Community Card Set Voting (BWG uncommons)

Community Set


3 May 2012


So now we are moving forward with filling in uncommon slots. If you remember from previous chalenges, we have stated that old cards submitted will be considered for slots in lesser rarity. So if you put a card out there a while ago, you might see it getting a second chance.

So this is how this is going to work. For each color set in the shard we will tell you how many available slots there are for cards. Then you will vote and submit changes for cards. Then with the remaining slots new design chalenges will be held.

We are going to start with the BWG shard, Morglen. Here is some information on Morglen as well as the accepted cards so far, to consider while voting.

Possible Black Uncommons

So here we have three slots for cards in mono-black and we have three submissions from previous challenges that could work. Up to all of you really.

Necromancer's Ritual by Masterjds
Design team comments:
The flavor on this one was not quite right. It needed to bring stuff back from the dead and then make it a zombie. We like it as this:

Necromancer's Ritual
Return target creature card from a graveyard to the battlefield. It becomes a 2/2 Zombie in addition to its other types.
Rise again by dude1818
Design team comments:
We were fine with this card as is in an uncommon slot.
Elf Plague Stomper by Masterjds
Design team comments:
Just some rewording and the fact that currently this shard does not really have the elf support for this card. our rewording is:

Elf Plague Stomper


If an Elf creature that was dealt damage by Elf Plague Stomper this turn dies, put a +1/+1 counter on Elf Plague Stomper.
Possible White Uncommons

In mono-white we have two slots to fill. and only one submission below, so we will have to do a challenge for the other, but this may work for one slot.

Sympathetic Rebirth by Daremo
Design team comments:
No suggested changes.
Possible Green Uncommons

In mono-green we have two slots to fill. and only one submission below, so we will have to do a challenge for the other, but this may work for one slot.

Tharin'l Pack Wolf by STG
Design team comments:
Was a bit strong, so this is the suggested change. It makes it an elf too which this shard needs.

Tharin'l Pack

Tharin'l Pack gets +1/+1 for each card named Tharin'l Pack in play. if Tharin'l Packs power is 4 or more it gains trample.

Possible White/ Black Uncommons

In the White/black category we have one slot open and four possible cards. So we can use one of these or a whole new one depending on voting.

Candlelit Wake by fillip
Design team comments:
No suggestions made.
Doreer's Judgement by mzy10511
Design team comments:
No suggestions made.
Dry Figure by Coin.lore
Design team comments:
No suggestions made.
Scouring Blast by Lectrys
Design team comments:
No suggestions made.
Possible White/Green Uncommons

In the White/green category we have one slot open and two possible cards. So we can use one of these or a whole new one depending on voting.

Last Chance by Spoofed
Design team comments:
No suggestions made.
Morglen Creeproot by STG
Design team comments:
Only suggestion was that it should maybe be G/B instead and that the regenerate cost should reflect that change.

Possible Black/White/Green Uncommons

We have one slot open and zero possible cards from other challenges. This will likely become a design challenge unless we want to use one of these other cards in this slot.
Possible ???? Uncommons

This poor little guy is one that we liked enough to give a second chance. Alas it has no home. If you think that one of these slots is better suited to this card, let us know.

Darkened Wall of Flowers by Masterjds
Design team comments:
Could even be a common.


So here is how voting will go down:

  1. Each person casting a vote should cast a vote of "yes" or "no" for each card shown above.
  2. After your votes for each card you may include a justification or suggestion for changes to the card. Changes for cards that are more severe will be considered more than they would be with rares.

All votes must be submitted by Tuesday, May 8th 2012.

This article is a follow-up to Card design challange (Red multicolor uncommon voting) The next article in this series is Card design challenge (Uncommon black)

squire1 says... #1

My votes and an example of how to vote:

Necromancer's Ritual - YES if it is a recurrsion spell. Not how it is currently done.

Rise again - YES. This works well with memento

Elf Plague Stomper - NO, i don't think that we have the elf support needed to make this worth playing

Sympathetic Rebirth - YES, same as with Rise Again. But I am not for having both of them. I prefer this one.

Tharin'l Pack Wolf - YES, with the suggested change.Candlelit Wake - NO

Doreer's Judgement - NO, no real flavor here and Doreer would be GW.

Dry Figure - NO

Scouring Blast - NO

Last Chance - NO, I like the card but memento should be mostly in black

Morglen Creeproot - YES

Darkened Wall of Flowers - NO

May 3, 2012 8:03 a.m.

