Daily Dose 51 - Standard
Daily Dose of Standard
10 April 2013
Community Deck
10 April 2013
Community Deck
ShimmerVoid, SwiftDeath, heartpiercer, RUGslug, exarkun809, and shadowsoze68, you guys are up next, starting with ShimmerVoid, who will be featured by Saturday.
Also, trying to find a good way to keep track of the turn number. Let me know if you like today's attempt.
My deck has undergone changes. Curse of Death's Hold comes back in and Illness in the Ranks is out, and 1 copy of Murder is dropped to try out Liliana of the Veil.
See it here:
Bolas for a Better Tomorrow
SCORE: 107 | 506 COMMENTS | 23119 VIEWS | IN 42 FOLDERS
The opposing deck today is from nikkuhhmillz:
bant enchantments!
Piloted by Sectoid, comments in bold.
Game 1
Caley wins the toss and plays first. He keeps an opener of Watery Grave, Island, Liliana of the Veil, Counterflux, Dreadbore, Barter in Blood, Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
Very touchy opener, but having 26 land in your deck has its advantages, and being able to keep hands like this is among them.
Sectoid keeps an opener of Cavern of Souls, Plains, Island, Temple Garden, Arbor Elf, Farseek, and Ethereal Armor.
C plays Watery Grave tapped and passes.
S draws Gift of Orzhova. He plays Temple Garden untapped (C 20, S 18) and casts Arbor Elf, then passes.
C draws Counterflux. He plays Island and passes.
S draws Knight of Glory. He plays Cavern of Souls naming human and casts Knight of Glory. He attacks with the Elf and hits. (C 19, S 18).
C draws Think Twice. He casts it and draws Watery Grave, which he plays tapped. He passes.
Better than nothing.
S draws Arbor Elf. He casts Gift of Orzhova on Knight of Glory, then untaps Temple Garden with Arbor Elf and casts Ethereal Armor on the Knight. (It is now 5/4 Flying, First Strike, Lifelink, Pro-Black, Exalted). S attacks with the Knight and hits. (E 24, C 13). He passes.
C draws Barter in Blood.
What was I saying about being able to keep questionable hands?
C casts Liliana of the Veil. She uses her -2 and E sacs Arbor Elf. C passes.
Hopefully this will buy me a turn where he'll go after Liliana, and enable Devour Flesh if I draw it.
S draws Detention Sphere and plays Island. He casts Detention Sphere on Liliana, then casts Arbor Elf, then attacks with the Knight. (S 30, C 7). He passes.
C draws Mountain
About damn time.
C plays Mountain and casts Barter in Blood. Elf and Knight die. C passes.
at least i got him down to 7 in the initial rush
S draws Abundant Growth. He casts it on Plains and draws Island, which he plays. He casts Farseek and finds Temple Garden. Then he passes.
C draws Mystic Retrieval. He does nothing and passes.
S draws Breeding Pool. He plays it tapped and passes.
C draws Counterflux. He does nothing and passes.
Man, my lands are sparse today.
S draws Rancor. He does nothing and passes.
C draws Drowned Catacomb. He plays it and passes.
S draws Arbor Elf. He casts it and enchants it with Rancor, then passes.
C draws Drowned Catacomb. He plays it. He casts Dreadbore on the Elf; Rancor returns to hand. C passes.
S draws Hinterland Harbor. He plays it and passes.
C draws Sulfur Falls and plays it. He passes.
S draws Fencing Ace. He casts it and puts Rancor on it, then passes.
C draws Dragonskull Summit. He plays it and casts Bolas, who steals Fencing Ace. S concedes.
C boards in 3x Curse of Death's Hold, and boards out 2x Gilded Lotus, 1x Think Twice.
S boards in 2x Detention Sphere, 2x Negate, 2x Oblivion Ring, 2x Pithing Needle, 2x Simic Charm, 2x Thragtusk, and boards out 3x Spectral Flight, 3x Gift of Orzhova, 4x Ethereal Armor, 3x Abundant Growth.
Game 2
S plays first and mulligans a no-land hand.
C keeps an opener of 2x Drowned Catacomb, Nephalia Drownyard, Sulfur Falls, 2x Barter in Blood, and Dreadbore.
S keeps a six hand of Breeding Pool, Hinterland Harbor, 2x Negate, Oblivion Ring, and Detention Sphere.
S plays Breeding Pool tapped and passes.
C draws Murder. He plays Drowned Catacomb tapped and passes.
