Battle of the Wits, an in depth look at the biggest deck in Magic
10 July 2012
10 July 2012
By: Harrison Greenberg
While it seems as if jokes have always been made about alernate win conditions in Magic being competitive, it is in my nature to try to exploit these hilarities and make people feel good that they just lost to such an amazing idea. While this is my first article for I would like to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Harrison Greenberg and I am the manager of our great store front of I have a vast competetive Magic history including 2 pro tours, multiple grand prix's as well as being a Star City grinder/writer for a few months last year. I am known for brewing decks and having them flouish into the main stream including my G/W vengevine deck called Jumanji last year as well as one of the first people to introduce the card Birthing Pod into the mainstream. Looking at the M13 spoilers I was looking forward to seeing Noble Hierarch come back and was waiting and watching the annoucements to see when they posted that he would be coming back. Much to my dismay, he was not ever spoiled and all of my hopes were done. Then on the night of June 30th I found my hidden gem. Battle of Wits was coming back and my brewing had begun. 4 hours of looking at every single card in the standard format, I had whittled down the deck, found the exact number that i wanted to play and also found the correct ratios of spells I wanted. The deck is broken down into 10 categories and are each very important to the strategy at hand. Here is how a deck with 251 cards can so viably find its 4 Battle of Wits and beat down opponents.
Battle of Wits: 20 cards 8%
In this category we have the meat and potatoes of the deck, Battle of Wits and the tutor spells to find them. The cards in this category are:
4 Battle of Wits
4 Diabolic Tutor
4 Increasing Ambition
4 Rune-Scarred Demon
4 Diabolic Revelation
Draw spells: 24 cards 9.5%
These cards help to thin out the deck a bit and try to find the tutors or other cards that are needed to help survive the game. there are a few other cards that I considered playing in these slots but this is the cards that made the cut:
4 Amass the Components
4 Forbidden Alchemy
4 Divination
4 Think Twice
4 Gitaxian Probe
4 Ponder
Mass Removal: 28 cards 11%
This is the category of card that keeps the deck alive and pumping to buy the proper amount of time to maintain control of the game and be able to resolve and keep a Battle of Wits in play. Some of these are generic mass removal and others are a bit more situational but will nearly always give at a minimum a 2 for 1:
4 Ratchet Bomb
4 Curse of Death's Hold
4 Barter in Blood
4 Day of Judgment
4 Terminus
4 Black Sun's Zenith
4 Life's Finale
Spot Removal: 24 cards 9.5%
Here we have some stall cards that are quite situational but can deal with early threats as well as problem cards such as planeswalkers or artifacts/enchantments:
4 Doom Blade
4 Go for the Throat
4 Dismember
4 Banishing Stroke
4 Oblivion Ring
4 Sever the Bloodline
Mana Ramp/fixing: 20 cards 8%
Mana fixing as well as ramping is quite an important part of a control/combo deck to ensure that it runs smoothly. These are the best cards that I could find in the format without running green and possibly messing up the mana base more than helping it:
4 Solemn Simulacrum
4 Pristine Talisman
4 Manalith
4 Vessel of Endless Rest
4 Sphere of the Suns
Creatures: 12 cards 5%
The creatures in this deck aren't real creatures but serve the purpose of ensuring that you have the best creature on the board, or at least to ensure that they dont. I do have other creatures in the deck, but those all serve other purposes and do not count as "creatures."