Jarrod_0067 says... #2

Necromancer's Ritual - No. Even with the changes, flavor is slightly off. Rituals usually add mana to your pool.

Rise again - Yes. Either this or Sympathetic Rebirth, but not both.

Elf Plague Stomper - No. If it were to be a big 4/4 for 6 with momento and deathtouch and a name change, maybe. Currently, the elf hate isn't inspiring me to play it.

Sympathetic Rebirth - Yes. The better of the two. Any creature can become part demigod.

Tharin'l Pack Wolf - Yes. No card says "play 4 of me" more than this (apart from Squadron HawkMTG Card: Squadron Hawk). Only problem would be drafting this guy.

Candlelit Wake - No. Flavor is off, effect is unoriginal.

Doreer's Judgement - Yes, but with a cmc of 1GW and let it only target an artifact, enchantment or creature token. Flavor seems better as Doreer dislikes elves dabbling in the undead arts.

Dry Figure - No. My head hurts.

Scouring Blast - No. Pretty powerful at uncommon and just doesn't feel right to me.

Last Chance - No. I'd rather Doreer's Judgement with my changes in this slot.

Morglen Creeproot - Yes, but either increase its toughness by 1 or reduce its CMC.

Darkened Wall of Flowers - Not as it is and I don't believe having two walls with memento to be a good idea.

May 3, 2012 9:37 a.m.

dude1818 says... #3

Necromancer's Ritual - no. Maybe it it returned from the graveyard, but I don't like the P/T setting. What if it entered with a -1/-1 counter?

Rise Again - yes. Nice memento helper.

Elf Plague Stomper - no. I don't get what it's doing here.

Sympathetic Rebirth - no. I like the ability, but I prefer Rise Again. The set can't have both.

Tharin'l Pack Wolf - yes. I like the design team's changes. It should say "as long as," not "if."

Candlelit Wake - yes. Something about the flavor seems off, but I'm not sure what.

Doreer's Judgement - yes. Great memento hoser.

Dry Figure - no. Too complicated at any rarity.

Scouring Blast - no. Doreer's Judgement is a much better choice.

Last Chance - no. Why does GW bounce?

Morglen Creeproot - yes. I like it as GW, but what if it cost B to regenerate?

Darkened Wall of Flowers - yes. What if it was called Wall of Nettles and cost BGW?

May 3, 2012 9:59 a.m.

Smuggy says... #4

Necromancer's Ritual- Yes, in it's edited form.

Rise Again- No. This shard already has a lot of "return from graveyard effects", it fits well with the shard, admittedly, but it's a pretty powerful effect. This one seems a little arbitrary.

Elf Plaguestomper- No. This isn't an uncommon.

Sympathetic Rebirth- Yes. Works nicely with sac abilities and the like. Unique, but fits in.

Tharin'l Pack Wolf- Yes. Cool card.

Candlelit Wake- No. Unexciting to me. It's purpose could be filled with Soul Warden/Deathgreeter type creatures, which would meld better with other shards in drafting.

Doreer's Judgement- Yes. Memento hoser is good.

Dry Figure- No. Just doesn't fit.

Scouring Blast- No. Not with Doreer's Judgement.

Last Chance No as is. I think it could work as "Return target creature from your graveyard to your hand or target creature gains momento until end of turn."

Morglen Creeproot- No. Not bad, but doesn't seem to fit.

Darkened Wall of Flowers- Yes. As a BGW card, and you could give it lifelink. It does need a name edit though. I'd say make it flavorful, if there's a capital city in morglen, name it [Capital City]'s Defenses. Or maybe just morglen(ese, enian, ite, etc) defenses.

May 4, 2012 2:05 a.m.

esterk says... #5

Necromancer's Ritual - No, seems a little too confusing and flavor seems off.

Rise Again - Yes, seems like a good foil to Sympathetic Rebirth.

Elf Plaguestomper - Yes, with revised version.

Sympathetic Rebirth - Yes, seems like a good foil to Rise Again.

Tharin'l Pack Wolf - Yes, good flavor and seems fun to play.

Candlelit Wake - No, cost is too high. Not sure anyone would play it as a 3 drop when historically many 1 drop creatures have had similar effects.

Doreer's Judgment - Yes, works well for hate in this set.

Dry Figure - No, too confusing.

