The Current Standard #5

Current Standard


13 April 2013


Hello and welcome back to The Current Standard. This week, Salazar968 and I will be breaking down yet another midrange deck with a twist, Colonel Muster.

(Matt here)

Colonel Muster is a top-heavy Midrange//Ramp deck that utilizes Mana Dorks and Farseek to surge ahead. It’s ability to land 5-drops on turn 3 with decent consistency is what makes this deck good. Furthermore, the combination of Assemble the Legion and Gavony Township gives this deck a tool most midrange decks do not have: Inevitability.

Without further ado, here’s my current Colonel Muster list, designed for The Current Standard.

The Current Colonel Muster


3x Forest

3x Gavony Township

4x Rootbound Crag

2x Sacred Foundryfoil

4x Stomping Groundfoil

4x Sunpetal Grove

4x Temple Gardenfoil


2x Angel of Serenity

4x Arbor Elf

4x Avacyn's Pilgrim

3x Loxodon Smiter

4x Restoration Angel

4x Thragtusk

2x Aurelia, the Warleader


2x Garruk, Primal Hunter


1x Entreat the Angels

4x Farseek

4x Mizzium Mortars


2x Assemble the Legion


1x Angel of Serenity

1x Assemble the Legion

3x Selesnya Charm

2x Rest in Peacefoil

3x Boros Charm

2x Triumph of Ferocity

3x Centaur Healer

Card Selections

2x Angel of Serenity - Good old angel. Pretty standard in these midrange builds, and 2 is the perfect number due to the triple white mana cost. Love this card.

4x Arbor Elf, 4x Avacyn's Pilgrim - 8 dorks. The point of this deck is to try to get a 5-drop out on Turn 3. These guys are essential to this, so we want as many as we can get.

3x Loxodon Smiter - 3 mana. 4/4. Can’t be countered. Amazing against Liliana of the Veil. If only he had Trample, he’d be the perfect 3-drop.

4x Restoration Angel - After 4 articles writing about this girl, she should be fairly straightforward at this point. 3/4 Flying Flash that Flickers is useful.

4x Thragtusk - The “King” of standard. 5/3 for 4G is meh. 5 life on ETB helps. Losing the 5/3 turning into a 3/3 is extremely useful, and the fact it’s on “Leave the BAttlefield” is what makes this card amazing.

2x Aurelia, the Warleader - 3/4 Flying Vigilance Haste for 2WWRR. Pretty good. Now add an extra attack? Worth playing. Aurelia works well with all of the large creatures in our deck, but works especially well with Assemble the Legion.

2x Garruk, Primal Hunter - Prime Time V. 2.0? Not really, I’d say he’s even better. +1 - reasonable body. -3 Draw a TON of cards in GREEN? Definitely getting in. His -6 usually doesn’t happen, but it is still a good card for when it does.

1x Entreat the Angels - This is a test card of mine. XWW off the top for an army of 4/4 Flying Angels is worth running as a 1-of in my book. Fits nicely in this ramp deck.

4x Farseek - What may or may not be the best card in standard. Color Fixing and ramp for 2 mana. I’ll take 4.

4x Mizzium Mortars - 1R for a usually dead creature’s nice. But it’s the potential for a one-sided whipe that makes this card as good as it is. 3RRR to kill the enemy’s board? I’ ll take 4 as this is the best removal spell I can find for this deck.

2x Assemble the Legion - 3WR for an enchantment is pretty hefty. Getting a 1/1 haste is kinda bad. Getting 2 1/1 hastes is a little better. Getting 3? Definitely getting better. 4? 5? 6? 12? Damn, this card does a TON of work when it has to, especially against control.


1x Angel of Serenity - More Angels for the midrange and control matchups. Against midrange, you wipe their board for the alpha. Against control, you use Angel mainly as a recursion engine. All-around great card.

1x Assemble the Legion - Sometimes we just need more soldiers. Assemble the Legion helps us fight through the problematic control decks: Wolf Run Bant, Esper Control, etc.

3x Selesnya Charm - With Reanimator, Thragtusk, Wolfir Silverheart, Olivia, Ghost Daddy and Thundermaw all seeing a large amount of play, this card comes in for it’s versatility. Being able to exile against midrange and reanimator is a useful tool, while being able to put a surprise blocker in Aggro’s way is the reason this card makes the cut.

2x Rest in Peacefoil - Pretty standard Graveyard hate. I hate reanimator.

