Card Design challenge (Uncommons red, white, and blue)

Community Set


5 January 2012


So now we are moving forward with filling in uncommon slots. If you remember from previous chalenges, we have stated that old cards submitted will be considered for slots in lesser rarity. So if you put a card out there a while ago, you might see it getting a second chance.

So this is how this is going to work. For each color set in the shard we will tell you how many available slots there are for cards. Then you will vote and submit changes for cards. Then with the remaining slots new design chalenges will be held.

We are going to start with the RUW shard, Sorok. Here is some information on Sorok as well as the accepted cards so far, to consider while voting.

Possible Red Uncommons

There are 3 mono-red slots available for Sorok uncommons in the set. Three of the cards submitted for previous challenges were selected as possible fillers for these spots.

Dur Forgemaster by Jarrod_0067
Design team comments:
We like this as is for an uncommon.
Goblin Workshop by BrownDog5117
Design team comments:
We like this as is for an uncommon.
Rash Experimentation by BrownDog5117
Design team comments:
Power-wise we felt that this could even be made a common, but we would not want these to be all over the place in limited formats as they could be dead cards, so maybe ok as uncommon.
Possible White Uncommons

There are 2 mono-white slots available for Sorok uncommons in the set. Two of the cards submitted for previous challenges were selected as possible fillers for these spots.

Griffin's Roar by Leafs_suck
Design team comments:
One member of design stated that we could make this a common if it applied to one creature only. Another suggested changing the casting cost to 2UW since bounce is blue.
Griffins of Sorok's Peak by DeckBuilder345
Design team comments:
We thought that if we took off the +1/+1 then it swings for the same amount as Goblin Assualt Drake and fits better that way. Some on the design team liked it as is.
Possible Blue Uncommons

There are 2 mono-blue slots available for Sorok uncommons in the set. Two of the cards submitted for previous challenges were selected as possible fillers for these spots.

Drake Warcaller by Joshwarudd
Design team comments:
We like this as is for an uncommon.
Goblin Assualt Drake by DeckBuilder345
Design team comments:
Basically we just wanted to ditch shroud. If it really needs an ability, maybe firststrike. Also we would like to think about changing this to a boost of +2/+0. That makes it a normal drake starting and a conditional 4/4 for 4.
Possible Blue/Red Uncommons

There is 1 blue/red slot available for Sorok uncommons in the set. Three of the cards submitted for previous challenges were selected as possible fillers for these spots.

Drake Battlesteed by vic
Design team comments:
We wanted this guy to be more goblin-y. This is what we came up with:

Drake Battlesteed
Creature - Drake

Flying, Resolve
UU: All Goblin creatures you control gain flying until end of turn. At the beginning of the next end step, destroy Drake Battlesteed and all Goblin creatures you control.

(We see this as all the goblins climbing on to this guy and overloading its capacity)
Scalding Geyser by mzy10511
Design team comments:
Some said it could be common, another said fine as is, another wanted it as uncommon with a casting cost of 1RU.
Finuub Mage by Unas
Design team comments:
Only change suggested is that he should be a wizard not a spellshaper. Other than that we like him as is for an uncommon.
Possible Blue/White Uncommons

There is 1 blue/white slot available for Sorok uncommons in the set. Two of the cards submitted for previous challenges were selected as possible fillers for these spots.

Sorok's Bouncing Rod by DeckBuilder345
Design team comments:
One member suggested a casting cost of 3UW another suggested this:

Sorok's Bouncing Rod

1UW, Tap - return target creature to its owners hand.
Spiraled Shell by IronHead
Design team comments:
The entire design team liked this as:

Spiraled Shell

As long as you control a white creature equipped creature gets +1/+0 and first strike.
As long as you control a blue creature white gets +0/+1 and shroud.
Equip 2

Possible Blue/White/Red Uncommons

There is 1 blue/red/white slot available for Sorok uncommons in the set. No cards from previous challenges were selected as possible fillers for this spot.

Other Cards

These cards currently have no home. We liked them enough to put them aside, but we have no slots for them. It is possible that they can be adapted to other slots, or that we could use them as commons once modified, or that they get saved for next set in the block?

Griffin Battlesteed by vic
Design team comments:
A nice counterpart to the drake. It shows the sensible approch of the dwarves by comparison. Suggestion that "Use this ability only once each turn." is added to drive that point further.
Griffin Firelancer by adt6247
Design team comments:
It was suggested by design team that its cost increase to 2RW and become a 2/2 in order to fit this for uncommon.
Mountain Stronghold by Jarrod_0067
Design team comments:
not all members of the design team were for this one. Those who were made no suggested changes.


