Daily Dose Ep. 19 - Casual

Daily Dose of Standard


5 January 2012


KrazyCaley vs. squire1

Squire and I played a few casual matches back before the holidays. Today and tomorrow, I'll be bringing you two of the more interesting games from this set o' duels. Today we have a non-match standalone duel.

KrazyCaley's deck - Trampoline - Incredibly annoying deck. Wins by bouncing things over and over again.


Squire plays first and keeps his opener.

Caley keeps an opening hand of 4x Snow-Covered Island, Chain of Vapor, 2x Reality Strobe.


Squire plays Forest and passes.

Caley draws Heidar, Rimewind Master, plays Snow-Covered Island, and passes.


Squire plays a forest and casts Khalni Heart Expedition, then passes. End step, Caley casts Chain of Vapor to bounce the enchantment. Chain of Vapor is not copied.

Caley draws Linessa, Zephyr Mage, plays Snow-Covered Island, and passes.


Squire casts Khalni Heart Expedition, then plays a Forest and passes.

Caley draws Snow-Covered Island, plays it, and suspends a Reality Strobe, then passes.


Squire plays a Mountain, casts Pandemonium, and passes.

Not a good card to play against for the ol' bounce deck. Will have to make sure to bounce Pandemonium itself frequently.

Caley draws Crackleburr. He plays Snow-Covered Island, suspends another Reality Strobe, and passes.

Without any severe threats on the board just yet, I can afford to set up my machinery.


Squire casts Tel-Jilad Fallen and passes. (Squire 20, Caley 20 3p).

Caley draws Snow-Covered Island and plays it. He casts Linessa, Zephyr Mage, destroying Tel-Jilad Fallen. He passes.


Squire plays a Forest, then cracks Khalni Heart Expedition for a Mountain and a Forest. Then he casts Sabertooth Cobra. (Squire 20, Caley 18 4p). Then he passes.

Caley didn't pay for Sabertooth Cobra damage and takes another poison counter. (Squire 20, Caley 18 5p). One Reality Strobe desuspends and Caley uses it to bounce Pandemonium. Caley plays Snow-Covered Island, casts Heidar, Rimewind Master and passes.


Squire casts Furystoke Giant. Then he uses the ability given to Sabertooth Cobra by the giant to deal damage. (Squire 20, Caley 16 6p). He passes.

Caley can't pay the Sabertooth cost again and takes another poison counter. (Squire 20, Caley 16 7p). Another Reality Strobe comes off the line and Caley bounces Furystoke Giant with it. Caley plays Snow-Covered Island, casts Crackleburr, and passes.


Squire casts Pandemonium. Then he casts Cystbearer. In response, Caley flashes down Venser, Shaper Savant, killing off Sabertooth Cobra via Pandemonium, and then bouncing Pandemonium with Venser's ability. Cystbearer resolves. Squire passes.

Caley draws Boomerang. He attacks with everything, then during the declare attackers step uses Crackleburr's ability to untap Linessa, Zephyr Mage, Heidar, Rimewind Master, and Crackleburr, and bouncing Cystbearer. Everything hits. (Squire 10, Caley 16 7p).


Squire casts Pandemonium, then casts Cystbearer. In response to Cystbearer, Caley uses Heidar, Rimewind Master's ability to bounce Pandemonium. Squire passes.

Caley draws Linessa, Zephyr Mage. During his upkeep, a Reality Strobe resolves, bouncing a Mountain. He uses Linessa, Zephyr Mage's ability by discarding the Linessa in his hand. Squire bounces Cystbearer and a Mountain. Caley casts Boomerang to bounce a Forest, then attacks with everything, uses Crackleburr to untap Linessa and Heidar, and returning Venser to hand. Then he uses Heidar, Rimewind Master's ability to bounce another Forest. Squire concedes.

Another Squire-Caley matchup tomorrow!

This article is a follow-up to Daily Dose Ep. 18 - Standard The next article in this series is Daily Dose Ep. 20 - Casual

icekillaxx says... #1

you should actually have 8 posion counters when Furystoke Giant came into play the snake should have given you 3 total counters with the hit cause you werent able to pay the mana to not be hit with another 1p just saying xD

January 5, 2012 10:47 a.m.

Another fun report! I have no clever remarks for the gameplay, but I do want to say just how much I like these game logs. It's helpful to see how and when players make the most of various abilities.

Oh, and you linked to the wrong Trampoline

January 5, 2012 11:17 a.m.

mozerdozer says... #3

icekillaxx - The amount of damage Cobra deals doesn't affect the amount of poison counters it gives. Its ability is not infect and doesn't relate to the amount of damage dealt.

January 5, 2012 1:22 p.m.

icekillaxx says... #4

You sir shown me the light. I was reading thru the card quickly :( my bad

January 5, 2012 1:55 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #5

Good eye, SAC. Link fixed.

January 5, 2012 3:05 p.m.

squire1 says... #6

It's ashame your opponent sucks KC.

January 5, 2012 6:09 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #7

My opponent is pretty damn good. Check out tomorrow's game, for instance, to say nothing of the other beatings that were delivered unto me that day.

January 5, 2012 6:32 p.m.

squire1 says... #8

Can't a guy deprecate in peace. Just kidding it was a fun game. I actually thought I could overcome for a while there, but it just got out of control. If I really knew what was coming I should have tried to infect his creatures first since they are all about being repeatable removal. I have to say that I love Caley's deck here. Very fun.

January 5, 2012 6:58 p.m.

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