Scouring Blast - No, Doreer's Judgment is better to have in this set.

Last Chance - No, flavor is off. GW no bouncy. The idea of memento until end of turn is nice though.

Morglen Creeproot - Yes, but with the changes by the design team.

Darkened Wall of Flowers - No, not with Creeproot already.

May 4, 2012 11:46 a.m.

Yourman says... #6

Necromancer's Ritual - No. The concept seems cool but this would just make the battlefield confusing.

Rise Again - No. Way OP in this shard

Elf Plague Stomper - No.

Sympathetic Rebirth - No, Way OP.

Tharin'l Pack Wolf - Yes. As is is perfect.

Candlelit Wake - NO.

Doreer's Judgement - Yes, but it needs to be a non land permanent or changed to a sorcery. Insta-land exile is too much!

Dry Figure - No.

Scouring Blast - No, I like Doreer's better with my suggestions.

Last Chance - No, But there should be an instant where target creature gains memento for like WW,WB or BB.

Morglen Creeproot - No

Darkened Wall of Flowers - Yes

May 4, 2012 3:43 p.m.

mistory says... #7

Necromancer's ritual-yes, with the change it's pretty interesting with things with cool activated abilities.

Rise again-yes, nice w/memento, as mentioned above, and seems more balanced than sympathetic rebirth

Elf plague stomper-no, underpowered and out of place

Sympathetic rebirth-no, I like rise again better

Tharin'l pack wolf-yes, with the change. Just a nice aggro card in general.

Candelit Wake-no, not very useful and odd flavor

Doreers judgement-no, I like scouring blast better

Dry figure-no, removal doesnt have to be that complicated

Scouring blast-yes, nice utility card

Last chance-yes, nice saving card. I think GW should get more of these type of cards, even though bounce is usually in blue

Morglen creeproot: yes. As the design team suggested, a cost of 1GB and a regenerate cost of GB would improve the flavor.

Darkened wall of flowers: yes, but underpowered as of now. Maybe make it a 2/4 lifelink (no memento) for GBW, although that would completely change the card. I also like Smuggys name change idea of morglenite defenses.

May 5, 2012 10:58 a.m.

hubatish says... #8

Necromancer's Ritual - No. This card is just confusing, since it sets the creature's power and toughness (but lets you keep abilities). Maybe make a 2/2 zombie that can steal abilities from the graveyard when it enters the battlefield, & then it seems fine, but might be a rare.

Rise Again- Yes. This card is great. The wording on Sympathetic Rebirth (which is essentially the same card) is better, use that.

Sympathetic Rebirth - no. It's the same as Rise Again, but Rise Again is in a somewhat more appropriate color and at a safer mana cost.

Elf PlagueStomper - No. Way too specific.

Tharin'l Pack Wolf - Yes, as a wolf. I like the updated text, but it isn't really suitable as an elf. The flavor is working together as a pack, and that's something wolves, not elves, are well known for.

Candlelit Wake - no. Maybe if the life swing was larger, but right now it's totally outclassed by Falkenrath NobleMTG Card: Falkenrath Noble & the like.

Doreer's Judgement/Scouring Blast - No. Way to find unexplored design space. Both are simply worse versions of VindicateMTG Card: Vindicate, and neither are very exciting.

Dry Figure - NO. This card provides a ridiculously complicated way to hose memento, when "exile target creature" would probably get the job done.

Last Chance - No to the first half (returning creature to hand). This is just trampling on the poor color pie, though Green/White does get this effect sometimes. I think it's usually on creatures though. The second half raises a question: What are the main colors for memento? It seems like it should be more centralized in black, and either black green or black white seem fine, but green white doesn't.

Morglen Creep-Root - No. This guy sure is persistent, but he's still just a 0/2 defender. Could be a common (though probably with some tweaked numbers), or he could be a more imposing creature. Something like a 3/2 reminiscent of Kitchen FinksMTG Card: Kitchen Finks and Geralf's MessengerMTG Card: Geralf's Messenger might be great here though :)

May 7, 2012 11:02 p.m.

Tinselteeth says... #9

Two questions:

1) Where can I submit cards for this set?

2) Are there open slots for BU uncommons?

May 9, 2012 9:08 p.m.


1) Look for a new article soon looking for card submissions.

2) Unfortunately, all of the U/B uncommon slots have been filled.

May 9, 2012 9:24 p.m.

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