3x Boros Charm - Our “control bane” card #2. A lot of control decks will try to kill Assemble the Legion on sight, and sometimes making it indestructible until EOT is all we need to do in order to close out the game. Read the card, it says permanents, not creatures ^.^

2x Triumph of Ferocity - Yet another card for control, giving us the ability to stay even in the Card-Battle while still having the ability to play however we want. 2G for the potential for 4-5 cards? Definitely.

3x Centaur Healer - Our Aggro Hate-Bear. 3/3 is larger than a lot of the aggro creatures pre-bloodrush, and the 3 life that the Healer gives allows us the time to get a Thragtusk out there.

Onto the Good, Bad, and Ugly!

The Good:

Owlus here, (with matt doing sideboarding).

Hyperaggro (The Current Naya Blitz, Madcap Rush and The Current Gruul)

Super Smiter is back again! Hyper aggro is a pretty easy matchup for this deck. We ramp hard and fast into Thragtusks, Restoration Angels and Garruk, Primal Hunters. Big blockers like Loxodon Smiter keep them at bay, and eventually our bigger, better creatures over power them.


2x Assemble the Legion

1x Angel of Serenity

2x Aurelia, the Warleader


2x Selesnya Charm

3x Centaur Healer

Jund Aggro

This game goes a lot like the hyper aggro games. They are a time bit more resilient and consistent, while being a bit slower as well. However, our creatures our still bigger than anything they can spit out, and Thragtusk puts us way ahead of them.


2x Assemble the Legion

1x Angel of Serenity

2x Aurelia, the Warleader


2x Selesnya Charm

3x Centaur Healer

UWR Flash(The Current Flash)

Colonel Muster really shows it’s power here. Sticking an Assemble the Legion basically wins us the match, because they have very little answers to enchantments, and Assemble the Legion is literally the best engine in standard. Other than our ace, the cant be countered Super Smiter, the board wipe resilient Thragtusk and the creature recurring Angel of Sernenity all give us a huge edge over UWR flash.


1x Arbor Elf

2x Avacyn's Pilgrim


1x Assemble the Legion

2x Triumph of Ferocity

Jund Zombies(The Current Jund Zombies)

Jund Zombies is one of those decks that everybody grits their teeth over and just finds a way to deal with. Our way is Rest in Peacefoil and life gain. Thragtusk and Restoration Angel keep them in check game one, but they can push through with Falkenrath Aristocrat. However, with Rest in Peacefoil ruining their undying and scavenge, and Centaur Healer giving us an early game advantage, we can get ahead and stay ahead games 2 and 3.


2x Aurelia, the Warleader

2x Assemble the Legion

1x Arbor Elf


3x Centaur Healer

2x Rest in Peacefoil

RB Zombies(The Current BR Zombies)

Rakdos zombies is less consistent but faster than Jund Zombies. We have to be wary of burn, especially Skullcrack. However, if we can keep them in check with enough early game life gain, then we have the game in the bag. After Centaur Healers come in, we gain a pretty big advantage over the zombie cult.


2x Aurelia, the Warleader

2x Assemble the Legion

1x Arbor Elf


3x Centaur Healer

2x Rest in Peacefoil

BW zombies(The Current BW Zombies)

The zombie syndicate draws its power from Obsedat, Ghost Council and Restoration Angel. Fortunately, we have answers to both. Mizzium Mortars eats Restoration Angel, and Selesnya Charm will gladly exile ghost dad. Other than those two trouble cards, Super Smiter and King Thragswag keep us ahead for the whole game.


2x Aurelia, the Warleader

2x Assemble the Legion

1x Arbor Elf

1x Avacyn's Pilgrim

2x Angel of Serenity


3x Centaur Healer

3x Selesnya Charm

2x Rest in Peacefoil

Grixis control(Bolas for a Better Tomorrow)

Assemble the Legion shows its worth once again in this control matchup. Their only real response is Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker, but by the time he hits the field Assemble the Legion has already given us a huge advantage. On top of that, Garruk, Primal Hunter and Angel of Serenity give us extra resilience against their insane removal set. Eventually, we can overpower them by swarming the field.


2x Avacyn's Pilgrim

1x Angel of Serenity


1x Assemble the Legion

2x Triumph of Ferocity

The Bad:

Esper Control(augur-of-control)

Unfortunately, this control deck has a nice clean answer to Assemble the Legion, Detention Sphere. Most versions also run enough counterspells to keep us under control, and 4x Supreme Verdict and Sphinx's Revelation is always hard to beat through. Gavony Township helps a lot in this matchup, and Entreat the Angels can be an insane top deck, but Esper is made to do well against decks like Colonel Muster.


