for the Throat. It passes the six mana Titan test as it effects the board in a very meaningful way, but ultimately the ability is at it strongest in limited. In constructed there are just too many other wrath effects at cheaper mana costs. It could have an effect in constructed but ultimately I think Day of Judgment and the like are cheaper better alternatives.
##Priests of Norn
It’s a white card so 1/4 with vigilance for three mana is pretty standard, but when you see Infect on a white card you know it’s crazy. I think this card is really interesting from the flavor side because the Phyrexian ideal is very very logical and that logic really appeals to white and that’s how you explain these two very unlike things. Now it doesn’t go in an infect deck, I really think it doesn’t either draft or sealed, but I do think that it could be a nice card to use in a slower deck or to use as a wall in limited. It gets to attack and every thing that attacks it goes down one power and toughness after hitting it. In constructed I don’t think its very playable, but I think that maybe some control deck will want such a card to contain some aggro strategies and having this as a wall would definitely help. It’s an intriguing card and I think there are some uses there, but maybe not just what you normally do with an Infect creature.
##Time Shrike
The second white infect card isn’t good enough to make you play white in your infect decks, but it could have it’s uses when combined with the Proliferate mechanic from the first couple of sets. Limited makes this pretty good as flying in this set is hard to come by and when mixed with some with Battle Cry it can get out of hand really quickly. This card isn’t good enough to see any constructed play and is relegated to the Sharpie line of proxies.
##Victory’s Herald
This is another of the cards that suffers from the I’m not a titan disease as 6 mana with a 3 white color requirement is pretty steep, but it is a very good finisher in limited. Flying is really limited in the set and playing this sends all your team to the air and lets them act as a drain life for you. It’s first pickable as all bombs are in limited. In constructed the problem or this guys playability is that it requires you to have a good amount of creatures and wrath effects are just too plentiful for this guy to achieve his full potential in constructed.
##White Sun’s Zenith
The Zenith cycle is a lot of fun as not only do they provide some strong abilities, but also replacing themselves in your deck is just extra fun, but also making you not want to play 4 copies in every deck you play. The white Zenith is definitely interesting as instant speed army creation is a fantastic combat trick in limited, but in constructed where Mana Leak is always around you would want to wait till you have ten or eleven mana available to really make it worthwhile for you to cast it. It definitely should see some play in Commander and other casual constructed and will be fun in those decks.


##Blue Sun’s Zenith
This is my personal favorite of all of the zeniths. I love drawing cards and doing it at instant speed is absolutely fantastic. The card isn’t really that good in terms of constructed because the only times that it is any better than Jace’s Igenuity is when it is at 4 mana and 7 mana or above. At 5 mana or 6 mana you are only drawing less than or the same number of cards as the Igenuity so in constructed even though it replaces itself the Blue Sun’s Zenith really isn’t a playable card. In limited however it’s a good card to refill your hand and can really be useful. In this format it really pays off to have a good mana sink ala Goblin Artisan, Soliton and Heavy Arbalest etc. so this is an even better sink since it gets you more cards.
##Consecrated Sphinx
This card is really interesting, but it still suffers from the I’m not a titan disease. Not really what you want to do in constructed. In limited a 4/6 flier is really strong particularly when you add the ability to draw two cards every time your opponent draws one. That ability can be abused in constructed, but not enough to justify building a deck around it. In short a cool ability, but instead of a constructed breakthrough I think another example of somebody wanted something cool for their commander deck.
##Corrupted Conscience
In Magic 2011 Mind Control was a complete bomb by taking another player’s huge created. I thought Volition Reigns took the place of that in this limited environment but Corrupted Conscience duplicates the effect in a manner with the added ‘benefit’ of giving the creature infect. It’s a card that I think will make infect more widespread in draft and make the blue black proliferate infect deck a real possibility. As far as constructed goes, if some sort of deck picks up the blue black infect deck this could be some sideboard card much like Mind Control is some of the control decks last standard season.
It’s a Clone with a regular 2/2 body. It can really have a good effect as it can be a counter agent to what ever their bomb is in limited or it can duplicate your bomb. In constructed I think that this could be a possible answer to the legendary creature problem produced by Thrun, the Last Troll. It’s an interesting card that can have quite a few applications, but not really that ground breaking.
##Distant Memories
This is a card that can be one of two things a Diabolic Tutor or a Jace's Ingenuity. I honestly think that this is one of those junk rares that will be getting sold for 50 cents. It’s giving your opponent a choice of giving you a good card or just three cards period. I just don’t think this card is very usable. If there ever is a way to interact with the exiled zone then this card would be even more powerful because then either way you could get the card you wanted, but as it stands now prepare the sharpies.
##Fuel for the Cause
Let me summarize why this card is bad in standard: Mana Leak, Stoic Rebuttal, and Cancel. In constructed there are just better counterspells than this. It reminds me a lot of Summoner's Bane from Zendikar especially because they share a casting cost and get a benefit with the counter. Let me continue with that analogy in that I think Fuel for the Cause is better as proliferate is a more relevant ability in the format. It won’t see play in constructed, but in limited some decks might want this.
##Mirran Spy
First off it’s a blue flying creature with is pretty standard. The power is less than the toughness which is also pretty normal. The play an artifact and untap target creature is a nice ability which is there for the taking with all the playable artifacts in the format in limited. I don’t think there is much call for this sort of thing in constructed (maybe block constructed), but in limited it’s an interesting engine of a card that could lead to some big things if the right cards are in place.
##Mitotic Manipulation
This card is underwhelming to me. Not because it doesn’t affect the field, but because of the variance that is unleashed when you use it. It has great potential like being able to kill another player’s Jace for three mana or get another pithing needle guy to shut down another type of card, but more often than not I think that it would just be fetching another card and there are better draw effects in our arsenal than that. In draft sometimes we don’t even have multiples of the same card and this would be just fetch an extra land. It’s got some potential there, but I think that potential might be sitting the sideboard of a Control deck as Baby Jace copies 5-8 and that just feels too greedy for me.
##Neurok Commando
I like this card. I just wanted to say it. It jumps out at me as a good card that attacks for two and can draw me a card. I really like it. There is just one problem it’s really a bad body and shroud is only some what useful since the best way to remove it is just to block it. In constructed, I just want to say that if you are seriously considering this in constructed you need to just scrap that deck idea. In limited it could draw you card and I would pay 3 mana for a card, but when it comes on a body I’d take the risk of removal for the ability to draw a card. It’s not a fantastic first pick, but I wouldn’t complain about getting this card late in a draft because I’ll never complain about getting the chance to draw extra cards.
This is another blue dude that draws a card. This makes me want to trade for that 1/1 infect guy so I can draw a card. This won’t see play in constructed as there are better draw card effects. In limited this could see some play and be useful to get early pressure, trade with early threats, and most importantly get a card back when it dies. This is probably just another sharpie card, but I think it could be a nice late round filler in limited.
##Quicksilver Geyser
Blue gets a combat trick. This could be useful in limited as a lethal attack becomes a non attack, but I think there are better cards in other colors that could be paired with blue and that for 5 mana you might want to see a little more splash than bounce two nonland permanents. It’s a card I wouldn’t be sad to see come to me pick 9-15 of a draft, but I think that it falls too much into being a cool thing where you will hold open 5 mana for a few turns and not be actively trying to win the game. Constructed doesn’t want to see this card except as a proxy, but hey all the blue cards can’t be Jace, the Mind Sculptor or no one would play any other color.
##Serum Raker
Fairly good body and not the usual more toughness than power blue flier. The exchange for that feature however is a discard for all the players in the game which could be useful and also could make you discard a key card if you are not careful. This guy could fill out some decks as Flying is such a good thing in this limited format. In constructed maybe there is some discard deck out there that wants this card, but I don’t know what it is and really I’m just throwing this card in the pile to be sharpied for proxies.
##Spire Serpent
It’s a good card for limited without the metalcraft, but becomes pretty ridiculous with metalcraft. In this format creatures with more toughness than power are pretty good with all the infect running around, but when this guy hits metalcraft he’s not just a wall but a pretty powerful attacker. As far as constructed goes, I don’t think that this is what you want to do if you are able to have metalcraft in your deck.
##Steel Sabotage
This card would be just a junk card if it just had the first mode. Countering a artifact spell is something to think about in an artifact block, but I just don’t want to waste the card slot in my deck since I only have 40 to work with. The second mode makes this a combat trick as it can turn off metalcraft, bounce the attacker, or just time walk them for their turn. So it’s a card that could see some limited play, but once again in constructed just sharpie the back.
##Treasure Mage
This is Trinket Mage’s older more successful brother. The ability is solid gold as having extra copies of Wurmcoil Engine, Spine of Ish Sah, Mindslaver, and Steel Hellkite is insane in limited. I think this guy will see some constructed play. I don’t think there is a deck currently out there, but I think he can be built into a strategy. Solid card and I’d try to pick these up because even if it doesn’t see some constructed play in Standard and Extended it will definitely be fun to cast in Commander.
##Turn the Tide
It’s another blue combat trick. You attack and I make all your guys -2/-0 simple efficient and with the right set of walls devastating. It’s anti Battlecry at the very least and I think this will see some play in limited. In constructed this really isn’t want blue wants to do right now, so proxy away with them.
##Vedalken Anatomist
This card is pretty sweet looking. I really like the art and the flavor text is cool and it just really conveys the Blue role in the Phyrexian Rebirth. That said it’s ability makes want to think it could be good and in limited the ability to put a -1 counter on some is pretty strong and if that comes with tapping the creature it should see some play in your draft decks, but for constructed I just want to play this card and ultimately I think there is a combo waiting for someone to find out there, but I don’t think it will be all that hard to disrupt so to summarize: Yay for limited and Save the sharpie but don’t play in constructed.
##Vedalken Infuser
I think this ability is really good as far as recharging Tumble Magnets, Sphere of the Suns, etc. It will be useful in limited as a wall is pretty good in this format and the bonus is really good if you have the right synergies in the deck. As far as constructed goes, I don’t think there are enough of the charge counter artifacts being played to make this guy effective, but maybe he will make a splash in Block Constructed.
I think I’ve already said how much I like drawing cards and this does draw you three cards for 4 mana and a sacrificed creature. I think in limited this guy sees play because you can never get too much card draw and you could sacrifice a guy like Darkslick Drake where you get to draw 4 cards, or sacrifice something that is down to 0/1 due to infect creatures. The ability not to do this at instant speed hampers it somewhat, but still a card you have to think about for limited. In constructed it draws you three cards, but has the same casting cost as Jace, the Mind Sculptor so it clearly loses and is going to be relegated to the proxy pile.