S draws Rancor. He plays Hinterland Harbor and passes.
C draws Nephalia Drownyard. He plays Sulfur Falls tapped and passes.
S draws Bruna, Light of Alabaster. He does nothing and passes.
i think you don't have enough land in here.
C draws Swamp. He plays Drowned Catacomb tapped and passes.
S draws Thragtusk. He does nothing and passes.
C draws Murder. He plays Nephalia Drownyard and passes.
S draws Sunpetal Grove and plays it. He passes. End step, Drownyard mills Cavern of Souls, Avacyn's Pilgrim, and Pithing Needle.
C draws Mystic Retrieval. He plays Swamp and passes.
S draws Breeding Pool. He plays it tapped and passes. End step, Drownyard hits Arbor Elf, Detention Sphere, Silverblade Paladin.
he's evening out my land draws at least.
C draws Island and plays it. He passes.
S draws Rancor. He passes and discards Negate to get to 7. End step he's milled for Arbor Elf, Farseek, Abundant Growth.
dude, definitely not enough land.
C draws Counterflux. He plays Nephalia Drownyard and passes.
S draws Fencing Ace. He casts it and passes. End step, C casts Murder on it, but it runs into Negate. Also end step, C uses Drownyard and hits Predator Ooze, Hallowed Fountain, Simic Charm.
C draws Dragonskull Summit and plays it. He kills the Ace with Dreadbore and passes.
S draws Knight of Glory. He casts it and enchants it with two Rancors. He passes. End step, he gets milled for Farseek, Knight of Glory, Rancor.
C draws Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker. He casts Barter in Blood to kill the Knight and passes.
S draws Sunpetal Grove and plays it. He casts Thragtusk, but it runs into Counterflux. S passes.
C draws Dragonskull Summit and plays it. He casts Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, who destroys Sunpetal Grove. Then he passes.
S draws Thragtusk. He casts Detention Sphere on Bolas and passes.
C draws Curse of Death's Hold. He casts Mystic Retrieval on Counterflux and passes.
S draws Rancor and concedes.
Little bit of a ragequit, I think.
The great weakness of auras as a card type shows itself here - kill the creature and get the enchantment for free.
not. enough. land.
I love reading the blow by blows of games! So much more fun than reading chess move lists!
April 10, 2013 8:25 p.m.
Knight of Glory has prevention from black which includes the owner's own Gift of Orzhova
April 10, 2013 8:53 p.m.
ShimmerVoid says... #6
Agreed. 21 lands is a bit on the short side with Bruna in the list. Can't wait to see my deck face off against the mighty Bolas. :P
April 10, 2013 9:47 p.m.
PenitentKnight says... #7
Game 1, Turn 2, the Arbor Elf should have hit for two because of the exalted trigger.
April 10, 2013 10:41 p.m.
I think that you missed several Exalted triggers in Game 1.
Also, I'm not really sure I would've kept that hand in Game 2. Sure you had all your control options there, but Bolas has the better long-game control options, and it seems like Bant enchants needs to start going in the first few turns. Those were just two bad opening hands.
April 10, 2013 11:40 p.m.
Timekeeper says... #9
I think the new turn counting system works great, KrazyCaley.
I don't like to nag you about this, especially since it seems like everyone else does this all the time, but here goes:
A while ago (can't be certain exactly when as it seems to have disappeared form my wall...) you agreed to let my Power Overwhelming have a go against Bolas for a Better Tomorrow. At the time you said my spot was somewhere around the end of April. Is this still the case? If not, that's fine, I'm in no rush. I would just like to see it happen eventually.
As always, I enjoyed reading.
April 11, 2013 2:40 a.m.
KrazyCaley says... #10
@Timekeeper - It's not going to be around then because I am am about six behind, but everyone who asks for one gets to go in due time.
April 11, 2013 2:42 a.m.
I'll work in this whole "use lines" thing in mine as well.
April 11, 2013 3:35 a.m.
shadowsoze68 says... #12
Definitely excited to see how my enchantment deck goes up against this!
April 11, 2013 9:44 a.m.
nikkuhhmillz says... #14
thank you for testing my deck, I appreciate the feedback. I'm gonna add some new stuff to it.
cartwheelnurd says... #1
Nice match. I think Barter in Blood makes the matchup a lot easier, not that you had any shortage of removal. It was strange that the list played Bruna over GoST, but with 6 drops I agree that you want more than 21 land.
April 10, 2013 7:51 p.m.