So here is how voting will go down:

  1. Each person casting a vote should cast a vote of "yes" or "no" for each card shown above.
  2. After your votes for each card you may include a justification or suggestion for changes to the card. Changes for cards that are more severe will be considered more than they would be with rares.

All votes must be submitted by Wednesday, January 11th 2012.

This article is a follow-up to Card Design Challenge (green-blue-black multicolor) voting The next article in this series is Card Design challenge (Uncommons blue)

squire1 says... #1

Here is an example of a vote by me


Dur Forgmaster - yes

Goblin Workshop - yes

Rash Experimentation - yes


Griffin's Roar - no

Griffins of Sorok's Peak - yes without the +1/+1


Drake Warcaller - yes

Goblin Assault Drake - yes


Drake Battlesteed - no

Scalding Geyser - no

Finuub Mage - yes


Sorok's Bouncing Rod - no

Spiraled shell - yes


Griffin Battlesteed - no

Griffin Firelancer - yes with a CC of RWU

Mountain Stronghold - no

January 5, 2012 2:16 p.m.

patrickd117 says... #2

Con't- Sorry, just read through my comment and wanted to be a bit more concise: You really have two major themes competing here: Tribal and Equipment. You really can't have both at the same time. I would go with Equipment, as it doesn't have clash with the other shards like Tribal does.

Resolve seems like it is just kind of a throw-away, it sort of seems like it was just your original wedge keyword and you've kept it in long after you should have thrown it out. It doesn't really serve a purpose (as far as I can tell) besides randomly hosing Ulgris cards. Give it a purpose or dump it for a equipment mechanic.

January 5, 2012 3:43 p.m.

squire1 says... #3

No need to apologize. That is why we are voting. If none of these get picked then we start from scratch on sorok uncommons. These are just cards that with modifications the design team thought might make ok uncommons. Remember that they were originally submitted as rares.

January 5, 2012 5:13 p.m.

Yourman says... #4


Dur Forgmaster - no

Goblin Workshop - no

Rash Experimentation - no


Griffin's Roar - yes but change casting cost to UW and make it 1 creature

Griffins of Sorok's Peak - no


Drake Warcaller - no

Goblin Assault Drake - no


Drake Battlesteed - yes, agree with design team comments

Scalding Geyser - yes but only keep the first part for this one

Finuub Mage - no


Sorok's Bouncing Rod - no

Spiraled shell - no


Griffin Battlesteed - no

Griffin Firelancer - yes but either keep make it flying resolve or flying and second ability

Mountain Stronghold - no

January 5, 2012 6:19 p.m.

IronHead says... #5

Dur Forgemaster: Yes but make it a 3/4 and drop the first ability.

Goblin Workshop: Yes but the get rid of the haste.

Rash Experimentation: Yes but ONLY if you get rid of the tribal condition. Make it so you can scarifice any creature.

Griffin's Roar: Yes but bump up the cost and send the creatures to the bottom of the library.

Griffins of Sorok's Peak: No. Tribal should be few and far between and generally reserved for rare or higher so that it doesn't screw up limited. See Shards of Alara for examples.

Drake Warcaller: No.

Goblin Assault Drake: No for the same reason's as Griffin's of Sorok's Peak.

Drake Battlesteed: Yes but make it give any creature flying and make it tap to use that ability.

Scalding Geyser: No. Not as an uncommon. Drop the second part and its a fine common though.

Finuub Mage: No.

Griffin Battlesteed: No. It could work with the same tweeks as the drake version but we don't need both and I feel the ability is more blue than white.

Griffin Firelancer: Yes with the changes suggested by the team.

Mountain Stronghold: No.

January 5, 2012 6:32 p.m.

IronHead says... #6

Damn it forgot a few.

Sorok's Bouncing Rod: Yes but get rid of the tribal limit.

Spiraled Shell: No.

January 5, 2012 6:34 p.m.

gamerboy6000 says... #7


Dur Forgemaster- No. Too complicated, and what it does doesn't merit the complication.

Goblin Workshop- Yes. Nice synergy, but also works without goblins.

Rash Experimentation- No. Feel like this would step on Workshop's toes, and I like Workshop more.


Griffin's Roar- Yes, if cost were 3W or 4W

Griffins of Sorok's Peak- Yes. Good uncommon to encourage both.


Drake Warcaller- No.

Goblin Assault Drake- Yes, if shroud was vigilance or first strike


Yes to Finuub Mage, as a wizard. No to others.


No to both. I think the slot can be better occupied with something else.


No to all.

January 5, 2012 7:59 p.m.

dude1818 says... #8

Dur Forgemaster - yes. I think regenerating artifacts in general would be a better effect.