##Black Sun’s Zenith
Black gets a wrath effect, but what is the cost. I’ve heard a lot of excitement about this card and it is powerful as it doesn’t target and can destroy creatures like Thrun the Last Troll even though he has ‘troll shroud’. In limited this wrath effect is a complete bomb especially with the fact that it serves as the mana sink that is really needed in this format late in the game and it gets shuffled back into the deck after use. In constructed I think it will see some play as this type of wrath effect is pretty powerful, but I really question how good it is because of the scaling. At x =1 it gets rid of all 1 toughness created and in order to get rid of a creature like Thrun, the Last Troll the card would have to be cast where x = 4 and it would cost 6 mana. It seems to me that if you have access to this card you might want to spend your mana in a more efficient way that answers those threats like a Grave Titan or a Wurmcoil Engine. I really think this a powerful card, but it’s going to have to earn its way into my decks and show that this effect is really what I’m wanting.
##Caustic Hound
Lets just get this out of the way and say that there is no way this card should see play in constructed. In limited I think it’s a stretch at best as it’s a 6 mana 4/4 that can drain 4 life off of everyone and that ability might let you get around some defenses so it doesn’t die, but ultimately I think people will be satisfied to block it and kill it so the four life just leaves and the creature leaves play as well. Keep on hand for proxying.
A 1/1 infect creature for 2 mana isn’t that much better than anything we’ve seen so far in the infect market. In fact I’d rather see Plague Stinger in an infect deck than this as the flying is more relevant than the lifelink. It could be usefule as another infect dude in draft, but in constructed there are just better options.
##Flesh-Eater Imp
This is just what infect wants. It’s an evasive 2/2 flier with the pump ability. In limited this will break games open where the infect just has a stand still as the ability to transform creatures that can’t attack into poison counters is insanely good in infect decks. In constructed, I don’t think that Infect is a tier 1 deck and even with that I don’t think this is the best option, but it might see some play in some infect decks.
##Go for the Throat
Easily top 5 card in the set. It’s Doom Blade but better as it kills Grave Titan and other creatures previously off limits. I really like its position in Extended and in Standard for constructed and I will say that this card will definitely see some play in constructed formats. In limited the card is a first pick worthy card and will make black utility spells harder to come by for the infect hoard much like Doom Blade in M11 draft. All in all I really like this card and I think that it will see tons of play.
##Gruesome Encore
This card is good to me as it makes use of the opponent’s graveyard to recycle their creatures against them. I think this is a nice trick in limited and combos really well the previously mentioned Go for the Throat and really any removal. In constructed I really don’t see this as being that strong, but it could be a surprise piece of sideboard tech but don’t count on it.
##Horrifying Revelation
This card first makes me think of Duress and Inquisition of Kozelik, but there is one key fact that makes a worse card and that is the fact that it lets the other player choose the card to discard. The idea that you don’t get information from playing the card is a BIG DEAL and almost makes this card unplayable even though it nails two cards in hand. I don’t think it will much constructed play because the decks that might want it will want the information given by Duress and Inquistion more. In limited its hard to put a card in that doesn’t really meaningfully effect the board in any way, but it could be a nice one drop for the infect drafters to keep the opponent off their game a bit.
##Massacre Wurm
I like this card. I really like this card. I want to play this card really bad. In limited it’s a first pick bomb obviously as it’s a slightly worse black Sunblast Angel as far as board sweeping goes, but it’s awesome as far as once the creatures go to the graveyard it takes a nice chunk out of their life. In constructed, I think it could be a sideboard card to fight off elves, goblins, and other tribal decks that have creatures with low toughness because ultimately it’s not a titan and there are better options because of the that.
##Morbid Plunder
I like recalling creatures. A card like this is dangerous in draft because it lets you reget creatures destroyed by removal. Another option is that it lets you reload your sacrifice outlets. It’s pretty good in limited. I think it probably will only see play if Infect sees major play in standard as reloading your hand is going to be key to keeping infect going.
##Nested Ghoul
This card is a pretty good beater in this format and ultimately it does something that only titans have done previously and that’s leave something behind. I think it’s a good card in limited as it gives you a good combat trick to lean on in replacing itself with another creature and another trick is just too valuable in this format. In constructed this suffers from the fact that 5 mana just gets you too much to be concerned with a 4/2 that leaves a 2/2 behind so it won’t see constructed play.
Every infect player I have ever met has said that they want an enchantment that gives a good creature infect. Well their prayers to Mark Rosewater has been answered. It’s good in limited by making creatures like a Massacre Wurmfoil, Sunblast Angel, and Hoard-Smelter Dragon have infect it makes them have a quick kill on board. Could be decent in constructed if you wanted to give something like a Baneslayer Angel infect and then kill them in two turns, but ultimately it’s just not worth the card slot in a dedicated infect deck or in any other random deck as it just opens you up to be 2 for 1d.
##Phyrexian Crusader
This is an awesome card that is a bomb in limited and could possibly be used in constructed. The Infect when combined with first strike makes a very potent offensive and defensive weapon. Take that weapon and give it protection from good spot removal and you got some trouble on your hands. This card is a bomb in limited and if you want to force infect I think you definitely take this card as it will be nothing but advantageous to you. In constructed it could see some play in infect decks or in control decks that really don’t want to lose to Goblin Guide. I really like this card and they did a really good job with the cycle of the crusaders.
##Phyrexian Rager
This card was good in Apocalypse and it’s good now. In limited the ability to trade that life point for a card is a great ability. The 2/2 body is fairly robust in the format and with the card draw ability makes it a good card to have in any draft deck. In constructed I don’t think the power level is good when compared to the other cards available to us in current constructed environments. I don’t think it’s completely sharpie material, but not fist pick if you get my drift.
##Phyrexian Vatmother
This is an infect creature that I’m scared of. It’s the first one that has toughness bigger than I can Lightning Bolt. It’s drawback is that the controller gets a poison counter every turn its on the battlefield. It’s practically a giant with its 4/5 stat line when compared with other creatures in the format. I think it’s bomb when it comes to infect and in constructed its playability is tied to that of infects or maybe a wall that can take down the last troll just saying.
This is a vampire. It feels a lot like the old vampires like Sengir and the Baron in that they benefit from your opponent dying. A creature dies and you gain three life and an opponent discards a card and you gain three life. It could be decent filler card in limited as a 3/3 flier is really good even for 4 mana. I mean look at Sky–Eel School in scars. It doesn’t really have constructed playability as the vampire tribe isn’t really looking at anything like this. It’s a fun looking card and could have some causal impact, but not really anything in the constructed circles.
##Scourge Servant
Another big body for the infect crowd. 5 mana for a 3/3 infect guy is decent and will definitely see some play in limited as the infect arsenal is really lacking many creatures of over 2 power. In constructed this really won’t even see play in decks that are running infect as the 5 mana slot could be better used in something that would destroy other creatures of playing something like Skithiryx or Putrefax that would be of more immediate impact.
##Septic Rats
I thought that all we would see from infect were just better creatures in this set like the Phyrexian Vatmother, but we also got to see a conditional card using poison counters as a condition which is quite interesting. This card is a 3 mana 2/2 which is playable in infect decks both in draft and in constructed. The conditional ability is what makes it a pretty decent card. The ability to have the 2/2 you played become a 3/3 when you attack because you already have given a poison counter to your opponent is an simplistic amazing addition the infect mechanic as it is very linear in its reward to play infect cards. This card sees play both in draft and Constructed infect decks and I really wish there were more cards designed like this with that poisoned keyword.
##Spread the Sickness
This is a removal spell with the Phyrexian horde in mind. Five mana for destroy a single creature is pretty weak when you consider that there are wrath effects a 4 mana in the current standard pool. The thing about his card that is exciting is it not destroys the creature but then proliferates which is the perfect phyrexian removal spell. It destroys a creature and the adds more -1/-1 and poison counters. In limited this can really help the infect decks meet that critical mass of Infect and Proliferate cards to give them some sort of inevitability over their opposition. In constructed I ultimately think this won’t see that much play because the five slot is rather crowded, but it could be a better way to both clear the field to let you infect guys attack and to raise the number of poison counters on the opponent. It’s a pretty good limited card, but in constructed its fate is tied with Infect and that’s not a place I would really like to be in all honesty.
##Virulent Wound
This one mana spell is really a interesting. I think the -1/-1 counter is awesome as it can start killing Thrun or it can take out mana myr and then if the creature is killed the controller of the deceased creature gets a poison counter. It’s really good design and encourages Infect players to be more aggressive. It wants you to take down their mana myr and not wait for their Loxodon Wayfarer or Metalcraft enabled Chrome Steed. It’s this design which makes this card so appealing to think about and I do think that in limited this will definitely see play. In that format I compare it with Fume Spitter as you are always glad to get that sort of removal down early and I definitely like playing with Fume Spitter in Scars draft. In constructed this really isn’t a card that I want to play and I don’t think infect decks will run it, but just remember that Lotus Cobra, Steppe Lynx, and Plated Geopede are creatures with 1 toughness that see a lot of play and it would be quite advantageous to ping them out of existence while giving their controller a poison counter.


