From the Vat
7 February 2011
7 February 2011

Mono W Infect
I have had the idea for this deck for a few weeks now, but when I
first looked into it I knew I would have to wait for more artifact
creatures with infect to really give it a shot. Core Prowler
was a dream for this deck but a lot of the other infect guys just didn't
make the cut to me. Plague Myr did make the cut because it is a 2
drop infect guy and because worse case its an Everflowing Chalice
to help ramp things up bit. I also took a look at Phyrexian
Juggernaut but at the end of the day I wanted to keep the highest
drop at 4 and this guy just did not seem like a card I wanted to put
in. Inkmoth Nexus was a card that as soon as I saw it I knew it
was going to be one of my favorite cards from this set. card:Inkmoth
Nexus will be in every infect deck and could be one of the biggest
reasons why it may get pushed into the spotlight. In this deck a land
turning into a 3/3 flying infect guy for 1 is a huge play and will win
games. Who would have guessed Ajani would go to the dark side? But I find Ajani Goldmane is the best planeswalker
for this deck. He gives you a way to keep your life up vs beatdown
decks and power your guys up to swing and still have guys to
block. This deck wants to always push every turn and try to get in
with damage as fast as it can, so with that in mind you need removal to
get other guys out your way. We have Oust and card:Journey to
Nowhere. To keep your guys safe allowing more of them to swing unblocked
we have Emerge Unscathed. I will be trying this deck out once I
get everything I need to build it. If it does well I will write it up a followup.

Psychosis Draw Snow
I saw Psychosis Crawler and my mind went to Time Reversal. So
I say that we run a few copy guys like Clone and Cryptoplasm to make Psychosis Crawler go farther. Then
we also run draw guys like Enclave Cryptologist and card:Consecrated
Sphinx. To go with Consecrated Sphinx we have Jace Beleren
so we can +2 and opponent drawing 3. Also we have Echo Mage which
will let us to use spells that are trying to smack us down
and copy our draw cards as well. So with all these guys to copy card:Psychosis
Crawler and to draw cards we hope to burn out the other guy. Time Reversal can end the game with 2 crawlers on the field and if you
get a Consecrated Sphinx on the board too it just becomes a blow
out. Then we have just some cards that you need run in blue like
Mana Leak and Preordain. Then we have Into the Roil to
bounce something and draw us a card. We also have card:Distant
Memories which I think you have to play smart. If the other guy does not know what you are playing then you can
search out anything and you may get it, if not you draw 3. But most
of the time I would go for a card like Jace Beleren, card:Time
Reversal or Consecrated Sphinx. Last we have card:Blue Sun's
Zenith that can let you draw as many cards as you can at the end of
your opponent turn and burn them and then set your hand up for your
next turn. Nothing much may come from this deck other then a fun FNM
deck but I will be trying to build this deck and play around with it.

Green Sun Wave
Genesis Wave decks had a splash or two at worlds and Star City
Open a few weeks ago but I wanted to do something a little off from
what was done before, so I wanted to build just a mono green non-elf wave
deck. We have 3 waves 3 Green Sun's Zenith and 1 card:Praetor's
Counsel as our spells we can not hit off of wave. But I don't think
these 7 should throw the deck off and I really like card:Green Sun's
Zenith in a deck like this to be able to ramp on turn 3 or 4 and not
have Genesis Wave in hand and still go get a Primeval Titan or
maybe something else like Gaea's Revenge or card:Avenger of
Zendikar. But most of the time I think primeval is going to be the
way to go and I don't see avenger being the right one to get unless you
are in a spot where he would be better then Primeval Titan but I
don't think there will be a lot of them. You can always go get Gaea's Revenge if they have no blocker on something like that but the titan
set up the deck so well he is the one to go get 9 times out of 10. We
have just one Praetor's Counsel mostly because I want this card to
be good and it just seems like a deck with so much mana and guys that
you want to play after they go to the yard. This deck is also has the
staple ramp cards like Joraga Treespeaker, Overgrown Battlement,
Lotus Cobra and Oracle of Mul Daya. the oracle may need to be
cut down and something else in its place but only playtesting can tell
Well that's it for today I always enjoy being able to share decks with people on tapped out and I hope that if nothing else I got your wheels turning and thinking about decks off from the same old thing. From time to time I will be doing article like this so if you have an idea for a deck and want to share it with me then just hit me up at [email protected].I always like the hear other people idea. Well til next time, keep brewing.