Daily Dose Ep. 23 - Standard

Daily Dose of Standard


2 March 2012


Deck changes!

Yes, I know it's not even close to a daily update of this feature anymore. Bear with me.

Dark Ascension brings a very valuable card to The Doom That Came To Sarnath. Predator Ooze is an extremely versatile defender, yet another thing that demands an exiling effect rather than normal removal, and a pesky threat to other control players. Three copies go in. Two copies of Cudgel Troll are now gone, as is one more copy of Ambush Viper.

Also, I've decided to cut down on the number of other cards in the sideboard to make room for some Mind Control, which provides an extra answer to humans decks that run Mirran Crusader, which this deck has trouble dealing with unless it's in its late game. In particular, I've noticed that 3x Nihil Spellbomb is a little bit overkill.

The deck as it now stands:

The Doom That Came To Sarnath

Modern* KrazyCaley


vs. InugamiMizuki

Game 1

Enemy wins the toss and plays first. He keeps his opener.

Caley mulligans an opening hand of Island, 2x Birds of Paradise, Mayor of Avabruck  Flip, Acidic Slime, Ambush Viper.

Caley keeps a 6 hand of 2x Forest, Island, 2x Birds of Paradise, Rampant Growth.

Delicious ramp.


Enemy plays Forest for Llanowar Elves and passes.

Caley plays Forest for Birds of Paradise and passes.


Enemy casts Strangleroot Geist, then casts Prey Upon on it and Birds of Paradise, killing birds. He attacks with the Geist and hits. (Caley 20, Enemy 18). He passes.

This is probably that mono-green aggro deck. Good deck; uses lots of undying and a broad swath of nasty green beaters. Casts something every turn until its hand is empty. Resistant to wrath because of all the undying. Fortunately, is vulnerable to anyone who can steal things.

Caley draws Garruk, Primal Hunter, plays Island, casts Rampant Growth, and gets another Island, then passes.


Enemy plays a Forest, casts another Strangeroot Geist and a Young Wolf. He attacks with both geists and Llanowar Elves and hits. (Enemy 20, Caley 13). He passes.

Caley draws Rampant Growth. He plays a Forest, casts Birds of Paradise and Rampant Growth for an Island, then passes.


Enemy plays a Forest and casts Green Sun's Zenith for 4 finding Dungrove Elder, then attacks with both Geists and the Young Wolf, hitting. (Enemy 20, Caley 8). He passes.

Caley draws Acidic Slime and casts it destroying a Forest, then passes.


Enemy attacks with only the Strangleroot Geists and hits. (Enemy 20, Caley 4).

I have carefully done my math over the past few turns and should be able to survive if I draw any more creatures or a Volition Reins over the next few turns.

Caley draws Forest and plays it. He casts Garruk, Primal Hunter and makes a Beast token, then passes.


Enemy plays a Forest and attacks with everything. Caley blocks Dungrove Elder with Acidic Slime, Strangleroot Geist with Beast token, and Strangleroot Geist with Birds of Paradise. Llanowar Elves and Young Wolf hit. One Geist dies and returns undying. Birds die. Slime dies. Elder dies. (Enemy 20, Caley 2).

Caley draws Moldgraf Monstrosity.

There's that creature I've been waiting for.

Caley casts Moldgraf Monstrosity, makes a Beast token, and passes.


Enemy plays a Forest and attacks with everything. Caley blocks the 3/2 Geist with Moldgraf Monstrosity, the 2/1 Geist with a Beast token, and the Young Wolf with a Beast token. Llanowar Elves hits. Both Geists die, and one returns undying. Young Wolf returns undying. (Enemy 20, Caley 1). E passes.

Caley draws Hinterland Harbor. He makes a Beast token with Garruk and passes.


Enemy draws and concedes.

Ain't no stoppin' me now. Also, I would give myself a MTG achievement for winning with 1 life while my opponent has 20 life, but I already have that one many times over. It is choice.


Caley inserts 2x Flashfreeze and removes 2x Viral Drake.

Considered Mind Control, but the nastiest thing I saw was Dungrove Elder and Mind Control is useless against him anyway.

Game 2

Enemy plays first and keeps their opener.

Caley keeps an opener of 3x Forest, 2x Island, Birds of Paradise, Rampant Growth.


E plays Forest for Wolfbitten Captive  Flip and passes.

Strange choice for this deck. I suppose it's something to do with all that mana in the late game, but still. Not the best creature.

C draws Predator Ooze, plays Forest for Birds of Paradise, and passes.


E plays Strangleroot Geist, attacks with everything, and hits. (Enemy 20, Caley 17).

C draws Island, plays Forest, casts Predator Ooze, and passes.


E plays Forest, casts Dungrove Elder, and passes.

C draws Volition Reins, plays Island, casts Rampant Growth for an Island, and passes.


E plays Forest and casts Garruk Relentless  Flip killing off Birds of Paradise with a 0 ability and passes.

C plays Forest and passes.


E's upkeep, Wolfbitten Captive  Flip transforms. E plays a Forest and casts Wolfbitten Captive  Flip, then uses Garruk to make a 2/2 Wolf, then gives Krallenhorde Killer  Flip +4/+4. He attacks with the Killer and Dungrove Elder. Caley blocks Killer with Ooze; Elder hits. (Enemy 20, Caley 12). E passes

C plays Island and casts Volition Reins on Garruk. Then he uses Garruk's 0 ability to kill Wolfbitten Captive  Flip. Garruk transforms. C passes.


E casts Strangleroot Geist. Krallenhorde Killer  Flip and Wolf token attack Garruk; both Strangleroot Geists and Dungrove Elder attack C. Caley blocks a Geist with Predator Ooze; the Geist dies, returns undying. Ooze gets a token. Everything else hits. Garruk dies. (Enemy 20, Caley 5).