##Blisterstick Shaman
This guy is definitely first pick worthy in limited formats. Three mana for a 2/1 isn’t horrible in this format as a vanilla creature. The added ability is awesome as it is a built in removal spell. It gets rid of mana myr and little infect dudes and gets to trade with most other early threats and can be the last little bit of damage needed to turn the tide. In constructed this guy won’t see play and isn’t really impressive like that.
##Burn the Impure
Another example of how WOTC has engineered the mirran and phyrexian cards to hate out one another out. This card is a decent removal spell in limited no matter what creature it targets as three toughness tends to be the magic number for removal in this format. What else could you want from removal other than to destroy most creatures available to people in the format? The added bonus for any deck facing an infect deck is just an extra benefit. It makes this card really high in the pick order for any deck with red and extra for a deck that’s not infect. In constructed I don’t see this being a maindeckable card, but if infect becomes a tier 1 deck then it should definitely be a sideboard card as it is so effective in fighting against the infect decks.
##Concussive Bolt
Red is definitely going to be powerful in MBS/SOM/SOM draft format and this card at common is definitely one of the reasons why. 4 damage can finish off the long games that tend to come from this format by itself even without the metalcraft. With Metalcraft enabled this becomes a legitimate way of ending any game with a metalcraft deck in limited and it’s at COMMON. As far as constructed goes, I don’t think this will see play, but it could have a home in some mono red budget build at the top of the curve as a finisher. That probably won’t be the case however as the mana cost is really just too high for it to be efficient in a constructed deck.
The thing about this set that suprises me so much is the sheer amount of artifact removal in this set although with the fact that this is an artifact block it shouldn’t surprise me. This is another spot removal for artifacts which is a great trick in limited. It takes down metalcraft, removes equipment, and stops utility artifacts like Tumble Magnet and Sphere of the Suns from being used. The drawback is of only hitting non creature artifacts is significant, but not enough to keep you from playing this in limited. I don’t think this will see any play in constructed unless there is some combo deck based around an obscure noncreature artifact much like the Prismatic Omen decks and Nature's Claim in worldwake.
This is a combo engine that screams, “Build around me!” I really like the ability and I think that this could be a game breaking ability. It limited it’s a good body on a creature but 5 mana is a lot for just a 3/3 ,but the ability would make it interesting if there were a critical mass of spells in the deck that could be activated by this ability and have a game breaking enough of ability to warrant building a deck around it in limited. In constructed I think this is more of an option for the casual crowd even though it’s a lot of fun to build around, but there just isn’t that critical mass of spells to make him useful available to someone in standard. I am definitely looking forward to building a casual deck around him.
This is a pretty strong creature in a limited deck. The 4 toughness is pretty safe except from Grasp of Darkness and a Metalcrafted Galvanic Blast. It combos well with Molder Beast and the dinosaurs deck from SOM draft will probably become a G/R deck with these two at the top of the curve. It’s not a constructed worthy card as it just isn’t what you want to be spending 6 mana on. It has a roll in a fringe draft deck, but not a real powerhouse.
##Goblin Wardriver
A 2/2 for two mana with battlecry is an extremely powerful card. I think this card is a very hot commodity for limited players that want to play with the Battle Cry mechanic. I could see it being first pick worthy, but not a slam dunk first pick like Wurmcoil Engine or Steel Hellkite. In constructed I think this guy instantly has a deck to fit into. The kuldotha red deck that was running around standard a few months ago just got an upgrade. This fits in well with the token producers of Kuldotha Rebirth and Devestating summons. Think about this for a moment Turn 1 Goblin Guide[, Turn 2 Goblin Bushwhacker, Turn 3 Goblin Wardriver, Mox Opal, and Kuldotha Rebrith, and turn 4 cast Goblin Chieftan and that’s 36 damage by turn 4. It seems good to me. This guy could be seen in a Boros version of a battlecry deck with Accorder Paladin and Hero of Bladehold. I think every BattleCry card has to be carefully examined as it’s a strong ability and I don’t quite know whether it’s a constructed worthy mechanic.
##Hellkite Igniter
5/5 flying haste is a stat line I think I could live with. The 1R activated ability is an excellent finisher move in a format where strong artifacts are everywhere. This is an excellent pack 1 pick 1 card in limited. In a format where flying is at a premium giving a 7 mana 5/5 flying and haste really sets it up be a bomb. I think this card will have a little smaller bomb capability than a Hoard Smelter Dragon as it can’t destroy artifacts, but it does come down with haste and I think this card will destroy wills every time he comes down. In constructed I don’t this guy makes his way into any decks. He will ultimately make his way into the dollar rare bin, but I will never complain about seeing this guy in limited.
##Hero of Oxid Ridge
This card really gets me excited about the battlecry mechanic and seeing it played. This will definitely break open a lot of staled board states in limited. The battlecry on a haste creature is definitely interesting as far as how much it can impact the board. In limited it’s a bomb that can break a game wide open or catch you if you are extremely behind. In limited the uses of this card are quite obvious, but it’s constructed that has me really excited to see this card in action. I think that the two heros this and the Hero of Bladehold could be used is some sort of boros deck built completely around the BattleCry Mechanic. In constructed it could be used in any aggressive deck for the last push for the finish. I really like this card and think that it is undervalued right now.
##Into the Core
This is just another example of the ample artifact removal in this set. An instant remove two artifacts effect is really powerful in this limited removal. It’s a good way to get rid of bombs like Wurmcoil Engine and Steel Hellkite. It can disable metalcraft or can just clean up at instant speed. I think this is good role player card in limited that I can definitely see myself playing in my draft decks. In constructed this effect would be a sideboard card at best, but the decks that could run it as a foil to metalcraft strategies probably don’t want to be spending mana on this type of card.
##Koth’s Courier
I have to hand it to wizards in that they gave each side of this war the ability to destroy the other side. This is another interesting example of that. 2/3 with forestwalk says to me that I want to face infect decks because I’ll be attacking and getting through for two every game. This is a sideboard card to fight against infect much like Great Sable Stag against fairies in constructed. I really like the design and flavor of this cycle and I think it is another piece of flavor that shows just how cutthroat the war is. If I see infect cards flowing around then I’m going to want to be sure to draft these cards.
##Kuldotha Flamefiend
6 mana for a 4/4 isn’t a really cost effective way of using that mana and if you don’t sacrifice an artifact then you have a really expensive 4/4 that is vanilla. The sacrifice an artifact trigger is really powerful and could be of some use when combined with spellbombs or for very dangerous effect when combined with Perilous Myr. Ultimately I don’t think this card is very good and should be destined for the proxy pile.
##Kuldotha Ringleader
This card is much better than I first thought. It’s a juggernaut that triggers battle cry which is a natural interaction. This isn’t costed efficiently enough to see constructed play, but this type of card will be invaluable in the limited decks that stand to built around the battlecry mechanic.
##Metallic Mastery
At first glance I wasn’t too interested by the card. I mean how good is getting a Tumble Magnet for a single turn. Then I thought about the excess of artifact creatures in the limited format and then we find that this card is the Act of Treason in this set. There are quite a few sacrifice outlets in the set and this card could be like the Act of Treason in the way that it could spawn a whole archetype of draft decks. In constructed this could see the spot of mark of mutiny in the block constructed decks, but I don’t think it will see much play at all.
##Ogre Register
4/3 for 4 mana that’s pretty vanilla can be of some use in limited, but I would want this card late in a pack not very early on at all. In constructed this isn’t even out of bolt range. It’s a sharpie card that can be used to proxy.
##Rally the Forces
So much of this set seems to at odds with one another. This card is an opposing force to the Turn the Tide that blue has. I like it as a combat trick in limited and look forward to playing with it when I can. It’s a +1 and First Strike and in this format can be used to clear off an opponent’s board or gear up for one huge BattleCry strike. I don’t see this having an effect in constructed, but maybe as a trigger to push through a BattleCry type army.
##Red’s Sun Zenith
It’s Fireball that can be place back into the deck. Fireball wins people drafts and I think the same will be said for this card. The zenith cycle is very interesting and this one is probably my least favorite as the ability isn’t something altogether new, but it’s recurrable so you could cast it multiple times off of one spell in the deck. I don’t think it has much application to constructed, but you never know as red decks might want something else to do with all that Koth mana.
This is the red card that I think will have the biggest impact on standard. You see it is one damage more than pyroclasm on the creature side, but it is destroy a Jace when you use it to target players and red decks have looked for another way to do that. Lightning Bolt is better at strictly doing that, but it doesn’t have the options to board sweep or take down planeswalkers. I’m not saying take out your bolts for this card, but instead evaluate whether you need the extra option and that will be the decision to use this card or not.
##Spiraling Duelist
4 mana 3/1 doesn’t pass the this looks ok with no abilities test. It’s basically a 6/1 when metalcraft is enabled and that seems good. This could be a very good card in metalcraft decks and if you have that critical mass of artifacts this card is awesome. In constructed I just don’t think that we want to use our mana in this way.