4 Consecrated Sphinx
4 Phantasmal Image
4 Phyrexian Metamorph
Discard Spells: 8 cards 3%
The generic good discard spells are in this deck more for the information factor to help you to play your deck properly against your opponents game plan, but also can get you out of some sticky situations:
Counter Spells: 8 cards 3%
Having only 8 counters in the deck at first seemed like I would not have one consistantly enough to alway have one, but as testing ensued, I found that they were good to have in my deck to tutor up to make sure that I could have a clear path to victory once I gain control of the game:
Lands: 82 cards 32.5%
The only note worthy thing that I will say about this section is my exclusion of the Scars lands. I feel like I cannot consistantly draw them before turn 3 and I'm not sure that they are good enough to put in the deck if im expecting them to come into play tapped:
4 Shimmering Grotto
4 Isolated Chapel
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Drowned Catacomb
4 Evolving Wilds
4 Ghost Quarter
13 Plains
20 Island
25 Swamp
Other Spells: 25 cards 10%
In this section I will talk about each card specificly, explain why the choice was made to include the card and also what role the card plays in the deck:
4 Druidic Satchel:
The satchel can help out in mulitple ways including ramping, gaining life as well as putting a chump blocker out every once in a while. This is a cute card that doesn't hurt or help the deck but it can be very useful in many situations
4 Timely Reinforcements:
The best white control card ever printed couldn't be left out of this deck and there is no question that it will be useful in most every situation of every game that you will draw it.
4 Lingering Souls:
Another one of the best spells that can be cast right now in standard could not be left out and putting out chump blockers to gum up the works of an aggro deck could be just what the deck needs to get maximum value for a board sweeping effect.
4 Gideon Jura
4 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
Adding planeswalkers to nearly any deck that can support them is a good idea and both of these could not be left out of this deck. Both planeswalkers help to stall out any creature decks and buy you time to get control of the game and to let you cast the more important spells in the deck. If your ever activating the ulitmate on either of these planeswalkers, the game is in your hands and it will give you an easy way to win the game.
1 Elixir of Immortality:
As the only 1 of in the deck this Elixer is in the deck to help you out if your opponent has gotten you down to below 200 cards, the 5 life could also randomly help in a situation or 2.
4 Snapcaster Mage:
Last but not least we have my personal favorite card ever printed in magic. Snapcaster Mage does any and everything you would want it to in this deck but giving you a second chance to cast your favorite spell of the game a second time. Weather it be some extra card drawing or some board sweepers or maybe even the all-mighty flashing back a Go for the Throat and block out of nowhere, Snapcaster is a card that you will always want to see.
With the most cards that you have every played with in a single deck all working towards 1 common goal, this Battle of Wits deck is sure to give you a good time and maybe even some match wins. The only thing that we all know for a fact, is that you better be a very good shuffler.
Editor's note
You will likely be able to see this deck in action by another player in the Tappedout/CoolStuffInc. 2K later this month.
Deck Link: Battle of the Wits
JeffHoogland says... #2
You need more land. Only 32.5% land is like playing only 19-20 land in 60 cards. Control decks need to be closer to the 40+% land mark normally to consistently make land drops 3+
Even with draw and ramp spells.
July 10, 2012 10:56 a.m.
cooknathan says... #4
Ive been working on a Battle of Wits deck for modern for a while and more recently standard (when I saw the spoiler). Im personally a bigger fan of the board wipes and more land.
They are very much a work in progress but check em out and share some thoughts :-)
July 10, 2012 12:45 p.m.
I agree with the land suggestion. Control decks want to be running at least 40% land.
July 10, 2012 1:15 p.m.
Phyrexian Rebirth ? Who doesn't like a big-ass token to recover immediately after a board-wipe?
July 10, 2012 2:43 p.m.
CoolStuffInc says... #8
In testing i have found that the land count is quite solid and can get you up to 6 lands quite consistently. The sheer number of draw spells and ramp are enough to get you above the threshold once you can get up to 3 lands so it does require some mulliganing.
@http it has 4 Lingering Souls , sorry for the typo
@zandl Phyrexian Rebirth was a card that came to mind while building the deck, but i replaced it with card:Life's Finale
July 10, 2012 3:03 p.m.
JeffHoogland says... #9
How many games have you played with it though? The statistics say that even on the draw you are going to consistently not hit your 3rd land drop until turns 4-5. Starting with a 2 lander that is.