3x Arbor Elf

2x Avacyn’s Pilgrim

2x Mizzium Mortars


3x Boros Charm

1x Assemble the Legion

2x Triumph of Ferocity

1x Angel of Serenity

Junk Midrange(The Current Desecration Junk)

In this midrange showdown, it comes down to who can get the bigger threats out faster. It is a war of Thragtusks, Desecration Demons and Aurelia, the Warleaders. Assemble the Legion helps a ton, but it could be just too slow against a deck like this.


2x Arbor Elf

2x Avacyn's Pilgrim


3x Selesnya Charm

1x Assemble the Legion

Wolf Run Bant(the-current-wolf-run)

This control deck has enough answers to deal with us, but might be overpowered by Assemble the Legion. Sphinx's Revelation and Supreme Verdict are great cards against us, and Detention Sphere deals with our muster counters effectively. However, Thragtusks and Aurelia, the Warleader can help overpower the opposition, making this a bad matchup not an ugly one.


1x Avacyn's Pilgrim


1x Assemble the Legion

Junk Rites(The Current Junk Rites)

The big bully of standard. Luckily, Aurelia, the Warleader and Angel of Serenity can pretty much over power them. However, Craterhoof Behemoth is still a card, and if he hits the field, we are pretty much done for. Angel of Serenity helps remove them from the grave, and sometimes we can outrace them with ramp, but if the beast of standard hits the field, we can’t do much.


2x Assemble the Legion


2x Rest in Peacefoil

RG Sage (RG Aggro)

R/G Sage is a new variant of the Typical Burning-Tree Aggro, taking heavy advantage of Boros Reckoner being on an all-time low by running Wolfir Silverheart, Gyre Sage, and Thundermaw Hellkite, simply going through your opponent with massive creatures in order to win. With 32 creatures, 21 lands, and 7 spells, Domri Rade is the card advantage machine they needed.

Now, how does this affect us? For one, we have to go through their 8/8’s, 7/7’s, and Turn 4 Mizzium Mortar Overloads. This gives them a much better Midrange matchup, while costing them the explosive draw of T1 Rakdos Cackler, T2 Burning-Tree Emissary, Lightning Mauler, swing 6.

Sideboarding is relatively simple, as Selesnya Charm is best friends with Silverheart decks. Charm all of the things.


1x Arbor Elf

1x Mizzium Mortars

1x Avacyn's Pilgrim


3x Selesnya Charm

The Ugly:

Aristocrats, Act II

In a deck that uses Assemble the Legion as one of the main win-conditions, this deck is killer against us. Blasphemous Act, Boros Reckoner, and Blood Artist are all major must-answer threats. Moreso, their ability to simply play Reckoner into Blasphemous act punch your opponent for 13 hurts. A lot.


1x Arbor Elf

2x Avacyn's Pilgrim

2x Assemble the Legion


2x Rest in Peacefoil

3x Centaur Healer

Bant Hexproof

Bant hexchant can easily out race us and overpower Assemble the Legion. A consistent turn 2 Geist of Saint Traft is hard to deal with, no matter what deck you are playing. We have almost nothing that can block their creatures, and even Restoration Angel is just too slow in this matchup. All in all a horrendous matchup.


2x Assemble the Legion

1x Aurelia, the Warleader


3x Centaur Healer

Dark Naya(The Current Dark Naya)

Dark Naya does much of the same things we do, with the exception that they get 3 trumps we do not have: Undying Evil, Falkenrath Aristocrat, and Rakdos’s Return. These 3 cards turn this from an otherwise even midrange matchup to a slaughter. We send a removal spell at their thragtusk? Now it’s a 6/4 and they’re 5 life higher with a beast spawn. Turn 3? We’re playing ramp or something still, they’re smashing our faces with Falkenrath Aristocrat. Turn 6, when Midrange decks start to get enough mana to empty our hand? Rakdos’s Return says we have none. The things this deck does is just atrocious, and they even have their own Assemble the Legion when they need it. This is, however, a deck that Assemble the Legion shines against, flooding the field with enough hasty attackers to keep them on the defensive, and hopefully end the game before they do.


1x Arbor Elf

2x Avacyn's Pilgrim


2x Selesnya Charm

1x Assemble the Legion

Prime Speaker Bant(The Current Bant)

Colonel Muster is almost the naya version of PSB. They are both built around the same idea. 12 ramp pieces, efficient midrange spells, and then a card advantage engine to back it all up. Unfortunately, their engine is just that much better in this matchup. They can swarm the board very effectively with all their creatures and draw spells, and Cyclonic Rift easily takes care of Assemble the Legion. Selesnya Charm is our dying wish here, being able to hit all of their relevant creatures, and give ours the pump to stay alive.