Green and Gold

2/4 with reach is basically Giant Spider that we’ve seen in every core set since Alpha. The curveball on this guy is the Infect ability. In this limited format where there are fliers everywhere I think that this guy is really good. An infect drafter can probably pick this guy up late in pack one and then when all these guys have crappy little fliers you can block them with your infecting reach guy. In constructed I don’t think this meshes with the direction infect wants to go and ultimately there are better options available like Phyrexian Vatmother.
##Creeping Corrosion
I thought that we would get a reprint of Shatterstorm and here it is but its in green. The decision behind this is to give the phyrexians another tool to fight the mirrans. I like the card and in limited it’s a first pick card that I would never complain about getting. I would probably shoot for the Dinosaur draft deck rather than infect, but either option would be made a lot stronger by this card. In constructed this card is restricted by two options, first green decks really don’t want this as it doesn’t achieve their goals and second there aren’t a lot of artifacts being played right now. The second idea might be changed in the future but ultimately I don’t see this working out, but I would first pick this card in a draft.
##Fangren Marauder
5/5 for 6 mana is pretty good in this format and the added ability makes this an easy fit with the Molder Beast for a draft deck. This isn’t a first pick card, but I don’t know if this is open that I let this card wheel I ‘ll have to draft more to see. His constructed application is little to none and since he’s a common I’ll be proxing him up into other things. In limited however, this guy’s pretty good and remember he is a common so he will be available.
##Glissa’s Courier
This is the foil the Koth's Courier and this is another aspect of this set that I find highly interesting. The 2/3 for three is pretty decent but the moutainwalk makes this a card I will want to have on my side in a draft. I ultimately don’t think it sees any play in constructed, but in draft it will be a valuable card to have on hand to fight against decks that are metalcraft or battlecry based. I think that this card is actually better than it’s red counterpart as mountains are more used for splashes in this format for things like Galvanic Blast and Shatter.
##Green Sun’s Zenith
First off tutor effects are powerful with any other consideration. Secondly they almost never come in green. Third they don’t usually bring the tutored item out to the battlefield and then put themselves back into the deck. This is one of the best cards in the set in the set just because this is an ability that is really strong that you don’t normally see in a color like green. This card is insane and I think it will see play across a lot of constructed formats. In limited it’s uses are pretty limited, but in constructed this card will shine. It can be Primeval Titans 5-8 for Valakut or fetch up another elf to combo off in legacy. This is also begging to be placed into commander decks that involve green. Great card.
##Lead the Stampede
Green gets another hand refill spell. In green decks that play the average of 24 creatures, this is a draw two spell at minimum. If there are more creatures then there are more cards drawn. This is an excellent card that I think will definitely see play in limited in infect and good ol’ green beats both. In constructed this card will really shine because decks will be built to take advantage of this. Pitch some Vengevines and then use this card to fetch up a couple of cheap creatures to recur them. This card will see play in a variety of formats in constructed and I look forward to seeing all the decks that use it.
##Melira’s Keepers
Hello infect hoser!! This card is definitely a bonus to have against infect decks as it is immune to them and also immune to things like the Black Sun's Zenith. In limited I really want this card to at least have as a sideboard card, but with the growth I expect to see in infect I will probably main deck one or more of these cards. In constructed I don’t think that this card will see any play even if infect gets to be a widespread deck.
##Mirran Mettle
I really like this Giant Growth effect in this set. I really like that they have pushed metalcraft into other colors at the same time that infect is spreading into other colors. Combat tricks are at a premium in this format and I like this one for the limited format. If I’m running green I definitely would want to see this is a draft. In constructed there are still better options as Giant Growth is still legal so this one won’t see play outside of draft decks.
##Phyrexian Hydra
7/7 infecter is definitely something to consider to be on the top of the curve of an aggressive infect deck. The drawback is definitely significant but if you see this in a draft you have to think about taking it and forcing infect the rest of the way in the draft. More importantly than it finishing off poisoning an opponent, I think it can serve as a great distraction while you assemble other pieces to finish them off with poison. In constructed I really don’t think this card will see a lot of play as Putrefax and Skithiryx are both better 5 casting cost creatures for infect.
##Pistus Strike
This is a Wing Puncture for two more mana and it adds a poison counter. I like combat tricks in limited and this would really help an infect deck kill two birds with one stone. I’m not a huge fan of it, but I think that it could be a role player card in the sideboard of a draft deck. In constructed these types of cards are far too narrow to see play and this is no different.
##Plaguemaw Beast
The initial stats aren’t very impressive and I don’t think I actually want to play with this card based on that alone. The ability to tap and sacrifice a creature to proliferate is a really strong ability especially when you consider the fact that this comes in a traditional infect color. This allows you to reach a critical mass of poison counters and then proliferate your way to victory in a staled board state. While this card is pretty good in limited, I don’t think this is what you want to be using this ability for in constructed. This card is a good limited card in a good deck, but the constructed applications of this card are non existence.
##Praetor’s Council
This loses all limited value by the time you get to the end of the cost. This is a strong ability in a vacuum, but in actual application this isn’t an ability that I want to pay that much to get in formats like limited and standard. This card is a mythic however and I believe it is a mythic on the backbone of the Commander format. This card is an example of WOTC making cards specifically for Commander and as a Commander card I think that this card is really good.
##Quilled Slagwurm