July 10, 2012 3:36 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #10
my take on the deck...more control and not as many tutor verywell online. deck:battle-of-wits-end
July 10, 2012 4:43 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #11
The way I look at my deck is kinda like a limited deck. Playtest my version and I guarantee you see results. If you're good at limited it's easy to play on the fly. This deck is like doing a draft every time you play. IT IS SOOOO MUCH FUN!!! deck:battle-of-wits-end
July 10, 2012 5:07 p.m.
Desmonthesis says... #12
This is the version I've been working on - it uses Birthing Pod as an alternate way to get utility creatures (acidic slime, massacre wurm), as well as digging up the rune-scarred demon. It also plays traditional control and tutor effects. It's been surprisingly consistent.
July 11, 2012 1:51 p.m.
cybersaint2k says... #13
That's a lot of money to put into a joke deck. Sorry, alternative win condition. :)
July 11, 2012 3:41 p.m.
card:Wit's End isn't necessarily a joke deck. And many seasoned players just have those cards lying around.
July 11, 2012 3:45 p.m.
Ince_Velus says... #15
The deck itself is quite nice, playtested it a few times, but one suggestion I would make...add some white and blue splicers into this and they can REALLY help in a pinch...i mean you get out one of each of the blue and white splicers and you have 4/4 first strike, vigilance, flying golems....not too shabby, and four of them at that!And have you thought about making this partially green for a slight mana ramp and fetch land style? get out cards faster, and really wittle through the deck....
July 11, 2012 5:51 p.m.
The best way I can think of to play battle of wits is in a 201 card deck and then while you are already winning you can choose to restart the game with karn and mull to 0.
July 12, 2012 3:33 a.m.
iOnlyUseBigGuns says... #17
Might I suggest Planar Cleansing to get rid of their other annoying permanents? True, if you have a Walker it will hurt, but if they have swords or Batterskull or even their own planeswalker, it maybe be a necessary evil
Also, what are your plans for rotation with this deck? I know we have a couple months, but it's still something I can't help but wonder about when the core sets roll out every year.
July 12, 2012 10:34 p.m.
@JeffHoogland, 32.5% land in a 60 card deck is like 21 or 22 land. In most decks and even some control decks 20, 21, 22 may be fine. But this deck does need that standard 40% even with the ramp and fixing because everything in here is just so damn expensive. I don't see this really working at all though...
July 14, 2012 4 p.m.
There is a Battle of Wits deck at SCG St. Louis today. It was 3-1 going into the feature match and was running 75 lands. It got land flooded in the feature match.
July 14, 2012 4:57 p.m.
Well every deck is going to get flooded or mana screwed all the time, but it must take a really good player to get this deck that far
July 14, 2012 5:48 p.m.
Raspberries says... #21
Distant Memories : 4 more tutors? You're opponent won't let you win with it, and you will exile one of your wits... but then it's a card draw. I'm not sure if it's what you'd like, but I love tutors :D
July 15, 2012 7:29 p.m.
I feel like Trading Post might have a home here, given its ability to stall and draw (with your artifact based mana fixing).
July 16, 2012 2:38 p.m.
LordPadriac says... #23
Theory and spilling the cards out in a simulator is all very well and good but in actual competition this thing is never going to happen. It's a gimmick deck built around a single idea and far too easy to disrupt or not allow to get going in the first place. Sorry Battle of Wits ; you were brought back from the dead only to lose games again.
July 18, 2012 8:33 a.m.
iOnlyUseBigGuns says... #24
I think everyone is going about the card wrong to be honest. You could make a 240-ish card deck That is just packed with all the best things you can get in there AND has a set of Battle of Wits . You won't win with it very often, but you might actually be able to keep some consistent wins under your belt and there will be a game or two where it pops into your hand and you just get to chuckle.
July 18, 2012 12:54 p.m.
The build I'm working with is lighter by over 20 cards. Obviously to increase the chance that I get the win condition card. I run 40% mana to insure I have the mana needed. This also lets me mulligan down to get the card I want opening hand. More Elixers to bring the deck back up in the worst case condition that I don't win by turn 6 or 7.
Cableguy says... #1
Have fun shuffling thoroughly.Enough said lol.
July 10, 2012 10:51 a.m.