Goblin Workshop - yes.

Rash Experimentation - yes. Even though Equipment is a theme of Sorok, artifacts in general is a more useful ability. If it replaced "Equipment" with "artifact" and "equip cost" with "activation cost," it would work better in Limited.

Griffin's Roar - no. I think it could cost WU and be common as-is.

Griffin of Sorok's Peak - yes. I agree with getting rid of +1/+1. The name, however, implies that there is only the one peak on Sorok. I think it needs a creative mountain name. Maybe Mt. Krier?

Drake Warcaller - no. I don't like it only affecting other Drakes.

Goblin Assault Drake - no. I don't get why having a Goblin would help the Drake; it should be the other way around.

Drake Battlesteed - yes. I like the design team's suggested change, but I think it should be sacrifice instead of destroy.

Scalding Geyser - no. If it is chosen, it should cost 1RU and say "Choose one."

Finuub Mage - yes. I like the flavor. It should be a Wizard or Shaman.

Sorok's Bouncing Rod - yes. Definitely get rid of the restriction. I think it could cost WU, but testing may prove differently. Also, the name needs to change.

Spiraled Shell - no. It would have made a nice cycle, though.

Griffin Battlesteed - this would have been a nice mirror to the Drake. Save for the next set.

Griffin Firelancer - actually, that ability has occurred at common, like on Zealot il-Vec and Dwarven Vigilantes . It should be reworded to match. If it cost RWU and had higher stats, it would be a good uncommon.

Mountain Stronghold - no. I like the flavor, though. Maybe if it was a regular enchantment that only affected its controller?

January 6, 2012 1:14 p.m.

Xander574 says... #9


Dur Forgmaster - yes

Goblin Workshop - no

Rash Experimentation - no


Griffin's Roar - no

Griffins of Sorok's Peak - yes without the +1/+1


Drake Warcaller - yes

Goblin Assault Drake - no


Drake Battlesteed - yes with the suggested changes

Scalding Geyser - no

Finuub Mage - yes


Sorok's Bouncing Rod - no

Spiraled shell - yes with equipment changes


Griffin Battlesteed - no

Griffin Firelancer - yes with a CC of RWU

Mountain Stronghold - no

January 6, 2012 3:51 p.m.

Gopackgo7 says... #10


Dur Forgemaster- No. Just too complicated

Goblin Workshop- Yes. Great synergy

Rash Experimentation- No. It's just occupying a spot that something better could take


Griffin's Roar- Yes. Color pie bleeding seems okay here

Griffins of Sorok's Peak- Yes without the +1/+1


Drake Warcaller- No

Goblin Assault Drake- Yes, but with the suggested changes


Drake Battlesteed- Yes, as is

Scalding Geyser- Yes

Finnub Mage- No


Sorok's Bouncing Rod- Yes, with changes. Name has to go

Spiraled Shell- Yes, as equipment


Yes to Griffin Battlesteed, no to everything else

January 7, 2012 7:05 p.m.

Dur Forgemaster-AMAZING!

January 8, 2012 6:15 a.m.

Battlecry1986 says... #12


Dur Forgmaster - yes

Goblin Workshop - no

Rash Experimentation - yes


Griffin's Roar - no

Griffins of Sorok's Peak - no .


Drake Warcaller - no

Goblin Assault Drake - yes


Drake Battlesteed - no

Scalding Geyser yes with casting cost of 1RU

Finuub Mage - no


Sorok's Bouncing Rod - no

Spiraled shell - yes


Griffin Battlesteed - no

Griffin Firelancer - yes with a casting cost of RWU

Mountain Stronghold - Yes, but drop defender and the ignore-effect ability. Change casting cost to UWR

January 14, 2012 12:54 p.m.

hubatish says... #13

Ok, so I'm just going to talk about the whole set for a bit. I quite like this shard, but I don't think the themes and ideas are coming across very well. As may have been mentioned, Resolve and an Equipment theme in the same shard is absolutely horrible. Just make it so the ability only affects negative bonuses. Something like Resolve (Spells, abilities, or counters can't cause this creature's power and toughness to decrease). The printed values thing probably isn't needed. This kind of Resolve could actually synergize quite well with Equipment.

And Equipment! I think that's a really cool theme, and I don't think it's communicated well. I agree with what Patrick said - much less tribal. Does it matter if the Bouncing Rod bounces goblins/dwarves? Or if the Drake Battlesteed carries dwarves as well as goblins? I mean, the differences are kind of cool, but I don't see very many dwarves/goblins that this mechanic is supporting. To preserve the feel of Griffins like Dwarves & Drakes like Goblins I would b e a little more subtle. Griffins could benefit from Equipment (which dwarves might make), while Drakes could benefit from sacrifice (and what's a goblin good for if not for dying?)