7 mana 8/8s aren’t usually good in a format, but in this limited format it seems to pay off if you have a mana sink in your deck and this would definitely fit the bill as it kills everything, but a Blightsteel Colossus. I wouldn’t draft tons of these and not every deck is even going to want one of them because it really doesn’t do anything except be big and I think there are better mana sinks than that available to us through a draft. Let me just say that if I’m going to pay 7 mana for something in constructed that I need something more than a vanilla creature so I don’t think it will see play there at all and very sparing play in the limited format.
##Rot Wolf
2/2 for 3 mana infect dude is decent in this format but outclassed by things like Cystbearer and Contaigious Nim in the 3 mana infect dude department, but this creature gives you a way to draw cards. There are a lot of 2 toughness or less creatures in this set so Rot Wolf can trade with them and then draw you a card replacing himself. I don’t think even in limited that this card is very strong, but it is an option for infect guys because he can set up as a wall and can be used to sacrifice and proliferate any of the engines out there for that sort of thing. In constructed he’s outclassed by other infect creatures from Scars and this set so I don’t think he’ll see much play even if he does draw you a card maybe sometimes.
##Tangle Mantis
4 mana for a 3/4 is playable in this format and this guy will see some play. I really think of him as an aggro card even with the lower toughness as there are so many small dudes that he can start trampling over as soon as he starts attacking, but I don’t think he’s very strong but can give green limited decks something to curve out with. In constructed Vengevine is 4 mana so I don’t think that this will see play at all.
##Thrun the Last Troll
This card makes me want to love it. It can’t be countered. In can’t be targeted by your opponent’s spells. It can regenerate. It slices and dices and if you buy right now you get a free knife set sorry I’m kidding with that last one. This card is great in limited and is a bomb as all proper mythic rares should be. In constructed I just don’t think the evironment is here yet where Thrun can be effective. I know that he looks like he kills Jace and that he could hose Jace, but in a world of Day of Judgment, Gatekeeper of Malakirfoil, Consuming Vapors, Black Sun's Zenith, and Titans Thrun just doesn’t make the cut for me. I really want him to, but I don’t see a home for him just yet as I think that playing him in a deck is like playing fair and in a world where we have engines like Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Primeval Titan this engine just can cut it.
##Unnatural Predation
Another combat trick for Green, I like it. It fits really well in the dinosaur draft deck we were seeing before this set rotated in and added 1/1 and trample to an Alpha Tryannax is pretty scary thing. Combat tricks are always good and while I think that there are better ones in this set I think that ultimately this can be a roleplaying spell in certain drafts to help get you there. In constructed this just really doesn’t have a home. There are much better combat tricks available.
##Viridian Corruptor
Green also gets a destroy target artifact on legs dude. This guy is pretty good on his own as a 2/3 for 3 mana even if it is a little color intensive. The infect would seem to narrow him down a bit, but his Enter the Battlefield ability is amazing. The ability to just destroy an artifact in this set is huge. I think this can find its way into any deck running green in a draft as that ability to come on legs is amazing even if it’s not an infect deck. In constructed this guy won’t see play except maybe in an infect deck, but there aren’t that many artifacts to destroy so the double green color requirement might keep this guy from seeing play instead letting Cystbearer and Contaigious Nim fill out the three mana infect slots.
##Viridian Emissary
2 mana for a 2/1 is not horrible in this format, but with the added ability to ramp your mana I think this card is really good. It fits in any green deck as it doesn’t have the infect keyword. It trades with most of the early creatures and can then accelerate your mana as a result. This could see some play as in constructed as some sort of budget lotus cobra or as yet another way to get a mountain in Valakut, but ultimately there are better options available to us.
##Glissa the Traitor
We reach the first of two multicolor cards in the set and at first glance the stats aren’t that exciting 3 mana for a 3/3 but all the mana are color required ultimately requiring double green and a black mana. The thing that makes this card amazing is the two keyworded abilities for first strike and deathtouch as it can block anything and kill it. The ability on the card synergizes well with those abilities as anytime a creature your opponent controls dies then you get to bring an artifact back from your graveyard to your hand. It’s exciting and a great ability and a definite bomb in limited. I think in constructed this is yet another card that suffers from the fact that it doesn’t have a home, but it could have one. I also want to point out that she’s a legendary creature so the commander possibilities are endless. If fact I would just look for Glissa to be a standout card there.
##Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas
I really like this card and I think that he warps whatever deck he is in regardless if it is a draft deck or a constructed deck I think it has to built to take advantage of him. Lets run down the card. First off he’s a 4 mana planeswalker and most of those planeswalkers that were 4 mana are really good. Secondly he can ultimate out early as it only cost loyalty which is typically good. His first ability can draw you a card if you are running enough artifacts and I think that 12 is the minimum threshold for artifacts to ensure that you draw a card from Tezzeret in constructed and 8 for limited. This is what I mean by he warps the decks around him. Unlike Jace, the Mind Sculptor, Tezzeret can’t just link up with a lot of powerful cards he has to have the right mix of cards around him. His second ability is permanent. Let me say that again permanent. He turns artifacts into 5/5 creatures that are ready to rumble and that stay that way until the end of the game. This ability is insane as it incentivizes you to play more artifacts thus making the first ability trigger more often. His ultimate is drain life, but where x is the number of artifacts you control. This again gives you more reason to play more artifacts that can make Tezzeret better. Ulitmately in limited he’s a bomb as all planeswalkers should be, and in constructed I think there is a deck that could be good, but I don’t know if the powerlevel is enough to get by things like Jace, the Mind Sculptor and the Titans, but I know it is definitely worth trying.