2x Aurelia, the Warleader

2x Mizzium Mortars


3x Selesnya Charm

1x Angel of Serenity

Adjusting to your Meta

Owlus here, in this section I suggest changes you can make to adjust this deck to a specific meta.

Aggro Heavy Meta

Is every turn 2 Burning-Tree Emissary + Flinthoof Boar? If so these changes are for you.

More Loxodon Smiter. Smiter is one of the best three drops in standard right now, especially against aggro. most hyper aggro decks can’t deal with a 4/4 blocker on turn 4 easily. I would recommend pulling Entreat the Angels for a fourth Loxodon Smiter

Other than that, our deck is really good against aggro. Early ramp and Thragtusk can keep us far ahead, and Mizzium Mortars is really good removal against any aggro deck.

Control Heavy Meta

Do you have to constantly play around a turn 4 Supreme Verdict, and hate getting milled by Nephalia Drownyard? If so, these changes are for you.

3rd Assemble the Legion mainboard. Assemble the Legion is our ace in the hole against control decks. It is hard for them to answer it, and it can generate an insane amount of damage fast. Upping the number to 3 helps ensure we see one. I would recommend pulling a Mizzium Mortars for it, and maybe replacing the 1 of Assemble the Legion sideboard with the Mizzium Mortars.

Depending on the rest of your meta, you can go to 2 Mizzium Mortarsin favor of more Garruk, Primal Hunter or Angel of Serenity. But since aggro is a very popular archetype, and Mortars still hits Restoration Angel, you probably want to keep 3 mainboard. You could also drop a mana dork for more angel or garruk, but if you have a lot of midrange then mana dorks give you the edge against them. The only really necessary change is the 3rd Assemble the Legion.

Wrapping Up

Colonel Muster is a fun, competitive midrange deck that showcases one of the coolest cards in standard(Assemble the Legion). The incremental advantage it gives you can become unreal if your opponent doesn’t answer it quick enough. It is probably the second strongest naya variant in standard right now(Dark Naya being the strongest), and is a blast to play.

Speaking of naya variants, next week we will be breaking down Dark Naya. This deck has literally been an ugly matchup for every deck we have done so far, so it must be pretty good. If you have a list throw it up on my wall and we’ll take a look at it. If you have any concerns suggestions, or questions be sure to tell us by commenting down below.

This article is a follow-up to The Current Standard #4 The next article in this series is The Current Standard #6

Salazar968 says... #1

Sorry for the wait, had a friend pass away within the last couple days, had Owlus pestering me to finish side boarding since Wednesday. Hope you guys enjoy it.

  • Matt
April 13, 2013 10:50 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #2

YO!!! I have the dark naya list that you are looking for... Demons With Ryu It is a mega beast, and it has all of the crazy mean brutal stuff that you are talking about in this exact thread this week... check it out.

April 13, 2013 11:15 p.m.

Behgz says... #3

Great job on the break downs guys, I always enjoy reading the current standard.

April 14, 2013 12:19 a.m.

Chubbub says... #4

You guys forgot Jund Aggro's deck list. Other than that, great job as always.

April 14, 2013 7:28 a.m.

capriom85 says... #5

Great article again! Side boarding is definitely my weak point so these are very helpful for me as a player that wants to improve.

April 14, 2013 9:17 a.m.

Owlus says... #6


We will check out your list, it looks really similar to what we are using; The Current Dark Naya


Thanks for reading, I'm glad you enjoy this series.


Yeah I just realized we missed a bunch of lists. As Salazar968 said, this week was a tough one. I decided the decklists weren't as important as the actual article. Thanks for reading!


I suck at side boarding as well, which is why I make Matt do it. Im happy that we are helping you improve, it is one of the reasons I wanted to start writing this series. Thanks for reading!

April 14, 2013 9:39 a.m.

Salazar968 says... #7

It's a very nice arrangement. I do all the technical stuff (deck building, card descriptions, side boarding), he does all the actual writing. Works out surprisingly well.

April 14, 2013 11:42 a.m.

tempest says... #8

good article! hope you're doing ok Salazar968

April 14, 2013 12:14 p.m.

CyRRdaR says... #9

Uh, as a Grixis player, I am usually glad to face a ramp deck ala colonel muster. I can deal with their few big threats quite easy, destroying them with Dreadbore or Tragic Slip , stealing them with Olivia / Bolas or exiling them twice with Sever the Bloodline .