I would also really like to see a few cards like:

Dwarven Axe Wielder3R

When Dwarven Axe Wielder enters the battlefield, search your library for a card named "Dwarven Battle Axe" and put it into play attached to Dwarven Axe Wielder. Shuffle your library.


where the Battle Axe would be some Equipment that makes this guy into like a 4/3.Or

Dwarven Forger 2R

3, tap: Search your library for an Equipment card with converted mana cost less than or equal to 2 and put it onto the battlefield.


(I admit this is essentially a fixed, uncommon version of the ridiculous Dwarven Smith)You could do a number of those though! Like Rebels, except with Equipment. Now, that's a lot to do with equipment (probably too much!), but I think there's a lot of good things to done here, and this set of card designs isn't really doing it for me.

In general, when I think of RWU, I think of some kind of crazy aggro flying lifelink racing dudes that protects it's rush with Mana Leak. Putting that into a card I might get something like:

Raging Griffin 1RW

flying, lifelink


January 15, 2012 1:09 a.m.

hubatish says... #14

Revised Submission of above cards:

A red uncommon.

Dwarven Axe Wielder 3R

When Dwarven Axe Wielder enters the battlefield, search your library for a card named "Dwarven Battle Axe" and put it into play attached to Dwarven Axe Wielder. Shuffle your library.


For reference:

Dwarven Battle Axe 3

Equipped creatures gets +3/+0.

Equip 2.

Also, make Raging Griffin cost 1WW for white uncommon submission.

January 15, 2012 5:23 p.m.

hubatish says... #15

Voting on cards above:Dur Forgemaster should not have Regenerate target equipment. That would require new & weird rules & doesn't make much sense. I like the deal damage when equipment is played effect though, & I vote yes for Dur Forgemaster w/0 the regenerate. Maybe tweak the damage a little bit, like 2 damage to player instead of 1 to c/p.

Yes to both the other red uncommon, though sacrifice any creature for Rash Experimentation, and maybe no haste for Goblin Workshop.

Griffin's Roar - no. I would prefer to see:

Griffin's Trick 2W


The next 3 damage that a source of your choice would deal to you and/or permanents you control this turn is dealt to target creature or player instead.

Yes, it's just Harm's Way for 3 damage. Huge combat trick. Might be 1W, but potentially you're getting a 2 for 1.

Griffin of Sorok's Peak - sure? I would prefer it w/0 the +1/+1 & instead of controlling a dwarf make it if Griffin of Sorok's Peak is equipped. That seems like a good theme for dwarves. I'm very afraid of this card in a set with equipment though, as double strike is going to wreck completely and utter havoc with a few equipment. Could give it Resolve as well.

I don't like either of the Drakes. Goblin Assault Drake isn't as cool as Drake Battlesteed and Drake Warcaller is pretty bad. Maybe improve Drake Warcaller by making it cost 2U & give each other attacking creature +1/+0 until end of turn. Of course, that's battle cry, but...

I would also like to see one of these blue uncommons be an instant/sorcery (or non-creature at least). So here's a fun little card:

Mountain Dowsing 1U


Return target creature to it's owner's hand. If R was spent to cast Mountain Dowsing, deal 3 damage to that creature instead.

(It's a merfolk spell.)

January 16, 2012 3:53 p.m.

squire1 says... #16

Submissions are for the next challenge. This is a voting thread only. The thread after voting will be the place for submissions with guidelines to design. Look for this article toward the end of he week.

January 16, 2012 5:49 p.m.

squire1 says... #17

And why does regenerating an equipment cause rules problems?

January 16, 2012 5:51 p.m.

hubatish says... #18

Ah, ok sorry. I just missed the submission period for the cards and I'm anxious to not miss the next one.

Technically, regenerating equipment might not cause a rules problem. However, regeneration is written to apply to creatures. I think the rules are something like: regenerate is a replacement effect. The next time a [permanent] would be destroyed, it isn't. Instead, tap it and remove it from combat. So, technically it might work, but the last line doesn't make much sense wolith equipment or non-creatures. When I read it I was expecting some kind of weird living weapon type thing. Maybe have it make an Equipment indestructible instead? I think it's fine with just the first ability though.

January 17, 2012 9:37 a.m.

squire1 says... #19

Regenerating artifacts has been around since antiquities at least I'm sure. I think it is better than indestructible from a flavor stand since something being temporarily indestructible seems odd. I guess both are odd. And yes the submission article will be up soon

January 17, 2012 6:10 p.m.

squire1 says... #20

January 20, 2012 11:44 a.m.

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