Artifacts and Land

##Bladed Sentinel
4 mana for a 2/4 isn’t horrible in this format especially considering the pay a white mana and this creature gets vigilance. The next in a cycle of Solitons that continues in this set is really good in this format where you can attack maybe with an equipped creature without worrying about the crackback. The bottom line in this format games come down to complicated board states where you have to figure out just how to get those last few points of damage and a creature that can have vigilance really helps simplify those boards. He’s a good filler creature in a draft and I can see him seeing play in limited. In constructed he just doesn’t make the cut.
##Blightsteel Colossus
More and more mirran creatures and artifacts fall under phyrexian control and this is just another example of that. The corruption of the old Darksteel colossus is a little scary particularly in the fact that it can be a one hit kill. There has been much debate over this card and I don’t really like it because I agree with the side that says this really seems like lazy design, but I do understand the point they were trying to achieve even if I don’t think this was the best way to show that Mirrodin is slowly being take over by the phyrexian horde. In limited I don’t this guy makes much of a splash as getting to 12 man is insanely hard even in this slow of a format. In constructed there is a lot of talks about using this guy as a Shape Anew target in a type 2 deck sort of like Polymorph. He has his role and ultimately I don’t think he will see much play in limited or constructed as he’s just really too answerable in most formats or just not playable in the rest.
Before I actually review this card I want to review the idea of the Living Weapon mechanic as a whole. I think this mechanic is really good. It’s probably a little worse than some people think and a good bit better than other people think, but all in all I think it is really good. First off the ability to play equipment that already comes in equipped is really good in limited, but secondly it gives Stoneforge Mystic the ability to tutor up creatures and that’s insane. I think that the mechanic is very interesting as a whole and it will really impact the limited environment but in constructed I just don’t think it’s worth doing. This card is insane for limited. I’ve mentioned before in this set review about how many times games in this format come down to the wire and close board states. This can be a huge creature for only 4 mana. It can come down late game and be a literal monster than your opponent can’t handle and if you put it on a creature that has trample then it can just get downright crazy. I think this card is one of my favorite rares in the set for limited just because this doesn’t steer me into color requirements and it’s an insane effect. In constructed equipment just isn’t playable as a whole and I don’t think it will see play, but I will say that I won’t mind putting this in a commander deck.
##Brass Squire
Three mana for a 1/3 doesn’t shine but the tap ability is this card’s saving grace. I played with one of these at the prerelease and the ability to not pay equip costs was really good. I think the ability can be overrated but I think he is a solid role player in any deck with a lot of equipment and I would mind seeing him wheel around to me. In constructed I just don’t see this thing seeing play even though it combos off with Stoneforge Mystic to put an equipment on the field and attachment. That combo just requires too many pieces to accomplish the goal most of the time.
##Copper Carapace
This is one solid piece of equipment. For 4 mana you get +2/+2 but also the inability to block which is a significant drawback in the early to mid game. At common this is going to be seen in drafts and I wouldn’t mind picking it up to be honest just to fill some space out as there are worse things I could be doing with my mana. It’s not as good as other pieces of equipment, but it’s not too bad at all and worth playing in limited as that bonus is toughness as well as power which can put your equipped creature out of the way of a good bit of the removal in the format. In constructed this guy just doesn’t see play.
##Core Prowler
This isn’t the average turn a dude sideways and attack infect dude. It cost 4 mana for a 2/2 something that I don’t generally want to play, but it’s ability that triggers when it goes to the graveyard that it proliferates makes this a valuable card in the infect players arsenal. With the addition of the new set I think the best infect draft decks will have a critical mass of infect creatures and proliferate giving the ability to come out aggressive and then proliferate the game home. This has the ability to take down a 3/3 creature and to add poison counters to the opponent with an attack or block. I think this card doesn’t fit in every infect draft deck, but it does fit in some. In constructed I think this card is just not a fit as the aggressive infect seems to rule the day and there are better late game infect cards out there.
##Darksteel Plate
This is an interesting piece of equipment and one that I don’t think will see that much play and nor should it. For five mana you make a creature indestructible and you do it with an indestructible artifact. This would be a really good card, but in this set where there are infect guys putting -1/-1 counters on creatures instead of damage the equipped creature can still die very quickly. That being said I still think it can be a roleplayer in limited, but not a windmill slam first pick. In constructed it like most equipment just doesn’t do enough to justify the slot in my deck.
##Decimator Web
I wish I could say that this card is useful, but ultimately I think it will be one of those rares that keeps going around the table at a draft till someone takes it just to take it. It has an interesting application in it kills your opponent by going after the trifecta of milling, poison, and regular death. I think this card doesn’t see play in constructed or in limited, but in limited it could be a good mana sink to have late in the game because that six cards is far more dangerous in limited than in constructed.
##Dross Ripper
It’s the black soliton like cycle in this set and it passes the vanilla test for limited. It’s a 3/3 for 4 which isn’t terrible in this format, but it’s also pumpable which is a good deal and becomes a combat trick that can really punish an opponent if they every forget about it. In constructed it’s just not playable maybe in block constructed but I don’t think even then.
##Flayer Husk
Another one of the living weapon equipments so it’s a decent piece of equipment to have and in limited I definitely want to play something like this. The 1 drop slot isn’t full of a lot of stuff in the format, but this card takes it and does something profitable with that slot as you get a 1/1 creature to start but you can move it over to a game breaking creature late in the game. In constructed I could see this being a part of the new Kuldotha Red deck, but that’s just because of the low casting cost.
A vanilla creature of 2/1 for 2 mana isn’t bad but it has the blue activated ability to give it flying. In most limited decks this really is just a curve filler card, but if you are running blue then the ability to have flying can’t be underestimated in this format. You’re going to get this kind of card late in a draft, but it is playable and can serve a valuable purpose in some decks. In constructed this guy is really just sharpie fodder.
##Hexplate Golem
7 mana for a 5/7 is pretty bad as there are no special abilities or anything, but ultimately I see this card as a lot like Razorfield Thresher from scars in that it can be a mana sink, but only taken late and even then not great. This isn’t even that good so I think he won’t see much play in limited and even less in constructed.
##Ichor Wellspring
Two mana and you get get to draw a card and have a metalcraft enabler that’s pretty good for limited. If you happen to have drafted the furnace celebration deck then you get to draw two cards for two mana because you have another permanent to sacrifice. In limited I think this is a high pick worthy card as in this slow format it always helps to see extra cards and it can help you make sure you are reading the right signals in the draft. In constructed this isn’t a playable card at all, I mean it might be in a Tezzeret deck, but even then I think there are better options.
##Knowledge Pool
This is yet another example that WOTC is now making cards for commander. It’s cool and crazy and really has not application outside of commander so for limited I’d recommend passing it and for constructed don’t sleeve this up unless it involves decks of the 100 card variety.
##Lumengrid Gargoyle
This guy is definitely playable in limited. He’s a 4/4 flier for 6 mana which isn’t too bad and in this format with flying at such a premium he gets even better. It’s a good finisher that sits at the top of the curve of your deck and put your opponent on a pretty good clock. In constructed this guy suffers from the I’m not a titan syndrome and won’t be played.
##Magnetic Minefield
This could be a really interesting card to go in conjunction with lots of artifact removal. It could work to be the win condition of a deck, but I think is really a pipe dream that won’t see play. It’s worth a shot, but I think in limited it’s almost worthless and in constructed it really is.
This is an interesting card that has a cool ability. The home that best suits this card is Commander, but I could easily see this being an addition to the Furnance Celebration draft decks as you can get two artifacts for each one you play. In constructed this guy is dependent on there being a good number of artifacts that you want to play and I just don’t think that number is there.
Another one of the living weapon equipments that think really gives infect draft decks some reach to break through stale board states. The ability to sacrifice to deal damage to people can be amazing on creatures with infect. I don’t think that this will ultimately see constructed play, but it will definitely be a role player in a lot of infect draft decks.
##Myr Sire
Two mana for a 1/1 that replaces itself is an invaluable combat trick in this format and really good piece in limited. As it replaces itself the card will be useful in most every draft available. I like this card and definitely want to play with it in drafts. This isn’t a constructed card although the ability to replace itself could be really interesting.
##Myr Turbine
5 mana make a 1/1 every turn is a decent little [[mana sink] in a format that wants you to have a mana sink. The real downside is the question of do you want to pick your mana sink card first. I’m ultimately not a fan, but it can have it’s uses and might be an engine of a casual constructed deck.
##Myr Welder
This is a rare that I definitely want to try out in drafts even though the ability is powerful it is easy to disrupt. The requirement for this card is that there have to be a number of artifacts that you want to gain the activated ability of. There has to be a good number of those and you have to get those artifacts in the graveyard and at that point the question stands over your head if you are actually in a position to win the game. This could be a really cool casual card as well, but ultimately not in competitive constructed.
