Tribal Council - Season 3



11 April 2013


Welcome to Tribal Council, where the author makes errors and the community hates him for it.

This week: Faeries

Now from what I understand in my limited knowledge of formats outside of Standard, Faeries are actually supposed to be quite a good tribe. I took a quick scan through them in Gatherer and I can see why they would get really annoying. Since my favorite color(black) is involved, seems like a good choice for Week 3.

A.) One Drops:

Oona's Gatewarden: A cool little blockers that can hunder bigger stuff later in the game. I'll take a few.

Zephyr Sprite: A 1/1 flier for 1 isn't bad by any means, but there are just better cards to go in.

B.) Two Drops:

Oona's Blackguard: Giving +1/+1 counters are never a bad idea. Making players discard cards is never a bad idea, either. It doesn't say creatures can only get +1/+1 counters from only itself. There are a few cards that can add +1/+1 counters, so it's something to look at. Maybe an undying combo can be hashed out.

Oona's Prowler: Playing this dude on T3 after a Blackguard gives you a 4/2 flier! That's pretty wicked. Continuing with the discard theme, making your opponent discard a resource to prevent 2 damage can be worthwhile at times. I might incorporate more discard into the deck later to keep a cool theme going.

Spellstutter Sprite: The great thing about Faeries is that they have all these cool effects that do 2 cards worth of action for the price of 1. It's a Negate like effect with a handy 1/1 flier attached to it. There are a multitude of ways in blue to bounce creatures, and having a repeatable counter spell cannot be overstated. I'll take all 4.

C.) Three Drops:

Faerie Macabre: A good black flyer with no drawbacks. I'd rather have this in a sideboard vs reanimation then mainboarded.

Pestermite: Quite possibly one of my favorite flavor texts, Petermite is quite annoying and is one of those special Rouge Faeries that can get buffed and make your foes discard. I'll take a couple.

Scion of Oona: Buff and gives Shroud? I'll take 4.

Sprite Noble: Since I'm already so crowded at 2 and getting there with the 3 drops, I'll have to pass on this guy.

Vendilion Clique: A really, really useful creature. A Thoughtseize like effect on a 3/1 flyer that will probably be getting buffed? I like it!

D.) Four Drops:

Glen Elendra Archmage: What a sick card. A repeatable counter spell creature will always get a look. If we can find a way to add +1/+1 counters, we can counter ALL the non creature spells to our heart's content. However, we already have some Spellstutter Sprites, so I think I'll pass on Glen.

Mistbind Clique: Tap all your opponent's lands and get a 4/4 flier out of the deal? Yes PLEASE!

Sower of Temptation: With the shroud and buff from Scion, this can be a very effective way to change the board state. Steal my opponent's Phyrexian Obliterator? Don't mind if I do.

E.) Five Drops:

Oona, Queen of the Fae: You just can't ignore the Queen of a tribe in a tribal deck. She has to go in. Also, a good control card for milling your opponent and getting some useful chump blockers in the process.

Okay, so we have wayyyyyy too many creatures. It looks like I'm gonna have to let go of some of my early game Faeries, as all of the later game drops are too good to take out, so my creatures look like this:


4x Spellstutter Sprite
3x Pestermite
4x Scion of Oona
2x Vendilion Clique
3x Mistbind Clique
3x Sower of Temptation
2x Oona, Queen of the Fae

I apologize folks, but I'm in the middle of moving(which is why this article is taking so long to do, and my Regional Manager just so happened to be on hiw way by so I've been spending all my time preparing for his visit, so I kinda have to just throw some decent instants and sorceries. I also tried looking for a half decent Faeries deck list to go off of but none really jumped out at me, so here it is:


This article is a follow-up to Tribal Council - Season 2

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