And Assemble the Legion doesn't do much when you have a Jace AoT / Curse of Death's Hold nullifying the tokens' attacks if not boosted, or an Olivia / Niv-mizzet pinging the tokens hard. You will have to land an enchant + Gavony Township and survive a few turns to be able to go through. And counterspells / Appetite for Brains / Slaughter Games can all avoid this to happen.

Even if Bolas for a Better Tomorrow is a great deck, it's not the only competitive Grixis to me. Don't forget the many other threats these colors can board in!

April 15, 2013 5:56 a.m.

Owlus says... #10


I completely forgot about Curse of Death's Hold and Jace 4.0 destroying Assemble the Legion . Sorry about that. In retrospect, I guess this is a bad matchup if not an ugly one. We can ramp fast and hit early Angel of Serenity s and Thragtusk s, but you can easily remove them most of the time. We have to try and power through your removal, or die to your huge finishers.

April 15, 2013 10:17 a.m.

CyRRdaR says... #11

Yeah, no problem about that, just pointing out things that seem obvious to me because I've been running and making evolve a Grixis deck for 4 months or so, but these things sure may not be obvious for everyone.

Thragtusk is not so much of a threat if it isn't flicked, as Rakdos Keyrune seems to be made to ruin a thrag player's day. Angel of serenity usually gets countered, but if not, sure it saves the day. I'd say it's just a bad match up for this reason.

Thank you btw for all the work done for those articles, as I already said, they really help doing better choices for our main deck, and even more for our SB. I also like the "adaptation to your meta" part. Keep on going, you're doing an amazing job, guys!

April 15, 2013 4:31 p.m.

Salazar968 says... #12

@ CyRRdaR

Thanks for reading.

CoDH does indeed blunt Assemble the Legion, and the lack of enchantment hate in this deck makes that a pretty good answer. As for the rest of the deck, Loxodon Smiter is a big pieceof this deck, pulling your removal spells, and should an angel hit, it does usually end the game.

I like your grixis deck, and may sleeve it up and give it a whirl!

BTW - Thragtusk will eat Rakdos Keyrune. Gavony Township! :D

  • Matt
April 15, 2013 7:13 p.m.

tempest says... #13

hmm.. maybe Captain of the Watch then?

April 15, 2013 8:24 p.m.

Salazar968 says... #14

@ w999

Captain of the Watch in what, this?

April 15, 2013 8:57 p.m.

tempest says... #15

yea. for the soldier tokens created with Assemble the Legion creates more tokens and pumps them

April 15, 2013 10:08 p.m.

Salazar968 says... #16

Hmm...I'm not sure I agree with that choice.

Assemble the Legion is a good card mainly due to the fact that it's a redundancy engine. Captain can simply get blown out by a wipe.

April 15, 2013 10:19 p.m.

capriom85 says... #17

Speaking of Assemble the Legion , does Guardian of the Gateless shut it down? I know it dies to removal, but if protected does it essentially shut down the soldier engine?

April 15, 2013 10:23 p.m.

tempest says... #18


April 15, 2013 10:37 p.m.

Salazar968 says... #19

Yeah Capriom, it does. Until I Gavony Township.

April 15, 2013 11:06 p.m.

capriom85 says... #20

I'll have to make sure to Ghost Quarter that township

April 16, 2013 6:42 a.m.

Salazar968 says... #21

XD Yup

April 16, 2013 10:36 a.m.

bobacmogar says... #22

What are you doing this week? do esper reanomator

April 18, 2013 10:18 p.m.

Owlus says... #23

@ bobacmogar

We are doing Dark Naya, read the last paragraph, lol.

April 19, 2013 9:56 a.m.

capriom85 says... #24

So I ran this last week and I really like the build. Stomped a mono green ramp deck 2-0. Then I took it to a Boros Humans deck hard. Seemed like a budget build to me bc it was void of all the money cards but it was fast and have me a little trouble stabilizing game 1. Next went 1-2 with Esper. That singleton of Entreat the Angels won the only game for me. Miracled it on a turn when my opponent got cocky and tapped out for a Revelation on his own turn after he used up his board wipe. The other 2 games locked me down hard and milled me out. I'm giving Dark Naya a shot next week I think since it says Esper is a good match for it

April 23, 2013 7:28 p.m.

Owlus says... #25


The problem with playing against esper is you have to play right. Knowing when to not play a creature, or when to keep mana up for Undying Evil and not play a Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip is crucial. You always want cards in hand, so make sure to not overextend.

April 23, 2013 7:42 p.m.

capriom85 says... #26

That's clearly my biggest problem, then. I have always been the type of player to drop as much as I can as fast as I can and try to swarm the board. I guess I need to learn to hold back against Esper and other control.

April 23, 2013 9:09 p.m.

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