##Peace Strider
4 mana for a 3/3 body is pretty good in this format. The added lifegain makes it even more playable against regular beatdown decks in this limited format. In constructed this doesn’t make a splash, and even in limited it is a filler card to a sideboard against certain matchups.
##Phyrexian Digester
2/1 infect creature at three mana could see some play in limited, but I think there are better options at the same mana cost. It could fill out some decks that might not have access to Cystbearer and Contagious Nim. In constructed this card just doesn’t make the cut. I can’t say just how glad I am to see more infect creatures that just don’t make the cut for playables.
##Phyrexian Juggernaut
This card however isn’t a bad infect card. It’s a really good infect card. It’s an infect bomb at uncommon which I think makes the archetype even more draftable. It has value at the 6 mana slot which makes it a great card in those decks. In infect constructed decks, I could see this being played as it does give the best value at that mana cost other than a hasty Skithiryx.
##Phyrexian Revoker
The Pithing Needle on legs definitely is one of the best 5 cards in the set. In limited this really doesn’t see a lot of play to me as it really is just too narrow of a card to be a widespread answer. In constructed I think that this guy sees play as a narrow answer in sideboard. I like him and will definitely think about him in a sideboard, but some of the decks that might want him are still vulnerable to board sweepers.
##Pierce Strider
The phyrexian counterpart of Peace Strider has the same decent body at a decent cost. The added ability of this makes it a pretty good addition to a beatdown deck in that it basically Lightning Bolts the opponent as it comes into play with a decent body for the limited format. In constructed this guy won’t be seeing any play any time soon as the four mana slot is pretty clogged.
##Piston Sledge
The must have equipment for aggressive limited decks. The ability to get value out of it immediately offsets the pretty high equip cost. The value of this card gets even better in the late game as it can break open the staled board states that tend to be the end game scenario of this limited format. In constructed this like most basic power upgrade equipment won’t see play.
##Plague Myr
An infect mana myr makes the archetype even more viable in limited. The fact that the mana is colorless detracts from it slightly in my opinion, but still aids the infect decks getting things like Phrexian Juggernaut out quicker. In constructed I don’t think it see any play as there are overall better mana ramp spells.
##Psychosis Crawler
It’s Maro with the additional component of opponent’s losing a life every time you draw a card. I’m not a huge fan and I don’t think this sees much play anywhere in limited or constructed. The only thing I can see as redeeming is the possibility of combing with Venser's Journal in causal and commander.
##Razorfield Rhino
Metalcraft gets a finisher at uncommon. The 4/4 body is big on its own, but with metalcraft it gets pretty decent. It’s nice to have something like that to sit up on the top of your curve to break through in the late game. In constructed this card just doesn’t hold up to other six mana creatures.
##Rusted Slasher
4/1 for 4 with the option to regenerate is still pretty bad in this format. It combos well with accorder’s shield in limited to make a decent body, but I don’t think I want to play this unless I’m running extremely low on playable. In constructed this card is just really bad.
##Shimmer Myr
3 mana 2/2 with flash is nice as a combat trick. The extra ability to cast artifact spells as though they had flash sounds like it would turn your deck into the limited version of fairies, but you have to really think about what you are casting at instant speed and unless you’ve drafted a deck full of powerful artifacts the ability isn’t that special. In constructed this has even fewer applications than in limited.
Mill is an often used mechanic, but not a very good one. This card is even less good than something like millstone as it can only mill 6 cards without any proliferate action. It could be good disruption in limited for a metalcraft deck, but I just think it is very close to unplayable but you never know. In constructed take the the unplayable tag I just threw on this and make it double.
##Signal Pest
A one mana Battle Cry enabler with pretty good evasion is definitely playable. If you are getting a good amount of aggressive creatures with battlecry then this is an auto include as it is an enabler to your strategy. This card could see play in a constructed battle cry deck because it is such a good enabler. I really think cards like this are going to see play if BattleCry sees play in constructed.
##Silverskin Armor
4 mana to give a creature +1/+1 and artifact isn’t the greatest piece of equipment. It could see some play in limited as a role player, but the fact that it turns the creature into an artifact is a significant drawback as it exposes the creature to more removal. In constructed this doesn’t see play, but I do think the art looks really cool.
This Living Weapon serves a dual purpose as a 2/2 filer and that extra piece of equipment to break open the game. This second purpose is worth the six mana as it can turn your Phyrexian Juggernaut, Wurmcoil Engine, or Alpha Tyrannax into a flying threat which is huge. In constructed this suffers the probably of all equipment in that the ability isn’t worth the mana.
##Sphere of the Suns
2 mana add a single mana of any color mana ramp for three times is pretty good in limited. It serves a dual role of temporary mana ramp, but also a metalcraft enabler. It sitting on the field with no charge counters will no doubt make people not want to use their artifact removal on it, but it is a metalraft enabler. In constructed this could see some play, but I think that Everflowing Chalice is better as it can be tutored for using Trinket Mage even though the mana is colorless. It’s a card to consider, but ultimately not that great.
##Spin Engine
The red Soliton in this set is a 3/1 that you can make unblockable. This card can definitely see some play in aggressive strategies in draft as the unblockable ability is really good in this format. In constructed I don’t think this will see any play even thought it’s a nice idea.
##Spine of Ish Sah
This might not be a snap first pick, but it is an interestingly powerful card. The ability to have unquestioned removal is insanely good in this format particularly when it gives you a built in sacrifice and get this card back engine. I really like this card and think it will definitely see play in limited and it’s a great and profitable mana sink in the format. In constructed I don’t think this sees play because it’s just too high a mana cost to be efficient in constructed magic.
It gives all colors the ability to have a Giant Spider in their limited decks. That is a nice ability to have in order to fight off the flier based limited decks. It also will help by being able to transition the ability if you block infect creatures with the Germ token that comes with equipment. In constructed this card suffers from the same fate as all equipment cards. It just doesn’t have enough of a bonus to warrant playing in serious constructed decks.
##Sword of Feast and Famine
This has the basic stats of the other swords where you get +2/+2 and protection from two colors for 5 mana. The real trick in looking at this card is looking at the abilities it gains when it deals combat damage. The two abilities are sort of bitter sweet. The first ability is to make the player damage discard a card from their hand and that can be good, but the ability for the player to choose the card really hamstrings this ability of its effectiveness as the information gathered from looking at someone’s hand ala duress effects can be crucial to winning games. The second ability is to untap all your lands. That ability might underwhelm as the format might not have that many amazing things to do with that mana in limited, but as an effect in the frame of the game it’s an amazing ability. The rules of the game say that you get to play one land a turn and that you can tap each land you control for one mana that the land can produce. Cards like this blow that up and allow you to break the rules so any card that lets you break those rules can be super effective. In constructed I don’t see this seeing much play as the protections aren’t as relevant as the Sword of Body and Mind, but it could really see some play as a key sideboard card to protect against some undetermined infect.
##Tangle Hulk
Five mana for a 5/3 with a regenerate ability is pretty good in this format as creatures with an aggressive power can help these long games quicker. This isn’t a card that I want to take early, but I won’t complain about a late pick Tangle Hulk. As far as constructed goes, I don’t this guy will see play as it’s just not efficiently costed when compared with the other creatures available in the card pool.
##Thopter Assembly
5/5 flier for six mana is really good in this format, but if the beginning of your turn if you don’t have any other thopters you get 5 more power of creatures with the ability to replay this card. It is definitely a bomb in limited because of the ability to go over the top of most creatures in the format. In constructed I could see this become either a combo deck piece or some type of finisher that can dodge Go for the Throat.
##Titan Forge
This card is a blowout waiting to happen. It takes 12 mana and 5 turns to get any pay off for the effort. If at any point the opponent has artifact removal it is a complete blowout. Even though I recommend you have a mana sink in this limited format this just isn’t a good one. In constructed it has even less application than in limited.
##Training Drone
This is one card that I’m just not impressed with as it depends on too many other cards to be good in this format. It could be useful as a decoy, but wasting your mana on a decoy really isn’t what you want to do. In constructed this has one application and that is to serve as a proxy.
##Viridian Claw
Solid equipment with a very relevant added ability. I think this will definitely see some play in limited. The first strike really tilts this card into playable. I won’t play this card in constructed as it has the same problem that all unplayable falls into.
##Contested War Zone
It’s the battlecry land with a twist. I really like this card and it might not see that much limited play, but it is a really good land card. The idea to have a battlecry enabler that doesn’t have to withstand removal is amazing. In constructed this card will see play in some aggressive strategy and it will be good in that deck.
##Inkmoth Nexus
An infect manland is quite good. The land cards never seem to see much play in limited and this is no exception, but if you want to go infect and see this card I would go ahead and take it. In constructed it gives Infect an extra bit of reach and another line of play. This card will see play and I’m quite excited to play it.