Awwww. Could you please just give me a minute?

C draws Dissipate and concedes.


C removes 3x Mayor of Avabruck  Flip for 3x Mind Control

Game 3

Caley plays first and keeps an opener of Forest, Island, Hinterland Harbor, 2x Birds of Paradise, 2x Volition Reins.


Caley plays Forest for Birds, passes.

Enemy plays Forest for Llanowar Elves, passes.


Caley plays Hinterland Harbor and casts Birds of Paradise, then passes.

Enemy plays Forest, then casts Llanowar Elves and two Young Wolf, then passes.


Caley draws Dissipate. He plays Island and casts Acidic Slime destroying a Forest, then passes.

Enemy plays a Forest and attacks with both Young Wolf. Caley blocks one with Acidic Slime; it dies, returns undying. The other hits. (Enemy 20, Caley 19). E casts two Viridian Emissary and passes.


Caley draws Rampant Growth and casts it to get a Forest, then passes.

Enemy casts Dungrove Elder. Caley Dissipates it. Enemy attacks with both Young Wolf and both Viridian Emissary. Caley blocks the 1/1 Wolf with Acidic Slime. The wolf dies and returns undying. Everything else hits. (Enemy 20, Caley 13).


Caley draws and plays a Forest. He casts Volition Reins on a Viridian Emissary and passes.

Enemy attacks with everything but the Llanowar Elves. Caley blocks both Young Wolf; one with Viridian Emissary and one with Acidic Slime. Both wolves, the slime, and the emissary die. Caley gets an Island with the Emissary's ability. The other Emissary hits. (Enemy 20, Caley 11). E passes.


Caley draws Rampant Growth. He casts it for an Island. Then he casts Volition Reins on Viridian Emissary and passes.

A little reckless, perhaps, but the deck thinning that I am achieving here is more than likely to make up for it if he casts something awful. Plus this has the likely benefit of keeping his Elves from attacking for a few more turns.

Enemy plays a Forest and casts Strangleroot Geist and attacks with it. Caley blocks with Viridian Emissary. Both creatures die. Geist returns undying. Caley gets a Forest with Emissary's ability. E passes.


Caley draws Ambush Viper and passes.

Enemy plays a Forest and casts Green Sun's Zenith for 5 finding Vorapede. Then he attacks with the Strangleroot Geist and hits. (Enemy 20, Caley 8).

A misclick kept me from casting Ambush Viper.


Caley draws Mind Control.

Why, the very fellow I need!

Caley casts Mind Control on Vorapede and passes.

Enemy does nothing and passes.


Caley draws Ambush Viper, does nothing, and passes.

Can't attack even though Vorapede has vigilance, since undying returns the creature to its OWNER'S control with a counter.

Enemy plays Forest and passes.


Caley draws Island, plays it, passes.

I could use the Ambush Vipers to develop pressure here, but I'd rather save them for defensive purposes; time favors my deck, not his.

Enemy casts Ratchet Bomb and passes.

That was unexpected. This puts me on a five turn clock. Fortunately I have all sorts of answers for it.


Caley draws Flashfreeze, does nothing, and passes. End step, Enemy puts a counter on ratchet bomb.

Enemy puts a counter on Ratchet Bomb and passes.

Tip - You almost always want to avoid doing this on your turn.


Caley draws Acidic Slime. He casts it destroying Ratchet Bomb and passes.

Imagine if that Slime had been a Volition Reins. I could have just sat there with a Ratchet Bomb with 2 on it, waiting for him to cast another Strangleroot Geist. That's why usually you want to leave your Ratchet Bomb untapped until the end of your opponent's turn.

Enemy casts Green Sun's Zenith for three, but runs into Flashfreeze. He passes.


Caley draws Stoic Rebuttal.

Hot damn do I love counterspells.

Caley attacks with Acidic Slime and hits. (Enemy 18, Caley 8). He passes.

Enemy plays a Forest and passes.


Caley draws Birds of Paradise. He attacks with Acidic Slime and hits, then casts the birds and passes. (Enemy 16, Caley 8).

Enemy does nothing and passes.


Caley draws Moldgraf Monstrosity. He casts it, and E concedes. Caley wins the match 2-1.


  • Cool deck from my opponent. I have some quibbles about creature selection (i.e., Wolfbitten Captive  Flip ), but I like this concept.

  • However, as we all know, green is good. Nice strong color. Good, powerful creatures. But green WITH BLUE is better. Everything is better with blue.

This article is a follow-up to Daily Dose Ep. 22 - Standard The next article in this series is Daily Dose Ep. 24 - Standard

dorminjake says... #1

My LIFE for Daily Dose.

March 2, 2012 2:15 p.m.

jfletch says... #2

I would hug you forever if you posted these more often; they're a really fun read and I think they've made me a lot better at magic (I essentially rode your Control 101 article to an undefeated at FNM last week). Well maybe I wouldn't hug you forever. A couple of hours though.

March 2, 2012 3:50 p.m.

KrazyCaley says... #3

Going to try and keep a more professional update schedule for Daily Dose. Might be breaks just because I have so many other things on my plate, but I'll keep it as daily as I can.

March 2, 2012 5:23 p.m.

BuLLZ3Y3 says... #4

Dungrove ElderMTG Card: Dungrove Elder. The bane of my existance.

Nice read. I'm a newcomer to Daily Dose. Looking forward to more.


March 2, 2012 6:06 p.m.

squire1 says... #5

First game was a great example of why you should fight to the bitter end. Looked like a really fun and stressfully match

March 2, 2012 6:26 p.m.

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