Deco_y says... #1


Oh my f###### god.

This is HUGE, +1 for effort at the very, VERY least.

February 10, 2011 1:16 a.m.

Carn13 says... #2

This is going to help me a lot. Oh, and about Massacre Wurm ? My brother opened two last weekend. In the same pack.

February 10, 2011 3:45 p.m.

cnielsen05 says... #3

Your Viridian Corrupter description says he is a 2/3 but he is a 2/2. Also how exactly is Rot Wolf outclassed by Contagious Nim ? Both are 3 cmc 2/2's but Rot Wolf comes with a triggered ability. I'd say he outclasses the Contagious Nim . Great work putting all this together!

February 10, 2011 5:27 p.m.

jacelightning says... #4

@leafs_suck Canadiens fan? That was my opinion as well when I went to send this document to Squire1 for editing.

@Carn13 I'm glad this was helpful. I would love to have that pack in my sealed pool.

@cneilsen05 You're absolutely right. I forgot that Contagious Nim isn't a 2/3 like Cystbearer . In that case I still think Cystbearer is the better option, but the Rot Wolf is still a good infect option.

Thanks every body for reading!

February 11, 2011 10:28 a.m.

Jimmer says... #5

One note about Tez, his ult is equal to TWICE the number of artifacts you control. i.e. 3 artifacts = 6 life.

February 11, 2011 3:07 p.m.

jacelightning says... #6

@Jimmer yes the ultimate is quite powerful as it is twice not just the number of artifacts you control. I was even wrong about it making a mark in standard if you've been watching the PT Paris coverage there is a Tezzeret Deck that is in the Top 8 of the event piloted by Patrick Chapin.

Thanks for reading.

February 11, 2011 3:27 p.m.

popeyroach says... #7

wow great effort! I think you missed somthing about inkmoth nexus in limited; that it enables metalcraft! very powerful in metalcraft and infect arctypes.

February 20, 2011 7:46 a.m.

jacelightning says... #8

Too True about metalcraft enabler with Inkmoth Nexus. I just don't think it will be seen enough to be used in limited. I don't know if I'd take it if I saw it pack 1 pick 1 in limited and I think that limits it's effectiveness, but it does enable metalcraft which is another good application.

February 27, 2011 8:10 p.m.

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